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v9.5.2.0 Release Notes (09-Jan-2023)

You are recommended to upgrade to this version if the enhancements or the bug fixes listed below are beneficial to you. Otherwise, you may stay with your current version. All users are recommended to first test running this release on a testing server before actually upgrading the production servers.

Limitation / Known Issue of This Version

Deployment / Upgrade

  • For multi-domain SSL certificates added to CBS before v7.17.0.30, users are required to re-add the SSL certificates to CBS v7.17.0.30 or above, before the certificates can be used on sub-admins accounts.


  • Besides the availability of re-branding option, the license key must have valid maintenance in order to build any v9 branded AhsayCBS/OBM/ACB installer.

This release contains the major features listed below:


AhsayCBS / AhsayOBM / AhsayACB / AhsayMobile

Administrative Management

  • CBS - Support forget password for subadmins (ref: T-35596)

Backup Destination

  • CBS, OBC - Support of Google Cloud Storage - Tel Aviv (ref: T-35691)

General / Miscellaneous

  • CBS - Hide “OEM” from Product Name & License Type in License page (ref: T-35913)


  • OBM - VMWare Backup Performance Tuning (ref: T-35854)
  • OBM - VMWare Restore Performance Tuning (ref: T-35772)
  • CBS, OBC - Performance Tuning for backing up [New files] (ref: T-36036)
  • CBS, OBC - Performance Tuning for sFTP Destination (ref: T-36012)

Bug Fix

Administrative Management

  • CBS - Meter Key “Usage” tab, missing individual Size values for associated Host (ref: T-35652)
  • CBS - Subadmin connector change doesn't apply to its subsidiary subadmins (ref: T-35942)
  • CBS - CBS shows “Recycle Bin” option to OBM users while “View” is disabled in Policy GUI Settings (ref: T-35989)
  • CBS - Backup destination was deleted when destination no longer enabled in effective policy and saved backup set (ref: T-36025)

Application Specific Backup/Restore - CloudFile

  • CBS - Backup encountered error “[Updated File] File=”%File_Path%“ Error=“ Pipe closed (ref: T-35767)
  • CBS - Restore to alternate location from Aliyun gets error: Failed to mkdirs, path xxx caused by [C] The specified object is not valid (ref: T-35769)

Application Specific Backup/Restore - Hyper-V

  • OBM - Backup gets error “The parameter is incorrect” (ref: T-36013)
  • OBM - Cluster Backup fails with errors [New File] File= ….VHDX_%strange_string% Error=“ Header corrupted …” (ref: T-35799)
  • OBM - Restore gets error “Reason = “Failed to import a virtual machine from a file. Error: 'The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.” (ref: T-35999)

Application Specific Backup/Restore - MS Exchange Mail

  • OBM - PDIC gets error “Error: ”[j] null, caused by [q] null” (ref: T-35706)

Application Specific Backup/Restore - Microsoft365

  • CBS - No Email & Teams Chat notifications when performing save archive files to a destination in OneDrive of Original & Alternate Microsoft365 Organization (ref: T-35785)
  • OBM - Backup gets error “Failed to open index … since no local index available and not to create new index. Stack:java.lang.Exception … error” (ref: T-36094)
  • CBS, OBC - Backup gets error “Failed to handle same file, sPath=Office 365/Site It may have been deleted by another user. 404 Not Found ” (ref: T-35807)
  • CBS, OBC - Backup gets error “Failed to check integrity of destination … Error: ”[j] Failed to download and open index from last job ID” (ref: T-35855)
  • CBS, OBC - Backup gets error “SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE, A UNIQUE constraint failed” (ref: T-36020)

Application Specific Backup/Restore - Microsoft SQL

  • OBM - Backup gets error “SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE, A UNIQUE constraint failed” (ref: T-36020)

Application Specific Backup/Restore - VMWare

  • OBM - Backup gets error “Err=org.sqlite.SQLiteException:[SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE] I/O error in the VFS layer while trying to write to a file on disk” (ref: T-36045)
  • OBM - Granular Restore gets “Fail to list file (The Volume does not contain a recognized file system … volume is not corrupted.)” mount error (ref: T-35493)
  • OBM - Granular restore is slow comparing with v9.3 (ref: T-35817)
  • OBM - Run direct Restore gets error “Migration failed….Error=Failed to suspend the virtual machine: Internal checkpoint error (ref: T-36046)
  • OBM - Unable to complete vCenter 6 first Restore Job (ref: T-36050)
  • OBM - Failed to restore. Reason = “Session not found”/Unknown error from class (ref: T-36057)

