1. A shortcut icon of AhsayOBM should have been created on your Windows desktop after installation. Double click the icon to launch the application.
2. Enter the login name and password of your AhsayOBM account provided by your backup service provider, then click OK to login.
3. If Multi-Factor Authentication is enabled, the following screen will appear. If not, skip to Step 5. For first time login this will be the screen displayed. Select your country code and enter your phone number. Also enter your email address. Click Send to receive the passcode.
For succeeding login this will be the screen displayed. Select your phone number.
Note: If Need help logging in? on the lower left hand corner is clicked, enter the email address where login instructions will be sent.
4. Enter the passcode and click Verify to login.
5. After successful login, the following screen will appear.