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[V8] FAQ: How to perform the initial backup to a removable drive then import the data onto its backup destination (command-line interface (CLI))?

Article ID: 8106
Reviewed: 2021-03-02

Product Version:
Ahsay Software: 8.1 to 8.x
OS: Linux


This article explains how to perform the initial backup to a removable drive on the customer site. Then transport the removable drive to the data center and copy the data directly onto the AhsayCBS / Predefined destination, bypassing the Internet. This procedure is highly recommended for the backup set with large data sizes and or networks with slow connection speeds.

Although the instruction is described for AhsayCBS / Predefined destination, the same steps can also be performed for other backup destinations like FTP, SFTP, and Cloud Storage destinations.

Note: This process is called "Seed Load" in version 6. Click Here for instruction on Windows.


Refer to the following steps for details:

1. First, configure the backup set to perform the initial backup to a local destination (e.g. the removable hard drive).

  • Login to AhsayOBM, execute the script file in the AhsayOBM installation bin folder:

    root@hostname:/usr/local/obm/bin# sh

    Startup Ahsay Online Backup Manager ...
    Config file found

    Login Menu
      (1). Login
      (2). Change Network Settings
      (3). Forgot Password
      (4). Quit
    Your Choice:

  • Export the backup set setting by choosing 3, then the number of the corresponding backup set number (e.g. in this example, we will export the setting of backup set "backup_set"):

    Main Menu
      (1). List Backup Sets
      (2). Delete Backup Set
      (3). Export Backup Set Settings to XML
      (4). Import Backup Set Settings from XML
      (5). Generate new Backup Set Settings Template
      (6). Change Language [English]
      (7). Update Profile Settings
      (8). Quit
    Your Choice: 3

    Choose your backup set to generate XML file
      (1). backup_set
    Your Choice: 1

    XML file successfully exported to /root/.obm/config/backupSet.xml

    Note: It is assumed that the 'import destination', in this case the CBS / Predefined destination had already been added to the backup set.

  • Exit from AhsayOBM (e.g. choose 8 in the script), then browse to the backupSet.xml file location (e.g. /root/.obm/config/backupSet.xml):

    root@hostname:/usr/local/obm/bin# cd /root/.obm/config/

  • Edit the backupSet.xml file with a text editor such as VI Editor:

    root@hostname:~/.obm/config# vi backupSet.xml

  • Next, add the local destination (e.g. directory path to the removable drive or on the client computer) as one of the backup destination of the backup set.

    Insert the following entries into the backupSet.xml file (edit the value of the Name and Local Path according to your setup), make sure that you are adding the entries at the correct location as shown in this example:

    <!-- This is the collection of destinations -->
    <Key name="Destination Settings">
       <Value data="1" name="concurrency-level" type="integer"/>
       <Key name="Local Destination Settings">
       <Value data="Local Dest" name="Name" type="string" />
       <Value data="/usr/local/obm/local_dest" name="Local Path" type="string" />

    Note: In the above example, the local destination path is /usr/local/obm/local_dest and the destination name is Local Dest.

    For more details on the backupSet.xml backup set template, refer to Appendix A and B of the AhsayOBM Quick Start Guide for Linux (CLI).

  • Save then exit from the text editor.

  • Login to AhsayOBM, execute the script file again.

  • Import the backup set setting by choosing 4, then Y when prompted for confirmation:

    Main Menu
      (1). List Backup Sets
      (2). Delete Backup Set
      (3). Export Backup Set Settings to XML
      (4). Import Backup Set Settings from XML
      (5). Generate new Backup Set Settings Template
      (6). Change Language [English]
      (7). Update Profile Settings
      (8). Quit
    Your Choice: 4

    Reading xml...
    Reading xml...Done
    Verifying destination 'AhsayCBS'...
    Verifying destination 'Local Dest'...
    Backup Set 'backup_set' already exist. Confirm overwrite? (Y/N) ? Y
    XML imported, uploading to server...

    XML successfully uploaded to server

  • Confirm that both the 'import destination' (e.g. CBS or Predefined destination) and the 'local destination' (e.g. path to the removeable drive or on the client computer) are added.

