For multi-domain SSL certificates added to CBS before v7.17.0.30, users are required to re-add the SSL certificates to CBS v7.17.0.30 or above, before the certificates can be used on sub-admins accounts.
1. Besides the availability of re-branding option, the license key must have valid maintenance in order to build any v9 branded AhsayCBS/OBM/ACB installer.
2. If you've customized cbs.css in the previous version, please manually redo the CSS customization upon upgraded to this latest version.
This release contains the major features listed below:
OBC - Backup gets error “Failed to flush buffer .. [ObsManager.mkdirDirectFromCloud] Failed to mkdirs…” (ref: TGN-970-12360, T-33584)
OBC - Backup Filter is not working as expected (ref: TGN-970-12360, T-33533)
OBC - File Backup stuck when “Saving encrypted backup file index to %Destination%. (ref: GGQ-919-67013, T-33667)
OBC - File Backup to Google Drive occasionally encounters “Bad Request” error (ref: WTD-302-73083, T-33423)
OBC - Backing up from a network drive that doesn't exist introduing a backup error “ Path \\xxx does not exist!” (ref: CWI-862-44414, HUK-300-11810, XZB-736-29569, T-33531)
Application specific Backup - Office365
CBS - Office365 Backup gets error ”[CloudException.LoginFailedExpt] Failed to login to cloud service with the credentials provided.“ (ref: PVI-804-14560, T-33502)
CBS - Office365 Run on Server Restore could not be proceeded with [CloudManager.getInputStream] Fail to open … Error='Not in GZIP format error pop-up (ref: GXH-227-74617, T-33640)
CBS - Office365 Backupsets creation gets error “Failed, Give up retry, retried 33 time(s). Error:” (ref: BRJ-242-30739, T-33654)
CBS, OBC - Backup gets error ”[CloudException.LoginFailedExpt] Failed to login to cloud service with the credentials provided.“ (ref: PVI-804-14560, T-33502)
CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup Job (Data Syncronization Check) doesn't pickup missing data from source after all data deleted by Data Integrity Check (ref: YAG-656-38003, T-33402)
Application specific backup - MS Exchange Mail
OBM - Exchange Mail Level Backup gets Error=“java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space (ref: OFP-945-77864, T-33726)
OBM - Exchange Mail Level Backup gets Error=“com.ahsay.obx.core.backup.file.y: MAPIExMessageBackupManager is not created (ref: WLJ-118-13883, T-33735)
Application specific backup - MS Exchange Server
OBM - Exchange Database Backup encountered error “ Failed to connect to Exchange Management Shell” (ref: IHK-273-19391, T-33725)
Application specific Backup - Hyper-V
OBM - Hyper-V Backup gets error “java.lang.NullPointerException” after upgraded to v9.1.0.0 (ref: DHB-818-76104, DKC-550-58612, JCA-274-50378, NRD-986-44834, PFN-922-29892, T-33571)
OBM - Hyper-V Backup starts to get java.lang.NullPointerException error after upgraded to v9 (ref: PFN-922-29892, T-33571)
OBM - Hyper-V Backup gets error “ [isRCTEnabled][OpenVirtualDisk] path= “xxx\yy\zz.AVHDX”, Error The system cannot find the file specified” (ref: CEO-559-45573, T-33642)
OBM - Hyper-V Backup gets error “ [isRCTEnabled][OpenVirtualDisk] path= “xxx\yy\zz.VHDX”,… being used by another process.” (ref: TMZ-940-91403, T-33751)
OBM - Hyper-V Restore does not show snapshots from successful v8 backup jobs for restore (ref: SHM-499-11013, T-33695)
Application specific Backup - VMWare
OBM - VMware Restore failed with “Throwable= [U] Fail to connect VM disk by VDDK library. Error=Unknown error” (ref: PRV-855-34830, T-33537)
OBM - VMware Backup gets error “ Fail to connect VM disk by VDDK library.” (ref: PRV-855-34830, PVR-998-93511, T-33392)
OBM - Scheduled Backup of VMWare Workstation missed after upgraded to v9.1.0.0 (ref: HZP-851-77034, T-33532)
OBM - Huge Backup Log generated when files is deleted in Retention Policy & Data Integrity Check (ref: RWA-404-90960, T-33360)
Group Feature / Reseller Panel
CBS - Group Policy Preempted Values for “Deduplication settings” could not be properly applied (ref: KGZ-317-59506, T-33501)
CBS - Group Policy Preempted Values for “Deduplication settings - Migrate existing data to latest version” could not be properly applied (ref: IUF-742-26699, T-33586)
System Maintenance
CBS - MFA Setup/Login doesn't work when displaying in French (ref: AJL-559-90471, T-33433)
CBS - CBS Dashboard gets error [CustomDailyJob][ConfigurationArchival.zipFile] The target file: '\CBS\temp\archiveTemp\Branding' is not existed (ref: EZM-300-89532, T-33719)
OBC - When login to CBS, OBC gets error “HTTP Error 411. The request must be chunked or have a content length” (ref: MHS-710-80311, RRE-424-76535, UBI-292-63467, T-33562)
OBC - When login to CBS, OBC gets error “Can't connect to Backup Server! (com/sun/jersey/api/client/config/ClientConfig)” (ref: DXO-369-50327, KUG-228-11498, NYO-109-94800, OQH-515-13548, RUH-216-30951, TTT-368-75197, T-33519)
Product Abbrieviation:
AhsayACB - ACB
AhsayOBM - OBM
AhsayCBS - CBS
AhsayACB & AhsayOBM - OBC
(AhsayMobile) Mobile Backup Server - MBS
public/resources/release_notes_v9120.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/30 13:54 by clarence.lee