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v8.3.0.30 Release Notes (14-Oct-2019)

You are recommended to upgrade to this version if the enhancements or the bug fixes listed below are beneficial to you. Otherwise, you may stay with your current version. All users are recommended to first test running this release on a testing server before actually upgrading the production servers.

Limitation / Known Issue of This Version

Deployment / Upgrade

  • For multi-domain SSL certificates added to CBS before v7.17.0.30, users are required to re-add the SSL certificates to CBS v7.17.0.30 or above, before the certificates can be used on sub-admins accounts.


  • Besides the availability of re-branding option, the license key must have valid maintenance in order to build any v8 branded AhsayCBS/OBM/ACB installer.
  • The conversion to v8.3 new index file structure (index.db* and backupInfo.db*) may add additional time to perform first backup after upgrade to OBM/ACB v8.3, please be prepared for longer job times.

This release contains the major features listed below:


General Miscellaneous

  • Enhancement - Support Lets Encrypt SSL certificate with Java 8 (ref: EZH-550-73555, JEH-572-96085, KQZ-994-37439, RHA-244-37433, T-16480)
  • Enhancement - CBS Support 2-factor authentication login (ref: FNJ-420-39892, KGH-747-80292, MZM-160-37445, PCO-759-56880, T-19666, T-22800)
  • Enhancement - Retry Logic, supporting resumable uploading/downloading files between CBS and OBC (ref: T-23233)
  • Bug fix - OBM Input correct encryption key but prompt “Encryption Key is invalid” for Cloud File Backup set created via CBS (ref: T-14517)
  • Bug fix - CBS delete Cloud File Backup set, the backup set folder is not removed on server (ref: T-14647)
  • Bug fix - CBS - Web elements with data-label in list table are changed with addition of extra spaces in CBS HTML code (ref: T-23512)
  • Bug fix - OBM / ACB Tabs are missing on the download page on CBS v8 web console (https://%hostname%/cbs/system/ (ref: GXD-374-16790, T-23568)

Restore / Decrypt

  • Bug fix - CBS, Office 365 - When restoring site to an alternate Office 365 account in CBS, Original site collections do not exist alert message pops up (ref: GTV-521-54177, T-23600)
  • Bug fix - The user section will not show on Alternate location page if using backup user account to access CBS and restore data from Office 365 backup (ref: FDT-902-94334, T-23762)
  • Bug fix - Filter feature does not work when restoring the data from Office 365 backup (CBS Server Side) (ref: CVB-104-45377, T-23892)
  • Bug fix - A blank Restore page is shown when retoring Office 365 Sharepoint data in CBS web console (ref: UTY-627-10691, T-24948)


  • Enhancement - Remove backup data in cloud storage after using JSON API to remove the USER / BACKUP SET/ PREDEFINED DESTINATION inside the backup set (ref: AUM-996-66080, GTL-618-59204, T-14268)
  • Bug fix - CBS - After upgraded OBM and perform backup job, unable to update data migration flag “v6-index-to-migrate” of v6 backup set from “Y” to “N” (ref: T-23731)
  • Bug fix - Upgrade from CBS to CBS CBS Service will not start, problem with upgraded server.xml (ref: XBM-796-17561, T-23542)


