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Ahsay Backup Software

Backup Set Types

Supported Storage

Features in OBM / ACB

Features in CBS

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FAQs and Known Issues

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File / General

FAQ: Ahsay Hardware Requirement List (HRL) for version 7.3 or above

FAQ: Ahsay Software Compatibility List (SCL) for version 7.3 or above

FAQ: How to perform a data integrity check for backup data stored in the backup destination?

FAQ: How to start a retention policy job to clear out of retention data?

FAQ: How to create a file backup set with AhsayOBM or AhsayACB?

FAQ: How to create a backup destination to Microsoft OneDrive for your backup set?

FAQ: How to create a backup destination to Google Drive for your backup set?

FAQ: How to create a backup destination to Dropbox for your backup set?

FAQ: How to create Predefined Destinations for use with backups and or replication to Cloud?

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions on Backup Destination

FAQ: How to delete selective backed up data from a specific backup destination?

FAQ: Transfer rate of backup is very inconsistent (e.g. randomly paused at 0 bit/s)?

FAQ: Differences between Ahsay Software version 6 & 7

FAQ: How to run a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) for legacy backup set created in version 6 (or for client without GUI)?

FAQ: Where are the backup client application logs stored at?

ISSUE: Error java.lang.NullPointerException displayed when deleting a backup account

ISSUE: Incorrect error message 'Another backup job is still running' is displayed (MS Exchange server backup)

ISSUE: MS Exchange server backup job cannot run to completion (for backup set with backup schedule disabled)

ISSUE: xhost command not found error when running the script file

ISSUE: Error java.lang.NullPointerException displayed when deleting a system account

ISSUE: Manual backup job is interrupted by scheduler for backup set with schedule to "stop after x hours" enabled

ISSUE: Continuous backup for backup set with "ProgramData" folder selected as backup source is randomly hanging

ISSUE: Large build up of strange files on OneDrive for Business while replication is running

ISSUE: Continuous backup job does not clear network share session after job completion (for backup set with temp directory set to network path)

ISSUE: Unable to do Offsite backup (Error initializing bptree)

DOC: Ahsay Universal Backup System Administrator's Guide

DOC: Lists of differences between Ahsay Software version 6 and 7

ISSUE: Incorrect client usage and add-on module usage displayed for sub admin account

ISSUE: Invalid backup source displayed for Exchange 2007 server backup set upgraded from version 6 to 7

ISSUE: [MigrateV6Index.migrateIndex] Failed to migrate v6 index (MS Exchange DAG server backup set upgraded from version 6 to 7)

ISSUE: [MigrateV6Index.migrateMultiHostIndices] Failed to deserialize v6 index (MS Exchange DAG mail level backup set upgraded from version 6 to 7)

ISSUE: Trial User Reminders are sent every 15 minutes

ISSUE: Replication traffic limit does not work when set to 0 Kb/s (data are still replicated)

ISSUE: Incorrect error message returned when calling API (Filter name is already in use)

ISSUE: Continuous Backup does not backup any data if [Apply to File Size] setting is set to [Unlimited

ISSUE: Backup data on Single Storage Destination is not restorable after converting destination into part of a Destination Pool

ISSUE: Index file for destination of backup set is found to be corrupted (User prompted to delete all data when performing data integrity check)

FAQ: Troubleshooting problem with missing scheduled backup

ISSUE: Incorrect destination type Pre-v7 displayed for missed backup job (backup set with version 7 destination)

FAQ: Troubleshooting problem with Volume Shadow Copy

FAQ: How to effectively communicate your technical support issue

ISSUE: Cannot configure timezone setting with GMT+/-xx:30 or GMT+13:00 using the API

ISSUE: [UserCacheManager.login] Error message from Active Directory LDAP: error code 49?

ISSUE: Another backup job is still running. Backup skipped

ISSUE: “Cannot start shadow copy, reason =The writer operation failed because of an error that might recur if another shadow copy is created. (VSS_E_WRITERERROR_NONRETRYABLE)”

ISSUE The warning “CMD.EXE was started with the above path as the current directory. UNC paths are not supported. Defaulting to Windows directory.” when running a Windows batch file as a pre or post backup command from a network drive

ISSUE: AhsayOBM/AhsayACB v7 file backup jobs ends with "Snapshot for Shadow Copy Set is missing, backup terminate." error

FAQ: Tips On How To Setup The Temporary Directory For Your Backup Set

FAQ: Ahsay Software Compatibility List (SCL) for Granular and OpenDirect Restore

ISSUE: "Access is denied" error when restoring files/folders using Granular Restore

ISSUE:"[OneDriveManager.getAppName] Invalid sClientid: null" error after selecting OneDrive backup destination to restore files

ISSUE:"[GDriveManager.getAppName] Invalid sClientid: null" error after selecting Google Drive backup destination to restore files

ISSUE:"Failed to access destination. Reason="{"Error_summary":invalid_access_token/...,"error": {".tag":"invalid_access_token"}}" error after selecting DropBox destination to restore files

ISSUE:"[New File] File="/filename01" Error="[IOException] [NixUtil.c][read] Invalid argument" when backing up files on Linux machine

public/file_general.1525421384.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/08 13:11 (external edit)

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