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v8.5.0.63 Release Notes (26-Jan-2021)

You are recommended to upgrade to this version if the enhancements or the bug fixes listed below are beneficial to you. Otherwise, you may stay with your current version. All users are recommended to first test running this release on a testing server before actually upgrading the production servers.

Limitation / Known Issue of This Version

Deployment / Upgrade

  • For multi-domain SSL certificates added to CBS before v7.17.0.30, users are required to re-add the SSL certificates to CBS v7.17.0.30 or above, before the certificates can be used on sub-admins accounts.


  • Besides the availability of re-branding option, the license key must have valid maintenance in order to build any v8 branded AhsayCBS/OBM/ACB installer.

This release contains the major features listed below:



Application specific backup - Office365

  • In Backupset Creation / Configuration Screen, Change “Required if Multi-Factor Authentication is enforced” to “Required if Office 365 Multi-Factor Authentication is enforced”


  • Enhanced Data Validation (File size + Timestamp + CRC) (ref: T-26890)

AhsayOBM / AhsayACB

Application specific backup - Office365

  • In Backupset Creation / Configuration Screen, Change “Required if Multi-Factor Authentication is enforced” to “Required if Office 365 Multi-Factor Authentication is enforced”
  • Performance Tuning - Reduce half of the number of folder and the number of attributes in each folder in cloudcache for Office 365 backup (ref: T-26187)
  • Better handling for storing the Manager once get the SharePointAttribute from CloudCache (>5000 items → in temp table) (ref: CPR-447-98883, DNC-339-60477, T-28113)
  • Add Overwrite option for existing mail item when restore via AhsayCBS (ref: T-28548)

Application specific backup - VMWare

  • Support of VMware Fusion 12 (ref: T-28554)
  • Support of VMware Workstation 16 (ref: T-28558)
  • Rollback to VDDK 6 API (ref: YLB-368-58924, T-28957)

Application specific backup - Others

  • Support of Oracle 19c (ref: T-28169)
  • Support of MariaDB (ref: T-12614)

Auto Update Agent

  • OBM/ACB Auto-Login can convert config.ini to config.sys like on v6 (ref: QSJ-798-83832, T-28314)

General / Miscellaneous

  • Performance Tuning - Checksum and delta generation speed (ref: T-28331)
  • Support DIC with Rebuild Index option (UI and CLI) (ref: IIR-131-59894, T-28607)


  • OBM / ACB Unquoted Service Path Enumeration Security Vulnerability (ref: HHW-639-56974, T-28573)
  • AhsayCBS Unquoted Search Path Security Vulnerability (CWE-428) (ref: BTR-858-78056, UAI-131-42519, T-25878)
    • Enhanced security logic to OBM / ACB user profile (ref: T-28147)

System Maintenance

  • Migration of MaxMetaspaceSize and SurvivorRatio and -Djdk.nio.maxCachedBufferSize in cbssvc.ini of existing AhsayCBS (ref: T-26043)

Ahsay Mobile

General / Miscellaneous

  • Support of Mobile Backup
  • Support of MFA

Bug Fix


  • CBS - Fail to change backup user type from OBM to ACB via API command. (ref: LUA-562-44176, T-28391)

Application specific backup - Hyper-V

  • OBM - Hyper-V Failover Cluster 2019 backup shows VM not in Cluster Group, VHD not being backed up (ref: TMS-165-24208, T-28862)

Application specific backup - MS Exchange Server

  • OBM - Exchange DAG backup with slow performance after upgrade. (ref: KVF-768-55659, T-28852)

Application specific backup - MySQL

  • OBM - Restored data from incremental delta backup gets errors when importing to the MySQL Server (ref: EMZ-332-42092, T-29319)

