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v8.3.2.11 Release Notes (6-Feb-2020)

You are recommended to upgrade to this version if the enhancements or the bug fixes listed below are beneficial to you. Otherwise, you may stay with your current version. All users are recommended to first test running this release on a testing server before actually upgrading the production servers.

Limitation / Known Issue of This Version

Deployment / Upgrade

  • For multi-domain SSL certificates added to CBS before v7.17.0.30, users are required to re-add the SSL certificates to CBS v7.17.0.30 or above, before the certificates can be used on sub-admins accounts.


  • Besides the availability of re-branding option, the license key must have valid maintenance in order to build any v8 branded AhsayCBS/OBM/ACB installer.

This release contains the major features listed below:



Operating systems

  • Support CBS on CentOS 8 (Release date: 24/9/2019) (ref: T-25322)

System maintenance

  • Reduce number of threads used in CBS process (ref: DBN-130-39983, T-26040)

AhsayOBM / AhsayACB

General / Miscellaneous

  • Enhance to run Periodic DIC for cleaning up block files without backup file referencing (ref: T-25440)

Application specific backup - MS Exchange Mail

  • Create a new mode [EWS] for supporting MS Exchange Mail-level 2013 (ref: BLH-776-17908, FJO-354-46796, VCZ-567-55795, YSW-574-43675, T-25284, T-25349)

Application specific backup - VMware

  • Optimize the performance in listing OBM backup source when ESXi / vCenter has large number of VMs (ref: UUC-383-19278, T-24339)


  • Update of Ahsay Customization Portal - Change timestamp service host for building installer (ref: T-25386)

Operating Systems

  • Support OBM on CentOS 8 (ref: T-25323)


  • Bundled with AhsayCBS v8.3.2.11

Bug Fix

General / Miscellaneous

  • OBM - After running retention policy / space freeing up to remove the files, incorrect statistics is returned when running data integrity check (ref: T-25038)
  • CBS, OBM - File backup to Backblaze Standard destinations failed with block (.bak) NOT FOUND error (ref: T-25167)
  • CBS, OBM, Office 365 - When backup a mailbox with 1 million mail items, over 12GB physical memory is used when only 300MB heap usage is recorded (ref: T-25295)
  • OBM - After upgraded, v8.2.3.0 backup index cannot be decrypted and all files re-uploaded (ref: T-25355)
  • CBS O365 SharePoint Backup failed with NullPointerException (ref: DUJ-806-72851, FDE-793-54773, GSP-123-97063, JDE-630-91166, JKP-763-17100, MHB-358-62325, QSW-730-18567, XHO-476-37977, XSD-794-83530, ZDQ-476-57746, ZJW-254-51598, T-25394)
  • Enforced full DIC after upgrade failed to remove the data from the backup destination but the backup log claimed the files had been removed (ref: AES-886-44956, T-25400)
  • OBM backup error Failed to initialize RemoteBDB.Cloud …caused by [SQLiteException][SQLITE_CONSTRAINT] Abort due to constraint violation (ref: DBS-560-83649, OAD-215-96573, T-25451)
  • Get [FileAttributeIterator.reiterate] Failed to list … [SocketTimeoutException] Read timed out on Backup & DIC after upgrade (ref: FMX-824-64917, IUM-634-68988, MBO-445-38626, MXR-663-34563, T-25479)
  • OBM cannot run backup on CentOS since “Failed to load native library:sqlite-” with “Error…org.sqlite.core.NativeDB._open_utf8([BI)V” (ref: PEJ-507-95874, WVE-381-21536, T-25492)
  • CBS, Office 365 - When selected Public Folder node to run-on-server backup and restore, restore error “Cannot get backup file” is hit (ref: T-25497)
  • OBM - After running data integrity check / space freeing up, index.db file is not found in the current folder of backup destination (ref: T-25502)
  • Massive “exists already” and “Failed to retain non-empty directory” errors occur on backup jobs on multiple users after upgrade (ref: CSA-289-75260, LUV-505-71246, PTD-107-12026, ULZ-650-26955, T-25589)
  • OBM Backup Error = File: “……/0/000000.bak”, NOT Found (1570189464016) (ref: AIK-520-28469, EDW-131-57375, IBF-322-88806, OOE-430-78965, PFP-545-87796, TZH-238-99663, VPA-889-21299, T-25610)
  • OBM Error = [d] Failed to initialize RemoteBDB.Cloud. Error=org.sqlite.core.NativeDB._open_utf8([BI)V, caused by [UnsatisfiedLinkError] … (ref: DVG-439-65736, PID-287-79915, XEU-282-96031, T-25612)
  • OBM CDP backup error [Moved File] … caused by [SQLException] [BlockDB.updateFile] Parent directory “xxx\yyy.tmp” cannot be found (ref: CIG-226-37549, CPL-206-62423, T-25643)
  • CBS O365 backup encounters “Cannot take slot when iToken ⇐ 0, null” error (ref: OVE-230-77413, T-25676)
  • Update of Daylight Saving Timezone in Java for v8 (ref: RHH-327-62316, T-25710)
  • CBS Office 365 site collection backup encounters “Invalid name character… 400 Bad Request” error when column list name starting with punctuation character (ref: EPR-933-70545, T-25722)
  • Backup files with mismatched compressed size and block data length from index failed to re-upload in the next backup (ref: T-25724)
  • OBM Office 365 SharePoint backup encounters size incorrect error (ref: JXZ-609-27365, MHB-358-62325, MWJ-806-25560, QXK-163-82347, VOO-317-72290, T-25734)
  • When adding Google Drive as predefined destination, “This app isn't verified” message returned (ref: DRG-315-72845, T-25758)
  • CBS Office 365 SharePoint backup cannot finish everytime and stopped abnormally (ref: NEI-507-88382, THG-983-12478, WSH-574-42850, T-25933)
  • CBS Office 365 Backup error “[Error][Archivo Nuevo]…(Esperado=108,651,592 Devuelto=84,289,083)” (ref: NCX-462-89088, T-25961)
  • CBS - Hit “java.util.ConcurrentModificationException” error when uploading index to CBS destination during backup (ref: T-25977)
  • CBS, OBM - Prompted with “null” alert when save user profile or create backup set (ref: T-25979)
  • O365 Restore error Fail to restore file 'Office 365/Site Collections/xxxx' (ref: IYR-805-76599, T-25713)