  • Bug fix - CBS - With “QuotaList” value of invalid data type in “” v2 JSON API, backup user is created with “java.lang.NullPointerException” error (ref: T-22606)
  • Bug fix - Improper error message shown from & UpdateUserProfile JSON API when non-positive quota value is inputted (ref: T-21272)
  • Bug fix - CBS - After calling v1 JSON API with module enabled and 0 or negative quota, invalid behaviour is returned (ref: T-22132)
  • Bug fix - CBS - JSON API can enable “ShadowProtectBackupEnabled, NasClientEnabled, MSWindowsSystemStateBackupEnabled, QnapEnabled” for ACB user (ref: T-20693)
  • Bug fix - Bandwidth control is not removed when the same request contains both change/add and removals requests (ref: KRM-638-60950, T-23344)
  • Bug fix - does not work for Run-on-Server backup sets (ref: PQF-949-19043, T-23441)
  • Bug fix - API fails to handle adding multiple backup schedules/bandwidth settings at once (ref: TGP-219-53686, T-23404)
  • Bug fix - CBS - No error for invalid value in AddUser / UpdateUser API “XXXQuotaType” and No Quota Exceeded checking when MSHyperVVMQuotaType is invalid (ref: T-23765)
  • Bug fix - CBS, Office 365 - API unable to update Office 365 account password (ref: T-23790)
  • Bug fix - CBS - After calling to update ApplicationSettings of Cloud File / Office 365 backup set created by API, dummy folder generated (ref: T-24630)
  • Bug fix - - After Updated user password in Windows Active Directory, Incorrect backup username/password results in next backup job that involve DIC (ref: T-24688)
  • Bug fix - CBS - API returns JSONObject[\“EventLogName\”] not found after fresh installed CBS (ref: T-24833)
  • Bug fix - API result cannot be align with system user and API user - (v1) & (v2) (ref: T-23923)
  • Bug fix - CBS, API - Upon running v1 API, 3 parameters that supposed to be from v2 API was returned (ref: T-23928)
  • Bug fix - CBS - Upon comparing v1 and v2 responses, some EnableXXX are removed on v2 than to v1 API (ref: T-24006)

