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[V8] FAQ: How to synchronize backup data on cloud storage to multiple locations for quicker restore (Fast Data Recovery)?

Article ID: 8047
Reviewed: 2019-04-17

Product Version:
Ahsay Software: 8.1 to 8.x
OS: Windows


This article outlines the steps to setup synchronization for backup data on cloud storage to multiple computers (e.g. standby computer for mission critical server) for quicker restore.

This is useful when the original client computer is destroyed or lost, and you want to quickly recover the data onto another computer.


Refer to the following steps for details:

  1. Create a backup set with backup destination to one or multiple cloud storage locations.

    • Login to the AhsayOBM / ACB client user interface.

    • Select the 'Backup Sets' tile, and the 'Add' button.

    • Select the corresponding backup type, then configure the backup source and backup schedule as required.

    • Click 'Add new storage destination / destination pool' to add the cloud storage destination (must be a single storage destination).

      It is strongly recommended that all backup sets are configured to backup to multiple backup destinations, to provide user with data redundancy and backup / restore flexibility.

    • Continue with the backup set creation process.

    • Click the 'Backup now' button to start the initial backup job (or allow the job to start at its scheduled time):

  2. Next, setup synchronization for backup data on cloud storage to another computers (e.g. standby computer).

    Dropbox will be used as an example in the following steps.

    The process to setup synchronization for different cloud storage provider maybe different depending on the service provider. Consult with the storage provider for further assistance is required.

    • On the standby computer, install the corresponding cloud storage application (e.g. Dropbox app).

    • Download the cloud storage application (e.g. Dropbox app) from the vendor's website.

    • Install, then login to the application:

    • Locate the synchronization folder. In this example, press 'Advanced settings':

    • By default, Dropbox stores the synchronized data at:


      For example:


      The backup data would be synchronized to the following folder:


    • Allow the synchronization process to continue:

    • Ensure that the storage application is started automatically on system startup:

    With the above setup, backup data would be continuously synced to the standby computer, allowing users to quickly recover their data on the standby computer with the data locally (instead of having to connect to the cloud storage to perform the restore).

  3. Perform the restoration with the locally synced data.

    • Login to the AhsayOBM / ACB client user interface with the original backup account.

    • Select the 'Backup Sets' tile, then the corresponding backup set to be restored:

    • Select 'Destination', then click 'Add':

    • From the 'Destination storage' dropdown menu, select 'Local / Mapped Drive / Removable Drive'.

    • Click on the 'Change' button and point to the 'Ahsay' directory at the synced location:


      For example:


    • Press 'OK', then 'Save' to save the setting changes.

    • Next, select the 'Restore' tile:

    • Select the corresponding backup set.

    • Select the destination created in the previous step:

    • Continue by clicking on the 'Next' button to select the files to be restore, the restore destination and the temporary folder to be used for the restore process.

    • Press the 'Restore' button to start the restore process.

Ensure that the backup set is only performed on the computer that it is intended for (e.g. do not perform a backup with the corresponding backup set on the standby computer).


restore, decrypt, local, cloud, obs

public/8047_faq/how_to_sync_data_on_cloud_storage_to_multiple_computer.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/13 08:05 by anna.olalia

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