Restore / Decrypt

  • OBM, CBS - When backup to Linux CBS, or restore with Delta on Linux OBM from Windows CBS, job failed on [JniUtil.c.getLstat] stat() (ref: T-26098)
  • OBM Restore from MS Azure failed IOException, error=Blob data corrupted (integrity check failed), Expected value is xxx, retrieved yyy (ref: BBI-646-47800, T-25988)
  • Fail to recover the restored MSSQL data to MSSQL server (ref: AVB-147-86226, T-25957)
  • CBS O365 restore failed due to “Cannot get backup file “Office 365” at job ”“… Cannot get backup file “Office 365” at job ”“ error (ref: LRZ-301-39838, T-25671)
  • Cannot restore the Exchange database to alternate location (ref: WSS-332-83903, T-25456)
  • Failed to restore data with error “Encryption key is invalid” for backup sets created in v6 with encryption keys containing “new line character” (ref: LVJ-239-81045, T-25422)


  • CBS API returns zero for the UploadSize value when the backupset ID is specified in the call (ref: ZHD-876-79139, T-25196)
  • does not accept empty TopDir parameter, cannot create filter which applies to all hard drives (ref: QOY-556-26296, T-25660)

Application specific backup - Hyper-V

  • Unexpected “Historical Backup Job” exception shown when next schedule job started before the job of the first destination completed (ref: OGF-452-64213, T-24889)
  • OBM Hyper-V backup gets warn Fail to load CBT, will perform normal in-file delta., Reason = “Index: 7261, Size: 7261” (ref: DRC-254-13217, T-24862)

Application specific backup - MS Exchange Mail

  • OBM Failed to check integrity of destination xxx. Error: ”[RuntimeException] [BackupFileIterator.Combined.hasNext] (ref: FWU-446-45662, JXP-532-88055, T-25668)
  • Exchange Mail Level backup encounters various errors (ref: AQA-276-22915, UOZ-836-55488, T-25618)
  • Backup performance of Exchange mail level backup is decrease after upgraded OBM (ref: IXO-842-80046, T-25868)
  • Fail to restore mail level backup with error “The system cannot find the path specified” (ref: BTV-588-29812, T-25773)