Application specific backup

  • Enhancement - OBM, Office 365 - Support Backup & Restore of Version History for Non-Files List items (ref: T-24104)
  • Enhancement - Support backup and restore site column - “External Data” of a site in Office 365 (ref: T-24112)
  • Enhancement - Support backup and restore site column - “Managed Metadata” of a site in Office 365 (ref: T-24114)
  • Enhancement - Support restore “List type PublishedFeed” of a site in Office 365 SharePoint Online (ref: T-24127)
  • Enhancement - Office 365 - Support listing Office 365 SSO (Single-Sign-On) accounts' OneDrive & Personal Site data for backup/restore (ref: T-24140)
  • Enhancement - Support restore file of same filename / list item of same GUID from 2 different users to the alternate Office 365 account (ref: T-24143)
  • Enhancement - Support to backup and restore document library (including OneDrive) items' Share Link (Office 365 backup) (ref: T-24145)
  • Enhancement - Office 365 - Support backup and restore of OneDrive and Sharepoint documents version history (ref: T-24148)
  • Enhancement - CBS, Office 365 - Support restore checked out/ checked in file to OneDrive and Document Library when require check out setting is enabled (ref: T-24397)
  • Enhancement - Handling for migrating DB index for multiple host backup set type (ref: T-24710)
  • Enhancement - Verify the checksum (sHexOfSHA256Hash) when OBM calling uploadFile for uploading block files (ref: T-25236)
  • Enhancement - CBS, Office 365 - Feature to modify Office 365 Username in the backup set (ref: T-23709)
  • Enhancement - Add “List View” of backup source page so that the deleted Office 365 backup source can be de-selected in CBS (ref: FBJ-446-95277, HET-417-55580, NWZ-638-45014, YSK-137-10586, T-23632)
  • Enhancement - Support Multi-Factor Authentication for Office 365 mailbox backup (ref: T-23445)
  • Bug fix - CBS, Office 365 - When listing large number of items in Office 365 backup set, web console fails to show items in backup source tree (ref: T-23367)
  • Bug fix - CBS, Office 365 - When create / edit backup set after untick shortcut & save WITHOUT viewing advanced source, corresponding items still selected (ref: T-23174)
  • Bug fix - Keep adding and launching schedule job of Office 365 backup set (Run on server) continuously (Job by job) (ref: JWX-977-99116, MXW-207-92823, T-23654)
  • Bug fix - CBS, Office 365 - Failed to perform run on server office 365 backup job with “[StackOverflowError] null” error in v8.2.1.8-v2 cbs (ref: T-23810)
  • Bug fix - CBS, Office 365 - Failed to restore data of office 365 account to alternate location and alternate office 365 account (ref: T-23812)
  • Bug fix - CBS, Cloud File - After clicking restore button of Run On Server Cloud File Backup Set, no response is returned (ref: T-23819)
  • Bug fix - CBS, Office 365 - When create backup set with Office 365 administrator account, unable to list other users and Site Collections (ref: T-25274)
  • Bug fix - CBS - Unable to perform Run on Server backup jobs if backup user's name contains unicode character (ref: T-25102)
  • Bug fix - Failed to upload cached index file with reason “Failed to mirror directory” when storage quota exceeded (ref: T-24746)
  • Bug fix - CBS, Office 365 - When select library after deselecting Lists and Libraries & Subsites nodes as source, no file backed up (ref: T-24777)
  • Bug fix - CBS, Cloud File - When create Aliyun backup set, icon is missing in top node of source tree (ref: T-24814)
  • Bug fix - CBS, Cloud File - When edit Google Drive cloud file backup set after token expired, blank page is returned (ref: T-24815)
  • Bug fix - CBS - When edit Cloud File and Office 365 backup set, radio button indicating run-on-server or run-on-client is missing (ref: T-24829)
  • Bug fix - CBS, Cloud File - When create OneDrive for Business cloud file backup set, source tree is empty (ref: T-24803)
  • Bug fix - CBS, Cloud File - When create cloud file backup set, drop-down list for switching to table view is shown (ref: T-24804)
  • Bug fix - CBS - After Upgraded, Run On Server Cloud File and Office 365 Backup Set keep running Data Integrity Check in every backup job (ref: T-24915)
  • Bug fix - OBM, Office 365 - When restore from Chinese version Outlook to English version Outlook, new folder is created for Inbox (ref: T-24395)
  • Bug fix - The Office365 backup job is stuck on the process of “Downloading server file list (Office 365)… Completed” (ref: T-24125)
  • Bug fix - CBS O365 SharePoint Backup cannot backup emoji and get error … Cannot open file “xxx.eml”. 500 Internal Server Error (ref: KCT-270-62506, T-24407)
  • Bug fix - Office 365 backup error “[CloudFileSystem.createFile] Parent directory 'Office 365/Users/' does not exist” (ref: BYQ-468-42829, T-24409)
  • Bug fix - OBM, CBS, Office 365 - If account used to create backup set without application impersonal permission, error is returned when backup other user (ref: T-24129)
  • Bug fix - Run on Server Office 365 Backup stucks when backup source contains multiple Office 365 users (ref: T-24131)
  • Bug fix - OBM, Office 365 - Restore site collection/personal site to a site with “denyAddAndCustomizePages = true” settings hit access denied warnings (ref: T-24132)
  • Bug fix - Office 365 - When restore Public Folder mail to original location, New mail is restored and not overwriting the existing mail (ref: T-24134)
  • Bug fix - Office 365 - When restore a list to alternate office 365 account, the name of the list restored in that office 365 account is wrong (ref: T-24136)
  • Bug fix - Office 365 - If delete one file from sharepoint during backup, other files in same directory are NOT backed up and errors are returned (ref: T-24138)
  • Bug fix - OneDrive for Business Cloud File backup “xxx does not exist”&“Failed to getInputStream of file xxx Failed to obtain FileAttribute, sPath” error (ref: T-24118)
  • Bug fix - CBS, OBM, Office 365 - Unable to expand Site Collections node when there are over >5000 sites (ref: T-24120)
  • Bug fix - OBM Exchange MailLevel Backup error = Target is not a file, sParent=Indbakke, sName… (ref: T-24106)
  • Bug fix - Office 365 SharePoint “Run on Server” Restore flagged warning status “Cannot convert a primitive value to the expected type 'Edm.DateTime'…” (ref: T-24116)

Backup Destination

  • Enhancement - Support Amazon S3 Regions - Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) (ref: T-24122)
  • Enhancement - Support Backblaze B2 as cloud source (ref: T-24193)
  • Enhancement - Support wasabi cloud storage for destination and Cloud File backup source (ref: T-24705)
  • Enhancement - Remove Amazon Cloud Drive from new destination (ref: T-24940)
  • Enhancement - Support Amazon S3 Storage Class - INTELLIGENT_TIERING and ONEZONE_IA (ref: T-23814)
  • Enhancement - Support Aliyun Bucket Region - London 英国(伦敦)(oss-eu-west-1) (CBS) (ref: T-23054)
  • Enhancement - CBS - Backup Set data in Predefined destination not clean up by routine job upon changing destination for Run on Server backup set (ref: T-22973)
  • Enhancement - Support of Amazon S3 Region - EU (Stockholm) region (CBS) (ref: T-23051)
  • Enhancement - Support Amazon S3 Regions - Asia Pacific (Osaka-Local) (ref: T-23316)
  • Enhancement - Support Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage (ref: MKC-369-90385, T-15975)
  • Enhancement - Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage as Replication storage in CBS (ref: RFO-895-40915, T-16257)
  • Enhancement - Support Amazon S3 Regions - China (Ningxia) on OBC & CBS (ref: T-21831, T-21812)
  • Bug fix - CBS - When add predefined destinations, list table for destination pool is shown even when single storage destination radio button is selected (ref: T-24879)
  • Bug fix - OBM Backup to Standard Destination “OneDrive for Business” returned with error “The request has been throttled” (ref: T-24515)


