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FAQ: How to import data from a an AhsayCBS replication sender directly onto an AhsayCBS replication receiver (Windows)

Article Incomplete, DO NOT SEND TO CUSTOMER

Article ID: 8110
Reviewed: 17/03/2021

Product Version:
Ahsay Software: 8.1 or above
OS: Windows


This article explains how to import data from a an AhsayCBS replication sender directly onto an AhsayCBS replication receiver, bypassing the Internet. This procedure is useful for backup set with large data size and or network with slow connection speed.

Note: Click Here for instruction on Linux.


Refer to the following steps for details:

1. First, locate the backup data (e.g. data in the User Home on AhsayCBS).

  • Login to the AhsayCBS web console.

  • Under Backup / Restore, select User, Groups & Policies, then the corresponding backup user that you want to import the data for:

  • Identify the directory path under Home Directory:

  • Browse to the Home Directory of the backup user:

  • Copy the corresponding backup set data (e.g. %Home_Directory%\username\%backupset_id\*) onto a removable hard disk, for example copy:

    D:\Program Files\AhsayCBS\user\username\1614242291744

    to the removable hard disk.

    Important: Do not perform any backup job while the data are being copied to the removable hard disk..

    Administrator can:

    • Temporarily suspend the backup user while the data are being copied, and
    • Temporarily disable the backup schedule(s) of the corresponding backup set.

  • Move the removable hard disk to the data center or the location where the AhsayCBS replication receiver is located.

2. Next, identify the Replication Home of the corresponding backup user.

  • Login to the AhsayCBS web console (the replication receiver).

  • Locate the Replication Home, under Replication, select Accepting Data, then the corresponding receiver:

  • Identify the directory path under Replication Home:

  • Temporarily disable the replication on the AhsayCBS replication sender and receiver.

3. Import the data from the removable hard disk to the AhsayCBS Receiver Home.

  • To import the data to AhsayCBS receiver home of the corresponding user, copy the data (the entire 'backupset_id' folder) from the removable drive at:


    to the user home path of the corresponding backup user at:


    For example:




    Important: Do not perform another backup job while the data are being copied from the removable hard drive to the backup destination.

    Administrator can:

    • Temporarily suspend the backup user while the data are being copied, and
    • Temporarily disable the backup schedule(s) of the corresponding backup set.

  • To import the data to a Google Drive destination, copy the data (the entire 'backupset_id' folder) from the removable drive at:


    to the corresponding location on Google Drive at:

    My Drive > Ahsay > %backupset_id%

    For example:



    My Drive > Ahsay > 1614311678846

    Important: Do not perform another backup job while the data are being copied from the removable hard drive to the user home path on AhsayCBS.

    Administrator can:

    • Temporarily suspend the backup user while the data are being copied, and
    • Temporarily disable the backup schedule(s) of the corresponding backup set.

  • To import the data to a OneDrive destination, copy the data (the entire 'backupset_id' folder) from the removable drive at:


    to the corresponding location on OneDrive at:

    My files > Apps > Ahsay > %backupset_id%

    For example:



    My Drive > Ahsay > 1614311678846

    Important: Do not perform another backup job while the data are being copied from the removable hard drive to the user home path on AhsayCBS.

    Administrator can:

    • Temporarily suspend the backup user while the data are being copied, and
    • Temporarily disable the backup schedule(s) of the corresponding backup set.

  • To import the data to a Dropbox destination, copy the data (the entire 'backupset_id' folder) from the removable drive at:


    to the corresponding location on Dropbox at:

    Dropbox > Apps > Ahsay > %backupset_id%

    For example:



    My Drive > Ahsay > 1614311678846

    Important: Do not perform any backup job while the data are being copied to the removable hard disk.

    Administrator can:

    • Temporarily suspend the backup user while the data are being copied, and
    • Temporarily disable the backup schedule(s) of the corresponding backup set.

4. Perform a Data Integrity Check for the corresponding backup set.

  • Login to the AhsayOBM / ACB client user interface.

  • Select the 'Utilities' tile, "Data Integrity Check", then the corresponding backup set and backup destination.

  • Then click "Start":

5. The import procedure is completed.

  • Re-enable the backup user and / or backup schedule(s), then remove the local destination (e.g. the removable hard drive) afterward:

Important: It is strongly recommended that all backup sets are configured to backup to multiple backup destinations, to provide user with data redundancy and backup / restore flexibility.


seedload, import, local, cloud, network, removable, export, win

public/8110_seedload_rps_data_windows.1616136617.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/19 14:50 by edward.chan

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