Application specific backup - MS Exchange Server

  • OBM Exchange Log backup always warning expected log sequence for a hexadecimal one, but found a decimal numbered one (ref: OWH-639-16795, T-25073)

Application specific backup - MS SQL Server

  • Unable to backup MSSQL database with “Skip backing up … Instance does not exist” warning (ref: FIS-980-74056, RLH-486-31095, T-25307)
  • Fail to run MSSQL backup with warning message “Database of ”%DB_Name%“ not found!” (ref: ASF-613-77555, T-25658)
  • MSSQL backup encountered error “[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Shared Memory]ConnectionOpen (SECCreateCredentials()).” (ref: HSH-517-18106, NJN-677-68934, T-26054)

Application specific backup - Office365

  • CBS, OBM, Exchange Mail, Office 365 - When perform backup, backup errors caused by various java.lang.NumberFormatException is hit (ref: T-26100)
  • Office 365 SharePoint backup encounters “400 BAD REQUEST” & incorrect size error (ref: HBC-791-72331, T-25974)
  • CBS Office 365 backup encounters Failed to load sPath='xxx'…$APP_HOME/temp/%username%' does not exist (ref: ASH-179-22438, DIJ-798-73690, IKS-573-73702, MNN-537-81859, NCR-831-19162, PBZ-336-64434, PLC-121-73588, SUS-712-38546, TTD-879-68817, WGQ-745-85395, T-25704)
  • Most of backup data will be upload again after completed index migration (Office365 Backup) (ref: PGX-220-38488, T-25491)

Application specific backup - Others

  • CBS - Missing Proxy checkbox in Cloud File backup set settings with Backblaze as backup source (ref: T-25303)
  • Add perm of loginfo (logStartBackup) for whether skipping Historical job checking (ref: OGF-452-64213, T-25431)
  • Unable to add OpenStack with SSL as Cloud File backup source in CBS admin console and user console (ref: T-17748)
  • Unable to add OpenStack with SSL as Cloud File backup source and Standard destination in OBC (ref: T-17749)
  • CBS - Upon having Run on Server backup set with Backup Schedule in the list (With Schedule slider OFF), Schedule Backup is still triggered (ref: BMT-767-36748, T-23125)

Application specific backup - VMware

  • CBS, VMware - When backup is perform, VMWare backup set doesn't have block validation in backup report (ref: T-26410)

Auto upgrade agent

  • OBM - Unable to AUA from v6.29.0.0 to hotfix above v8.3.0.120
  • OBM - When there is multiple session logged in with “SystemTray64.exe” remained, AUA may stuck at “Stop services with stop IPC” (ref: T-26251)
  • OBM - Unable to AUA from v6.29 when connecting to CBS hotfix v8.3.0.73 with “Error Occurs when trying to update AutoUpdateAgent, skip this update” (ref: T-25808)

Backup Destination

  • OBM - OBM incorrectly download index from 1st destination of a pool during backup when it is full and latest index is stored in 2nd destination (ref: T-26252)


  • OBM, ACP - Unable to build OBC Mac .dmg online installers (ref: T-25981)

File backup

  • CBS crash caused by lacking synchronization when handling WindowsUtil.WinFile() (ref: T-26041)
  • OBM - After hitting “Failed to Delete…because it is not empty” error when perform Delete Backup Data, process becomes stuck and cannot complete (ref: T-26104)
  • Fail to run backup for concurrent backup mode with “Error=[ConcurrentModificationException] null” (ref: WGZ-610-29277, T-25672)
  • Data removed since destination settings unable to be updated from v6 OBC (ref: JDI-920-57341, T-25507)
  • File Backup encounters ”[SQLITE_CONSTRAINT] Abort due to constraint violation UNIQUE constraint failed“ error (ref: PYG-415-74288, T-25410)
  • CDP has stopped running after OBM upgraded from v6.29 unless restart scheduler service (ref: T-14750)
  • File backup fail with error ”[ObsManager.delete] failed in delete file, path: “%Backup Set ID%\blocks\%Backup Data%,, http code: 412” (ref: AUM-505-48026, TGZ-950-63100, T-25219)

Group feature / Reseller panel

  • CBS FileBackup Set cannot define encryption key (ref: KHJ-927-78275, LAX-516-34685, VVX-349-91982, T-25506)
  • Using “Preempted Source - Advanced” will make filter (preempted or per backup set) ineffective (ref: T-25839)