  • Enhancement - Sub-Admin user can view the SSL certificate of another Sub-Admin user account (ref: PBJ-473-53253, T-23164)
  • Bug fix - Customized Color Scheme does not take effect in OBC for imported branding json in CBS (ref: VDQ-649-22359, T-23553)
  • Bug fix - CBS Cookie Banner does not accept HTML code anymore (ref: T-23521)


  • Enhancement - Update CBS install and startup script to support CBS on ASUSTOR (one of NAS) (ref: T-23629)
  • Enhancement - Installer to check maintenance validity before upgrade from old version (ref: T-24300)
  • Enhancement - Fix TLS issue by upgrading Tomcat 8.5.43 bundled with CBS v8 (ref: T-24704)
  • Enhancement - Bundle New dummy SSL certificate which will expire on 3-Jan-2024 in v8.3 (ref: T-25195)
  • Bug fix - CBS - After installing CBS in Linux / UBS OS, console.log is missing (ref: T-24967)
  • Bug fix - CBS - After clicked Login on fresh installed CBS before applying any license, blank page is returned (ref: T-25055)
  • Bug fix - Unable to install QNAP OBM in CBS with HTTP & HTTPS connectors where the first connector in the list is an HTTP connector (ref: SCJ-355-29681, T-23694)
  • Bug fix - CBS v8.1.1.50 Windows Installer cannot apply custom port to server.xml (ref: T-23574)

File backup

  • Enhancement - Generated temp directory path according to backup set OS (ref: BUW-856-89232, T-23325)

Group policy / Reseller panel

  • Enhancement - Request to have “New Backup Set Wizard - OpenDirect” & “New Backup Set Wizard - Granular Restore” options in CBS Group Policy [GUI Settings] (ref: IIM-210-76077, KDN-136-78924, LRW-711-54650, NQK-377-65195, UGQ-723-15814, WSJ-810-70336, ZQD-849-65880, ZRO-473-73773, T-18301)
  • Bug fix - Select Preempted backupset & then go to User Profile > General or Backup Client Settings, some enabled fields become disabled (ref: T-17934)
  • Bug fix - CBS - When both preempted CBS and predefined CBS destination are used, duplicate predefined CBS exists in Quota view and calculation is wrong (ref: T-23097)
  • Bug fix - Unable to config Standard CBS destination for backup sets in Sub Admin system console (ref: ZFR-508-96565, T-23586)
  • Bug fix - CBS - “Move/Import/Export User” & “Rescan All Userhome Directories” were incorrectly shown in CBS Sub Admin console. (ref: T-25046)
  • Bug fix - CBS - When create preempted file backup set, unable to proceed to OpenDirect page (ref: T-24905)

License / Billing module

  • Enhancement - License interchangeable for MS HyperV / VMware, NAS - QNAP / NAS - Synology and Office 365 add-on modules quota (ref: T-23162, T-23321)
  • Bug fix - CBS license check flip flop between HTTP and HTTPS ports causing license error (ref: MXR-100-85815, T-23673)
  • Bug fix - Keep receiving the system error “Unable to create license usage snapshot” from CBS Dashboard (ref: ALN-718-69293, KFS-632-53029, T-23808)

Operating systems

  • Enhancement - Support CBS on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (ref: T-23916)
  • Enhancement - Support CBS on Ubuntu 19.04 (ref: T-23711)
  • Enhancement - Support CBS on FreeBSD 12 (ref: T-22890)


