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Ahsay Backup Software

Backup Set Types

Supported Storage

Features in OBM / ACB

Features in CBS

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FAQs and Known Issues

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FAQ: How to create a VMware backup set to be used with the Run Direct feature?

FAQ: How to instantly startup a VMware virtual machine with the Run Direct feature (with migration)?

FAQ: How to instantly startup a VMware virtual machine with the Run Direct feature (without migration)?

ISSUE: Incorrect error message 'Another backup job is still running' is displayed (VMware VM backup)

ISSUE: VMware VM backup job cannot run to completion (for backup set with backup schedule disabled)

DOC: AhsayOBM v7 User Guide - VMware VM Backup and Restore

ISSUE: Guest virtual machines are not listed in AhsayOBM backup source when creating a VMware Workstation backup set

ISSUE: "Cannot connect SSH, please check the SSH settings" error when creating a backup set on a VMware ESXi 6.0 Update 2 host

ISSUE: VMware VM cannot start up properly with Operation System not found error (Run Direct restore failing when the backup destination is located on a network drive)

ISSUE: When perform a VMware Run Direct restore on AhsayOBM the following error is shown “The NFS Service on this machine is not started or not functioning properly. This service is required for VM Run Direct.

ISSUE: "Cannot connect SSH, please check the SSH settings" error when creating a backup set on a VMware ESXi host

ISSUE: Unable to find vmrun.exe in "‘C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Player’ or ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware VIX’” when creating a VMware Workstation BackupSet

ISSUE:"The specified virtual machine could not be found." warning is shown on VMware Workstation scheduled backup job

ISSUE:"Reason = "UUID conflict on Virtual Machine." error is shown on VMware ESXi backup job

ISSUE: VMware ESXi scheduled backup job missed with 'Current license or ESXi version prohibits execution' error

ISSUE: VMware ESXi/vCenter VDDK mode backup job ends with "Error=Snapshot not taken since the state of the virtual machine has not changed since the last snapshot operation."

ISSUE: “Hostname cannot be empty” error is shown when starting VMware Run Direct restore from AhsayCBS web console

ISSUE:"Failed to restore "New Virtual Machine". Reason = "Fail to set entity permission. Error=Unknown error from class "com.vmware.vim25.UserNotFound" when restoring a guest VM to another VMware ESXi host

ISSUE:"No backup set can start Run Direct" message shown when initiating a VMware ESXi/vCenter Run Direct restore on AhsayCBS user web console

ISSUE: "IP address "" of the VirtualCenter server managing this host. Please either connect this host through it or disconnect this host from it." error is shown when creating a VMware ESXi backup set

ISSUE: "[CloudException.ConnectFailedExpt[SFtpManager.login] Failed to access SFTP" error when create VMware ESXi backup set

ISSUE:"Falied to list file (the media is write protected" when mounting a VMware ESXi/vCenter Window 10 guest VM virtual disk using Granular Restore

public/vmware.1525412496.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/08 14:19 (external edit)

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