Application Specific Backup/Restore - Others

  • OBM - Lotus Domino/Oracle gets error “java.lang.RuntimeException: [ProjectInfo.getWorkingDir] Invalid sTempDir” on Transaction/Archived log backups (ref: T-36023)

File Backup/Restore

  • OBM - Backup gets error “A MultiException has 1 exceptions. They are 1. java.lang.IllegalStateException ServiceLocatorlmpl(xxx) has been shut down” (ref: T-36067)
  • OBM - Backup gets error ”[EncryptionSettings.setKey] Encryption key should not be updated if already exists” after upgrade (ref: T-35933)
  • OBM - Restore on Linux with ignores TEMP_DIR parameter and uses Backup Set Temp Directory (ref: T-35857)
  • OBM - Restore gets errors “[] Path … Throwable=[UtilException] and [] Path … does not exist!” (ref: T-36073)
  • OBC - macOS restored file (latest and older versions) have timestamp in their name (ref: T-35537)

Backup Destination

  • CBS, S3 Compatible - Predefined Destination error “The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided.” (ref: T-35693)
  • CBS, S3 Compatible - Predefined Destination error “403 SignatureDoesNotMatch: The request signature we calculated does not match…” using v2 Signature. (ref: T-36075)


  • CBS - Language names in Branding Information was changed into Language codes (ref: T-35862)
  • CBS - Branded CBS shows Ahsay branding after upgrading to v9.5 (ref: T-35821)
  • CBS - Branded QNAP installer sets server URL https-nio2:{URL} if using HTTPS-NIO2 connector (ref: T-36038)

General / Miscellaneous

  • CBS - AhsayCBS Web page broken when using Arabic Langauge (ref: T-36083)
  • CBS - Cancel button without response when session timeout (ref: T-35868)
  • CBS - Console returned error after clicking “Update” button in License page (ref: T-35937)
  • OBC - Backup flagged as retention snapshots when configured with Advanced Retention Policy (ref: T-35559)
  • OBC - When perform Delete Backup Data Utility, gets Error=“[RestoreOption.getRestoreSet]Temp Directory not defined” (ref: T-35964)
  • OBC - When Scroll-wheeling in Edit Backup Set General Tab, scroll is not working (ref: T-28508)
  • OBC - Application Language change whenever the user pressed a letter on keyboard (ref: T-35828)
  • OBC - No progress shown for shrink block on Application UI (ref: T-35863)


  • OBC - Backup Performance reduced after upgrade to v9.5.0.20 (ref: T-35988)

Reporting / Email report

  • CBS - Backup report of successful job is being sent as Backup ended incompletely report (ref: T-35063)
  • CBS - Missed backup report is logged and send for period schedule even when schedule settings is OFF (ref: T-35984)
  • CBS - Email Report Error “The refresh token has expired due to inactivity.” is encountered (ref: T-36010)

Storage Statistic

  • OBM - Incorrect Statistic for Deduplication Saving (Dedupe Saving) for DAG/Cluster Backupsets (ref: T-35170)
  • OBM - Incorrect Statistic for Deduplication Saving (Dedupe Saving) for VMWare Backupsets (ref: T-35846)

Synology / QNAP OBM

  • OBM - QNAP Backup gets error “BackupSetIndexDB at Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError” (ref: T-35795)
  • OBM - QNAP Backup gets error “HTTP Status 500 Message org.json.JSONException: JSONObject[“reason”] is not a string (class java.lang.Integer : 1)” (ref: T-35871)

System maintenance

  • CBS - CBS crash with Problematic frame: J 47241 C2<init>(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;) (ref: T-35981)
  • OBC - Avoid uploading old backup logs if the backup job status is “Another job is running” (ref: T-35930)

Product Abbreviation:

  • AhsayACB - ACB
  • AhsayOBM - OBM
  • AhsayCBS - CBS
  • AhsayACB & AhsayOBM - OBC
  • AhsayMobile - MOB
  • (AhsayMobile) Mobile Backup Server - MBS
public/resources/release_notes_v9520.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/09 11:56 by clarence.lee

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