Application specific backup - Office365

  • ACB - Upon selecting only Office 365 root node as source to backup on ACB, site collections are also backed up (ref: T-24068)
  • OBM - When select both list items and document files to restore, document files are not restored when grand parent path is the same (ref: T-23599)
  • OBM - Version history of the restored items are NOT the same as the versions at backup for document library and list items (ref: T-28586)
  • OBM - Office 365 Sharepoint backup error “The attempted operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list view threshold enforced by the administrator” (ref: CXB-817-99298, T-28494)
  • CBS - When performing backup or creating backupset using Personal account, “Failed to login to Office 365” error is returned (ref: T-29076)
  • CBS - Run on Server Backup encounters Failed to list sPath .. [ServiceExpt] Message = Synchronization state data is corrupt or otherwise invalid (ref: TFI-568-45584, T-28233)
  • CBS - Run on Server Restore error messages hidden in reports and restore report shows “OK” when nothing has been restored (ref: QHR-979-69511, T-28381)
  • CBS - Backupset failed to authenticate when creating backupset with correct credentials provided (ref: ONS-329-12650, T-29427)
    • CBS, ACB, OBM - Office 365 SharePoint cannot list & backup a site which has all required permissions set (ref: PEM-339-58642, T-28797)
  • CBS, ACB, OBM - Office 365 backup encounters “Failed to list sPath” and “Failed to log backup” error due to request header too large (ref: GFM-322-41349, NDE-397-65442, PSW-530-37456, TJO-430-27796, T-29058)
  • CBS, ACB, OBM - Office 365 backup source explorer does not show Notes items of Outlook mailboxes (ref: YTN-359-68822, T-28859)
  • CBS, ACB, OBM - Office 365 backup does not stop immediately after error caused by insufficient space for temporary directory (ref: T-21422)
  • CBS, ACB, OBM - Office 365 backup to BackBlaze encounters “Target path does not exists” error (ref: TME-850-21024, T-29346)

Application specific backup - VMWare

  • OBM - No files are shown under the drives during VMware Granular Restore (ref: HVC-728-26625, T-29324)

Backup Destination

  • CBS, OBM - When an Amazon S3 bucket with period character is selected as source in Cloud File backupset, CBS/OBM will load indefinitely (ref: T-23376)


  • CBS - Extend CBS Branding Custom Properties validation to mandatory fields (ref: LIZ-490-97466, T-28390)


  • OBM - OBM Installation removed home.txt which causing Silent install + Automate client user login failed on Linux Platforms (ref: EAO-599-48205, T-29405)

File Backup

  • ACB, OBM - After upgraded ACB/OBM some open files could not be backed up even VSS is enabled (ref: SPO-343-99848, T-28251)

General / Miscellaneous

  • CBS - Data migration process is looping - keep repeating [data-migration-status (“Running” ⇒ “Finished”)] (ref: FGH-852-98824, UCE-182-68170, T-29070)


  • OBM - Failed to check integrity of destination with Error: “[RuntimeException] [FileAttributeIterator.hasNext] Failed to list sPath=%Path%” (ref: QDV-376-69289, T-28766)


  • RDR - After login ACB / OBM to RDR host, clicking “BackupSets” will return “Incorrect Username or password” every other attempts (ref: T-28937)


  • CBS - Replications is running very slowly and the Replication Live Activities display is incorrect (ref: RWW-918-81346, T-28668)

Reporting / Email report

  • CBS - After successful backup of Exchange DAG/Hyper-V Clustering, Backup Log page falsely shows “Missing Database(s)”/“Missing Virtual Machine(s)” (ref: MLH-387-47970, T-28680)
  • CBS - Running backup job will not show in Sub-Admin Daily User Report (ref: LCW-932-83684, T-28174)
  • CBS - Daily User Report Email shows backup jobs of another user after upgrade (ref: WZM-449-50267, T-29268)
  • ACB, OBM - When storage quota exceeded, backup logged many lines of LOG_BACKUP_ERROR_FAILED_MSG Errors (ref: T-29149)

System Maintenance

  • OBM - Logged “APR based Apache Tomcat Native library … was not found …” in catalina log under mbs folder (ref: T-28484)
  • CBS - Better handling the scenario when user folder in UserHome is deleted (ref: BOB-753-14982, GUL-213-45228, T-28373)
  • ACB, OBM - Encountered 'Please grant full disk to ACB/OBM to avoid unexpected backup fail' warning when opening ACB/OBM even granted full disk access on macOS (ref: T-28736)


  • CBS - The translation of “Start validating the presence and size of backup data in destination” is not align to the localization of the backup report (ref: GRN-358-52121, T-28406)
  • ACB, OBM German Translation - Restore Dialogue (ref: LGW-773-22312, T-29164)
public/resources/release_notes_v85063.1611641567.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/26 14:12 by ronnie.chan

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