  • Bug fix - CBS - When OBM machine connected to Redirector server and shuts down for 30 minutes, system error Null log appears alongside system info message (ref: T-23839)


  • Bug fix - CBS - Failed to replicate file with “[CloudCache.get] Failed in FolderNode.getChild()” error after upgrade to v8.2.2.19 (ref: T-24924)

Reporting / Email report

  • Enhancement - Create a new backup job end status “BS_STOP_BY_MODULE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED” for the module quota exceeded (ref: T-25066)
  • Enhancement - CBS backup report jobs listing according to the end time results in inconsistency and leads to confusion of the customer (ref: AYI-881-54132, T-23645)
  • Bug fix - CBS sends Missed Backup emails to users which their backup schedules are disabled for the backupsets (ref: NVB-510-19449, T-23566)
  • Bug fix - CBS - When Daily Routine Job is performed, Statistics related Routine job Error is returned (ref: T-25021)
  • Bug fix - Backup report cannot be generated correctly after finishing backup successfully due to null error (ref: DPP-131-81818, T-24751)
  • Bug fix - CBS - “Schedule Host” field is empty in the generated PDF report of Multiple Host Backup Set (Hyper-V Cluster & Exchange DAG) (ref: T-24021)


  • Enhancement - Vulnerabilities on requests used for connecting from client to server (ref: IFX-361-90536, PYS-448-50152, T-23562)

Server Crash

  • Bug fix - CBS server refuses connections several times per day after upgrade (ref: ENN-122-76172, GRO-720-36449, T-23787)
  • Bug fix - Cannot connect to CBS server (Server Down) and need to restart CBS service (ref: QXA-419-90162, T-23918)

System maintenance

  • Enhancement - Support CBS on FreeBSD 11.3 (ref: T-24647)
  • Enhancement - Performance tuning for EditUser page (ref: WDN-832-74924, T-23741)
  • Enhancement - Performance tuning for [Statistics] page in EditUser (ref: WDN-832-74924, T-23882)
  • Bug fix - CBS - When CBS upgraded from v7.17.2.2 to v8.2, socket.txBufSize and socket.rxBufSize are missing in server.xml (ref: T-23912)
  • Bug fix - CBS, UBS - Unable to access link folder with error “The selected file is no longer available. The page is reloaded” on CBS > File Explorer (ref: T-23870)
  • Bug fix - CBS - After called to add a sub-admin, “System Settings - Basic” page becomes inaccessible and redirected to login page (ref: T-23745)
  • Bug fix - Align the Unix script for CBS and OBC (ref: T-23575)
  • Bug fix - CBS - After upgraded CBS, multiple SystemAuthOK with empty message logs are found in Administration Activities log (ref: T-24954)
  • Bug fix - CBS - Temp folders and files in obs\system\temp folder are uncleared when failed to export user (ref: T-24166)
  • Bug fix - CBS - Extra “properties-common.tar.gz” file is packed in C:\Program Files\AhsayCBS\download\component folder (ref: T-24178)
  • Bug fix - CBS web console signs out while changing the selection of drop down lists in Chrome version 75 and IE version 11 (ref: CAQ-811-42758, EJA-285-74295, EXH-542-21517, KKS-141-42582, MJO-405-39604, VEO-877-31917, WBW-504-84552, T-24228)
  • Bug fix - CBS web console signs out while deleting item in list table in Chrome version 75 (ref: OSZ-604-89870, T-24277)
  • Bug fix - CBS - Default certificate type is “undefined” and Extra “server.xml.bak.%timestamp%” is generated when start fresh installed CBS v8.2.1.0 (ref: T-23924)


  • Bug fix - Dutch translation issue on terms “Report” (ref: GIP-198-80421, T-24191)
  • Bug fix - Germany translation issue in word “Normal” under Backupset setting > Other > Compressions (ref: JUQ-346-15148, T-23584)
  • Bug fix - CBS Advance In-File Delta German / Dutch translation is not correct (ref: QOG-323-42022, T-23672)
  • Bug fix - CBS Greek Translation (ref: AOE-288-36698, T-23611)
  • Bug fix - Germany translation issue (ref: UUD-814-45430, T-23805)
  • Bug fix - CBS Korean Translation (ref: T-23723)