  • Backupset Data size is being doubled after PDIC (ref: VIS-909-25826, T-26254)
  • File backup with error “Failed to run space freeing up of destination” (ref: RHR-191-90022, T-25514)
  • MS Exchange Mail Level backup is fail with error “Failed to migrate backup set index” and “[CloudFileSystem.createFile] Failed to insert file” (ref: IUS-159-56435, LHM-838-77267, ZYL-644-60068, T-25644)

License / Billing module

  • CBS License page incorrectly shows zero Used Hyper/VMware (Per Guest VM) module (ref: ETU-172-32688, T-25866)


  • Backup failed in delete file, path: … http code: 500, java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed ReplicableManager.addMovedPath().. (ref: AFL-269-73788, CND-490-93437, NFA-355-81479, T-25938)
  • Replication receiver getting Throwable='null' error after patching hotfix, slow replication speed (ref: FIY-691-63559, T-25931)
  • CBS Replication bandwidth limit does not apply to Wasabi predefined destination (ref: HMV-987-89062, T-25744)

Reporting / Email report

  • Some updated files that does not show on backup report (ref: QJD-389-38452, T-25747)
  • CBS logs “Failed after waiting for (milliseconds): 600000” error while report being sent (ref: OUJ-578-49654, UWC-332-25474, T-24822)
  • CBS shows backup start time and end time in server time zone instead of client time zone on the backup report page and the PDF backup report (ref: UEK-970-86475, T-24877)
  • OBM - When running advanced retention policy, Delete message is NOT updated with last modified time, size, backup by job information (ref: T-25344)


  • CBS Vulnerability Fix - Prevent DLL preloading attack (ref: GRC-996-93218, T-25294)
  • CBS Vulnerability Fix - Prevent access to directory out of UserHome (ref: GRC-996-93218, T-26030)
  • CBS Security Fix - Prevent browser prompted to save Office 365 account credential when saving backupset settings

Server Crash

  • CBS web console always encounter “Too many redirects” and not working properly (ref: UXZ-198-54445, T-24638)
  • CBS stopped working / SocketTimeoutException after upgrade due to extra CPU resources usage in massive API calls (ref: PUF-804-98770, T-25466)
  • CBS - After applied 8.3.0.-76 JAR build, CBS live threads kept increasing and caused web console unresponsive and clients could not connect (ref: T-25829)
  • CBS crashes at random time after upgrading to v8.3 (ref: CRF-593-61996, T-25579)

Synology / QNAP OBM

  • OBM, Synology - When perform backup on DS218j, OBM crashed with JAVA error (ref: DNC-365-20121, IPY-523-69543, OAD-637-10049, T-25599)

System maintenance

  • CBS - After applied JAR build, Error “[UsersParam.flush.rWriteUserXML] Failed to flush D:\AhsayCBS\conf\users.xml” is hit (ref: T-25940)
  • CBS - When running daily job to compress all configuration settings, hit “[] Failed to flush buffer” error (ref: T-25943)
  • Reduce the chance of CBS High CPU performance issue by introducing NIO2 as an option for CBS Connectors (ref: T-25879)
  • CBS - Unexpected new threads found while running CBS without service restart (ref: T-26077)
  • CBS - Default “cbssvc.ini” missed the java option “-Djdk.nio.maxCachedBufferSize=262144” (ref: T-26249)
  • OBM - Fail to new /update file with Error=[ReadAheadInputStream.readNext]@1417399903 READ_ TIMEOUT=5400000 exceeded (ref: ZWB-310-24443, T-26147)
  • CBS upgraded to CBS, getting false error about “Failed to delete the connector” (ref: SHI-969-31324, T-25374)

User experiences

  • Incorrect Korea Translations (ref: T-25401)
  • Incorrect Korean Translation in Backup / Restore > Basic > User Home page (ref: T-25142)
  • Month display incorrectly in suspend date calendar picker (ref: T-23750)
  • Searching result from OBC Restore > Search is not accurate (ref: VYK-500-55771, T-25531)
  • Unnecessary “Rebuild Index” option is shown in Data Integrity Check feature pages (ref: T-25786)
  • Showing blank page when accessing the Cloud File backupsets on CBS web console (ref: TCR-979-93242, T-25720)
public/resources/release_notes_v83211.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/12 15:33 by clarence.lee

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