    Choose 1 to list the corresponding backup set, then the number of the corresponding backup set number:

    Main Menu
      (1). List Backup Sets
      (2). Delete Backup Set
      (3). Export Backup Set Settings to XML
      (4). Import Backup Set Settings from XML
      (5). Generate new Backup Set Settings Template
      (6). Change Language [English]
      (7). Update Profile Settings
      (8). Quit
    Your Choice: 1

    Select a Backup Set to show more details
      (1). backup_set
    Your Choice: 1

    Name : backup_set
    Owner : hostname
    Type : FILE
    Selected Source : /usr/local/backup_source
    Destination Name: local_dest , Type: Local
    Destination Name: AhsayCBS , Type: OBS
    Destination Name: GoogleDrive, Type: GDrive

    Note: In the above example, the 'local destination' (e.g. local_dest) was added properly, and the 'import destination' (e.g. CBS and a Google Drive Predefined destination) are also listed.

2. Next, perform the initial backup to the local destination (e.g. the removable hard drive).

  • Edit the file in the AhsayOBM installation bin folder with a text editor such as VI Editor:

    In this example, we will edit the file by adding the corresponding backup set's name (backup_set), the local destination's destination name (e.g. local_dest). We will also enable Full delta mode for full backup.

    ############################## ###############################
    # You can use this shell script to run any of your backup sets from the #
    # command line. Just customize the "User Defined Section" below with your #
    # values for your backup action. #

    ######################### START: User Defined Section ##########################

    # --------------------------------- BACKUP_SET ---------------------------------
    # | The name or ID of the backup set that you want to run |
    # | If backup set name is not in English, please use ID instead. |
    # | e.g. BACKUP_SET="1119083740107" |
    # | or BACKUP_SET="FileBackupSet-1" |
    # | |
    # | You can leave this parameter blank if you have only 1 backup set. |
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # -------------------------------- BACKUP_DESTS --------------------------------
    # | The list of name or ID of the backup destinations that you want to run. |
    # | If backup destination name is not in English, please use ID instead. |
    # | e.g. BACKUP_DESTS="1740107119083" |
    # | or BACKUP_DESTS="Destination-1,Destination-2" |
    # | or BACKUP_DESTS="ALL" |
    # | |
    # | You can specify multiple destinations in comma-separated format, |
    # | or use "ALL" to run backup for all destinations. |
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # -------------------------------- BACKUP_TYPE ---------------------------------
    # | Set backup type. You don't need to change this if you are backing up a |
    # | file backup set. |
    # | Options available: FILE/DATABASE/DIFFERENTIAL/LOG |
    # | e.g. BACKUP_TYPE="FILE" for file backup |
    # | or BACKUP_TYPE="DATABASE" for Full database backup |
    # | or BACKUP_TYPE="DIFFERENTIAL" for Differential database backup |
    # | or BACKUP_TYPE="LOG" for Log database backup |
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # -------------------------------- SETTING_HOME --------------------------------
    # | Directory to your setting home. |
    # | Default to ${HOME}/.obm when not set. |
    # | e.g. SETTING_HOME="${HOME}/.obm" |
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # --------------------------------- DELTA_MODE ---------------------------------
    # | Set In-File Delta mode. |
    # | Options available: Incremental/Differential/Full (I/D/F) |
    # | e.g. DELTA_MODE="I" for Incremental In-file delta backup |
    # | or DELTA_MODE="D" for Differential In-file delta backup |
    # | or DELTA_MODE="F" for Full File backup |
    # | or DELTA_MODE="" for using backup set in-file delta setting |
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # -------------------------------- CLEANUP_MODE --------------------------------
    # | You can enable Cleanup mode to remove obsolete files from your backup |
    # | destinations after backup. |
    # | Options available: ENABLE-CLEANUP/DISABLE-CLEANUP |
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # --------------------------------- DEBUG_MODE ---------------------------------
    # | Set Debug mode. |
    # | Options available: ENABLE-DEBUG/DISABLE-DEBUG |
    # | e.g. DEBUG_MODE="ENABLE-DEBUG" |
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  • Save, then exit from the text editor.

  • Execute the file afterward:

    root@hostname:/usr/local/obm/bin# sh
    Using APP_HOME : /usr/local/obm
    Using SETTING_HOME :
    Using JAVA_HOME : /usr/local/obm/jvm
    Using JAVA_EXE : /usr/local/obm/jvm/bin/java
    Using JAVA_OPTS : -Xrs -Xms128m -Xmx768m -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=512m -client -Dsun.nio.PageAlignDirectMemory=true
    Using JNI_PATH : -Djava.library.path=.:./LinX64
    Using CLASSPATH : .:./cb.jar
    Running Backup Set - 'backup_set' ...
    [2021/02/26 19:04:26] [info] [-] Start [ AhsayOBM v8.5.0.63 ]
    [2021/02/26 19:04:26] [info] [-] Saving encrypted backup set encryption keys to server...
    [2021/02/26 19:04:28] [info] [1614318606096] Start Backup ... [In-File Delta: Full]
    [2021/02/26 19:04:28] [info] [1614318606096] Using Temporary Directory /root/temp/1614311678846/Local@1614318606096
    [2021/02/26 19:04:31] [info] [-] Start running pre-commands
    [2021/02/26 19:04:31] [info] [-] Finished running pre-commands
    [2021/02/26 19:04:31] [info] [1614318606096] Downloading server file list...
    [2021/02/26 19:04:34] [info] [1614318606096] Downloading server file list... Completed
    [2021/02/26 19:04:35] [info] [1614318606096] Reading backup source from hard disk...
    [2021/02/26 19:04:35] [info] [1614318606096] [New Directory]... /
    [2021/02/26 19:04:35] [info] [1614318606096] [New Directory]... /usr
    [2021/02/26 19:04:35] [info] [1614318606096] [New Directory]... /usr/local
    [2021/02/26 19:04:35] [info] [1614318606096] [New Directory]... /usr/local/backup_source
    [2021/02/26 19:04:36] [info] [1614318606096] Reading backup source from hard disk... Completed
    [2021/02/26 19:04:36] [info] [1614318606096] [New File]... 100% of "/usr/local/backup_source/dir/.../data"
    [2021/02/26 19:04:36] [info] [1614318606096] [New File]... 100% of "/usr/local/backup_source/dir/.../data"
    [2021/02/26 19:04:37] [info] [1614318606096] Start validating the presence and size of backup data in destination "local_dest"...


    [2021/02/26 19:04:43] [info] [1614318606096] Deleting temporary file /root/temp/1614311678846/Local@1614318606096
    [2021/02/26 19:04:44] [info] [1614318606096] Backup Completed Successfully

3. Import the data from the local destination (e.g. the removable hard drive) to the AhsayCBS and Predefined destination (e.g. Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox).

  • To import the data to AhsayCBS, copy the data (the entire 'backupset_id' folder) from the removable drive at:


    to the user home path of the corresponding backup user at:


    For example:




    Important: Do not perform another backup job while the data are being copied from the removable hard drive to the backup destination.

    Administrator can:

    • Temporarily suspend the backup user while the data are being copied, and
    • Temporarily disable the backup schedule(s) of the corresponding backup set.

  • To import the data to a Google Drive destination, copy the data (the entire 'backupset_id' folder) from the removable drive at:


    to the corresponding location on Google Drive at:

    My Drive > Ahsay > %backupset_id%

    For example:



    My Drive > Ahsay > 1614311678846

    Important: Do not perform another backup job while the data are being copied from the removable hard drive to the user home path on AhsayCBS.

    Administrator can:

    • Temporarily suspend the backup user while the data are being copied, and
    • Temporarily disable the backup schedule(s) of the corresponding backup set.

  • To import the data to a OneDrive destination, copy the data (the entire 'backupset_id' folder) from the removable drive at:


    to the corresponding location on OneDrive at:

    My files > Apps > Ahsay > %backupset_id%

    For example:



    My Drive > Ahsay > 1614311678846

    Important: Do not perform another backup job while the data are being copied from the removable hard drive to the user home path on AhsayCBS.

    Administrator can:

    • Temporarily suspend the backup user while the data are being copied, and
    • Temporarily disable the backup schedule(s) of the corresponding backup set.

  • To import the data to a Dropbox destination, copy the data (the entire 'backupset_id' folder) from the removable drive at:


    to the corresponding location on Dropbox at:

    Dropbox > Apps > Ahsay > %backupset_id%

    For example:



    My Drive > Ahsay > 1614311678846

    Important: Do not perform another backup job while the data are being copied from the removable hard drive to the user home path on AhsayCBS.

    Administrator can:

    • Temporarily suspend the backup user while the data are being copied, and
    • Temporarily disable the backup schedule(s) of the corresponding backup set.

4. Perform a Data Integrity Check for the corresponding backup set.

5. The import procedure is completed.

  • Re-enable the backup user and / or backup schedule(s), then remove the local destination (e.g. the removable hard drive) via the AhsayCBS web console afterward:

Important: It is strongly recommended that all backup sets are configured to backup to multiple backup destinations, to provide user with data redundancy and backup / restore flexibility.


seedload, import, local, cloud, network, removable, export, nix

public/8106_faq/how_to_perform_a_seedload_backup_and_import_cli.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/14 08:50 by anna.olalia

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