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[V8] FAQ: How to add additional user storage to AhsayCBS?

Article ID : 8031
Reviewed : 2019-03-19

Product Version:
AhsayCBS: 8.1 to 8.x
OS: All platforms


This article contains instruction on how to add additional user storage (e.g. adding user home) for AhsayCBS.


To add more storage for user backup data on AhsayCBS, you can install additional hard disk(s) (or connect to a network drive), then add the new directory / UNC path of the new location to the user home setting under the AhsayCBS web console.

  1. Login to the AhsayCBS web console.

  2. Select Basic under Backup / Restore.

  3. Select the User Home tab.

  4. Create a new User Home by clicking Create (circular + button), under User Home.

  5. Enter the directory / UNC path to the new storage location under Home Directory.

    Note: For User Home set to a network drive, it is recommended to enter an UNC path (e.g. \\hostname\shared_path) instead of a mapped drive letter.

    Enable the Password protected network drive option, if the new User Home is set to a network drive.

    Enter the Login Name and Password of a user with sufficient permission to access the network storage, to allow AhsayCBS access.

  6. Modify the Maximum QPS Ratio setting if necessary, then click Add.

  7. Click Save to save the changes.


OBS, storage

public/8031_faq/how_to_add_additional_user_storage_to_ahsaycbs.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/09 15:37 by anna.olalia

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