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[V7] ISSUE: Temporary directory must set to remote share or cluster shared volume (Hyper-V Cluster VM backup)

Article ID: 5299
Reviewed: 2018-02-02

Product Version:
AhsayOBM: to 7.x
OS: Windows

ATTENTION 1st January, 2022: v7 officially End-of-Life [details]

Problem Description

When creating a MS Hyper-V backup set for Hyper-V servers in Failover Cluster environment, the following error message is displayed in the AhsayOBM client user interface.

Temporary directory must set to remote share or cluster shared volume.


For backup of virtual machine(s) in a Hyper-V Failover Cluster environment, the temporary directory for the backup set must be set to a network shared path (accessible to all cluster nodes) or a Cluster Shared Volume.


To resolve the issue, configure the Temporary Directory setting to a network shared path accessible to all cluster nodes, or a Cluster Shared Volume.


hyper-v, hyperv, cluster, create, creating, backupset, bkset, hyper

public/5299_temp_must_be_set_to_remote_share_or_csv.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/16 06:16 by anna.olalia

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