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v8.5.4.86 Release Notes (11-Oct-2021)

1. Discontinued support for Microsoft Exchange 2010 Database Availability Group (DAG) -
2. AhsayCBS Destination Pool: Recommend discontinue use of Microsoft OneDrive and Microsoft OneDrive for Business in a Destination Pool -
3. You are recommended to upgrade to this version if the enhancements or the bug fixes listed below are beneficial to you. Otherwise, you may stay with your current version. All users are recommended to first test running this release on a testing server before actually upgrading the production servers.

Limitation / Known Issue of This Version

Deployment / Upgrade

  • For multi-domain SSL certificates added to CBS before v7.17.0.30, users are required to re-add the SSL certificates to CBS v7.17.0.30 or above, before the certificates can be used on sub-admins accounts.


  • 1. Besides the availability of re-branding option, the license key must have valid maintenance in order to build any v8 branded AhsayCBS/OBM/ACB installer.
  • 2. If you've customized cbs.css in the previous version, please manually redo the CSS customization upon upgraded to this latest version.

This release contains the major features listed below:



Application specific Backup - Office365

  • Refactor SharePoint Retry Logic - Removed buffering of the whole backup process (ref: T-31490)
  • Enhanced Logic to reduce number of API requests during SharePoint Backup (ref: T-31885)
  • Enhanced Logic to reduce I/O usage of ListItems objects during SharePoint Backup (ref: T-32141)

Backup Destination

  • CBS UI update for Dropbox OAuth 2.0 API Update (ref: T-30117)
  • Support Signature Version 4 (SigV4) for AWS Compatible Storage (ref: T-31121)


  • Added ON/OFF Toggle of 2FA reminder for New CBS/OBC Backup Users (ref: TUC-236-16727, T-29845, T-30283)
  • Support building customized installers in batch for multiple system users (ref: ARN-382-56065, HAN-397-26329, IQL-183-20355, PWL-433-89376, SJE-594-27454, T-16728)
  • Support more concurrent installer build on Ahsay Customization Portal (ref: T-28905)
  • Added timestamp to Installer build log (ref: T-31846)

General / Miscellaneous

  • Set Temporary Directory for Run on Server Backupsets to be under CBS Application Folder ($CBS_HOME) if UserHome is at a Network Location (ref: T-31774)

Operating Systems

  • Support CBS on Windows Server 2022 (ref: T-32083)
  • Support CBS on Windows 11 (ref: T-32279)


  • Enhanced Logic to reduce I/O during Replication (ref: T-31972)

AhsayOBM / AhsayACB / AhsayMobile


  • [2FA] Enhanced Recovery Logic for 2FA (ref: T-31100)
  • [2FA] Feature to Re-pair 2FA device (ref: T-30922)
  • [2FA] Skip Device Selection Page when login with 2FA device (ref: T-30924)
  • [2FA] Added Device pairing screens for cross device migration and restore (ref: T-30517)
  • Updated web socket logic and removed unnecessary runtime dependency (ref: T-31258)
  • Add Windows firewall rule during App-Installation (ref: T-31119)
  • Add Mac firewall rule during App-Installation (ref: T-31071)
  • Revamped Mobile Feature Setup flow (ref: T-30784)
  • Add prerequisites in App Download and Device Pairing page (ref: T-31224)
  • Support browse backup data via file explorer (ref: T-30783)
  • Automatcially capture the OBM/ACB client user type instead of application type from which 2FA registration is performed (ref: T-29275)

Application specific Backup - Office365

  • Refactor SharePoint Retry Logic - Removed buffering of the whole backup process (ref: T-31490)
  • Enhanced Logic to reduce number of API requests during SharePoint Backup (ref: T-31885)
  • Enhanced Logic to reduce I/O usage of ListItems objects during SharePoint Backup (ref: T-32141)
  • Provide an option to run Office 365 backup with Personal account on OBM (ref: ASK-664-66842, LCG-283-32720, TUH-742-92088, T-30241)

Backup Destination

  • OBC UI update for Dropbox OAuth 2.0 API Update (ref: T-30116)
  • Support Signature Version 4 (SigV4) for AWS Compatible Storage (ref: T-31121)
  • Added UI option to update/change the credentials of network drive used as Backup Destination (ref: QRI-294-71133, T-28621)

Operating Systems

  • Support OBM on Windows Server 2022 (ref: T-32084)
  • Support OBC on Windows 11 (ref: NSW-539-10118, T-32272)

Synology / QNAP OBM

  • Support Signature Version 4 (SigV4) for AWS Compatible Storage (ref: T-31345)
  • Support backing up of External USB drive on QNAP NAS (ref: TYJ-584-45454, T-31419)
  • Workaround to support Synology DSM7 Devices (Instruction: (ref: AAS-586-41670, AGS-975-83067, BKR-219-50540, DBI-797-50194, GUU-654-21793, IOD-835-68127, ITE-701-43786, MEH-334-62984, SPZ-659-85009, TEQ-188-33149, TRF-602-91343, UYH-440-45662, WQQ-923-34488, WWU-232-49614, YTC-218-23246, ZXH-309-87333, T-30215)

Bug Fix


  • Backup / recovery of 2FA Account List shown in Mobile APP > 2FA tab (ref: T-30711)
  • Missing “Enter Recovery phone number” button upon pairing of AhsayMobile to OBC (ref: T-31353)
  • When register 2FA, gets error “org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.UpgradeException: 404 null (ref: T-31417)
  • Unable to Verify the Verification Code Sent to Mobile Number for 2FA registration (ref: T-31688)
  • Showed incorrect Product Name [OBM & ACB] for Registered 2FA Account via CBS (ref: T-31713)
  • Cannot register 2FA and OBC keep on showing 2FA QR code after scanned the QR code on AhsayMobile (ref: T-31723)
  • Timer of OTP was Frozen after a Warning Message Prompt (ref: T-31810)

File Backup

  • OBM - Backupset creation get error “Failed to Import error”, when using Favorites folder as source in CLI (ref: T-32230)

Application specific Backup - Office365

  • CBS, OBM - Backup gets error “java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space” when backing up 1 item with 10 columns of 2MB each in a List (ref: T-31663)

Application specific Backup - Hyper-V

  • OBM - PDIC gets error “[ObsManager.delete] failed in delete file… http code: 500…Timeout after 1000 sec. Locked Time…” (ref: T-32199)


  • CBS - Replication to OneDrive for Business gets error “FastPipedOutputStream has been closed by the reading thread” (ref: ZLT-325-34410, T-31482)

Synology / QNAP OBM

  • OBM - AWS S3 Compatible Storage Backup Job & Backupsets creation get stuck (ref: T-31873)

System Maintenance

  • CBS - Web Console UI take long time to startup after upgrade (ref: TKZ-234-76125, T-31815)
  • OBM - Running on CentOS 8 (or similar distro) gets “su: cannot open session: Module is unknown” error due to su session is in use (ref: GRO-268-70731, UBX-143-47143, T-31354)

Product Abbrieviation:

  • AhsayACB - ACB
  • AhsayOBM - OBM
  • AhsayCBS - CBS
  • AhsayACB & AhsayOBM - OBC
  • (AhsayMobile) Mobile Backup Server - MBS
public/resources/release_notes_v85486.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/12 10:13 by clarence.lee

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