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v9.1.2.0 Release Notes (28-Feb-2022)

Limitation / Known Issue of This Version

Deployment / Upgrade

  • For multi-domain SSL certificates added to CBS before v7.17.0.30, users are required to re-add the SSL certificates to CBS v7.17.0.30 or above, before the certificates can be used on sub-admins accounts.


  • 1. Besides the availability of re-branding option, the license key must have valid maintenance in order to build any v9 branded AhsayCBS/OBM/ACB installer.
  • 2. If you've customized cbs.css in the previous version, please manually redo the CSS customization upon upgraded to this latest version.

This release contains the major features listed below:



Application specific Backup - Office365

  • Performance Tuning - SharePoint Restore (ref: YNU-204-66040, T-33463)

AhsayOBM / AhsayACB / AhsayMobile

Application specific Backup - Hyper-V

  • Support to run Hyper-V Backup / Restore with v8 Full Backup + v9 Deduplicated Data (ref: T-33780)

Application specific Backup - VMWare

  • Support to run VMware Backup / Restore with v8 Full Backup + v9 Deduplicated Data (ref: T-33779)

Bug Fix

File Backup

  • OBM - Backup gets error “ [DeltaFileGenerator.emitUnit] [DeltaUnitQueue.offer] timeout happen when operate delta unit” (ref: RFU-369-54478, XPF-586-76294, ZWF-522-78577, T-33551)
  • OBM - Continuous Backup does not pick up new files when backing up to AWS S3 compatible storage and/or CBS server (ref: QNL-183-34499, T-33733)
  • OBM - File Backup encounters “ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1024” error (ref: TRA-799-59796, T-33693)
  • OBC - Backup gets error “Failed to flush buffer .. [ObsManager.mkdirDirectFromCloud] Failed to mkdirs…” (ref: TGN-970-12360, T-33584)
  • OBC - Backup Filter is not working as expected (ref: TGN-970-12360, T-33533)
  • OBC - File Backup stuck when “Saving encrypted backup file index to %Destination%. (ref: GGQ-919-67013, T-33667)
  • OBC - File Backup to Google Drive occasionally encounters “Bad Request” error (ref: WTD-302-73083, T-33423)
  • OBC - Backing up from a network drive that doesn't exist introduing a backup error “ Path \\xxx does not exist!” (ref: CWI-862-44414, HUK-300-11810, XZB-736-29569, T-33531)

Application specific Backup - Office365

  • CBS - Office365 Backup gets error ”[CloudException.LoginFailedExpt] Failed to login to cloud service with the credentials provided.“ (ref: PVI-804-14560, T-33502)
  • CBS - Office365 Run on Server Restore could not be proceeded with [CloudManager.getInputStream] Fail to open … Error='Not in GZIP format error pop-up (ref: GXH-227-74617, T-33640)
  • CBS - Office365 Backupsets creation gets error “Failed, Give up retry, retried 33 time(s). Error:” (ref: BRJ-242-30739, T-33654)
  • CBS, OBM - Restore to alternate location getting restore skipped (ref: RSA-743-16358, T-33616)
  • CBS, OBC - Backup gets error ”[CloudException.LoginFailedExpt] Failed to login to cloud service with the credentials provided.“ (ref: PVI-804-14560, T-33502)
  • CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup Job (Data Syncronization Check) doesn't pickup missing data from source after all data deleted by Data Integrity Check (ref: YAG-656-38003, T-33402)

Application specific backup - MS Exchange Mail

  • OBM - Exchange Mail Level Backup gets Error=“java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space (ref: OFP-945-77864, T-33726)
  • OBM - Exchange Mail Level Backup gets Error=“com.ahsay.obx.core.backup.file.y: MAPIExMessageBackupManager is not created (ref: WLJ-118-13883, T-33735)

Application specific backup - MS Exchange Server

  • OBM - Exchange Database Backup encountered error “ Failed to connect to Exchange Management Shell” (ref: IHK-273-19391, T-33725)

Application specific Backup - Hyper-V

  • OBM - Hyper-V Backup gets error “java.lang.NullPointerException” after upgraded to v9.1.0.0 (ref: DHB-818-76104, DKC-550-58612, JCA-274-50378, NRD-986-44834, PFN-922-29892, T-33571)
  • OBM - Hyper-V Backup starts to get java.lang.NullPointerException error after upgraded to v9 (ref: PFN-922-29892, T-33571)
  • OBM - Hyper-V Backup gets error “ [isRCTEnabled][OpenVirtualDisk] path= “xxx\yy\zz.AVHDX”, Error The system cannot find the file specified” (ref: CEO-559-45573, T-33642)
  • OBM - Hyper-V Backup gets error “ [isRCTEnabled][OpenVirtualDisk] path= “xxx\yy\zz.VHDX”,… being used by another process.” (ref: TMZ-940-91403, T-33751)
  • OBM - Hyper-V Restore does not show snapshots from successful v8 backup jobs for restore (ref: SHM-499-11013, T-33695)

Application specific Backup - VMWare

  • OBM - VMware Restore failed with “Throwable= [U] Fail to connect VM disk by VDDK library. Error=Unknown error” (ref: PRV-855-34830, T-33537)
  • OBM - VMware Backup gets error “ Fail to connect VM disk by VDDK library.” (ref: PRV-855-34830, PVR-998-93511, T-33392)
  • OBM - Scheduled Backup of VMWare Workstation missed after upgraded to v9.1.0.0 (ref: HZP-851-77034, T-33532)
  • OBM - Huge Backup Log generated when files is deleted in Retention Policy & Data Integrity Check (ref: RWA-404-90960, T-33360)

Group Feature / Reseller Panel

  • CBS - Group Policy Preempted Values for “Deduplication settings” could not be properly applied (ref: KGZ-317-59506, T-33501)
  • CBS - Group Policy Preempted Values for “Deduplication settings - Migrate existing data to latest version” could not be properly applied (ref: IUF-742-26699, T-33586)

System Maintenance

  • CBS - MFA Setup/Login doesn't work when displaying in French (ref: AJL-559-90471, T-33433)
  • CBS - CBS Dashboard gets error [CustomDailyJob][ConfigurationArchival.zipFile] The target file: '\CBS\temp\archiveTemp\Branding' is not existed (ref: EZM-300-89532, T-33719)
  • OBC - When login to CBS, OBC gets error “HTTP Error 411. The request must be chunked or have a content length” (ref: MHS-710-80311, RRE-424-76535, UBI-292-63467, T-33562)
  • OBC - When login to CBS, OBC gets error “Can't connect to Backup Server! (com/sun/jersey/api/client/config/ClientConfig)” (ref: DXO-369-50327, KUG-228-11498, NYO-109-94800, OQH-515-13548, RUH-216-30951, TTT-368-75197, T-33519)

Product Abbrieviation:

  • AhsayACB - ACB
  • AhsayOBM - OBM
  • AhsayCBS - CBS
  • AhsayACB & AhsayOBM - OBC
  • (AhsayMobile) Mobile Backup Server - MBS
public/resources/release_notes_v9120.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/30 13:54 by clarence.lee

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