User experiences

  • Enhancement - Show message when selected a list template which is NOT supported to restore (e.g. MicroFeed) in tree restorer of CBS UI (ref: T-23696)
  • Enhancement - Tomcat poor transfer rate due to server.xml values: socket.rxBufSize=xxxxx and socket.txBufSize=xxxxx (ref: WJV-882-69842, T-23825)
  • Enhancement - CBS, Office 365 - Enhance server-side performance when expanding nodes in Advanced Backup Source Tree to align with OBC (ref: BMS-678-40150, T-23687)
  • Bug fix - CBS - When clicking “Move/Import/Export User” button on Manage User Page, alert is prompted (ref: CCX-328-96883, T-23605)
  • Bug fix - CBS, OBM - When backup user login after 3 incorrect attempts, backup user is still able to login with Enabled status (ref: T-23744)
  • Bug fix - Statement “Backup/Restore jobs that are currently running or finished within 1 hour” not align with the behavior of “CBS > Live Activities” page (ref: T-14986)
  • Bug fix - Alias in Unicode unable to be displayed in csv file generated with Export Users' Usage Statistics (ref: T-23985)
  • Bug fix - “[ProgressInfoList.remove] Cannot find the element..” is found in CBS Activities logs whenever there is a backup or restore job (ref: T-25212)
  • Bug fix - CBS - Remove “Progressive Data Integrity Check” page in CBS web console, disable PDIC for clients in all versions (ref: T-25163)
  • Bug fix - CBS web console occasionally encounter “Too many redirects” and “Failed to load resource: net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE” (ref: AAS-756-92310, KJA-449-89256, T-24623)
  • Bug fix - Error when create new backup set from OBC when preempted deselected source is set in CBS (ref: ORP-536-90701, T-24770)
  • Bug fix - CBS - Columns of tables in Activities Log and rebrand Custom Properties are not displayed properly (ref: T-24808)

AhsayOBM / AhsayACB

General / Miscellaneous

  • Enhancement - Support OBM on FreeBSD 11.3 (ref: T-24648)
  • Enhancement - Add checking of VMware Tools version to 10.3.5 to avoid App crash with Java 1.8 (ref: T-23194)
  • Enhancement - Retry Logic, supporting resumable uploading/downloading files between CBS and OBC (ref: T-23292)
  • Enhancement - CBS, OBC - Cleanup unnecessary job block folders for ADVANCED retention policy (ref: T-23724)
  • Enhancement - Implement a tool for brief scan which backup set contain two or more migrate v6 CSV files (ref: T-23778)
  • Bug fix - OBM UI & Service could not be started “Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly” after upgraded to v8.1.0.50, causes backup not working (ref: EMR-841-70016, VRX-394-40311, T-23449)
  • Bug fix - “[ProgressInfoList.remove] Cannot find the element..” is found in CBS Activities logs whenever there is a backup or restore job (ref: T-21508)
  • Bug fix - OBM - Align add and update user contact logic on OBM with CBS (ref: T-22783)
  • Bug fix - Change user settings on OBM which without latest user info will cause newer backup sets being removed (ref: HPR-450-86346, T-24921)
  • Bug fix - OBM will not update the backup status of previous backup job if the previous job do not have terminated properly (ref: ADP-490-27615, T-24005)

Restore / Decrypt

  • Enhancement - Performance tuning of delta merging speed during restoration (ref: T-19046)
  • Bug fix - OBM, VMware - When perform VMware Run Direct restore on ESXi Ubuntu VM, warning is hit (ref: T-24391)
  • Bug fix - OBM - Fail to perform manual migrate of VMware and Hyper-V backup set with no response when clicking “Manage Run Direct Virtual Machines” (ref: T-24854)
  • Bug fix - Unable to restore folders with trailing space backed up by Windows (ref: JCK-261-28694, T-24901)
  • Bug fix - OBM could not restore data from backed up mailboxes (Exchange mailbox backupset) (ref: KYA-485-82086, T-24320)
  • Bug fix - Slow Restoration Speed. “Unexpected IOException, error=[ObsManager.getInputStream] Target is not a file.” (ref: XZS-821-95913, T-24452)
  • Bug fix - Fail to restore data from file backup set and OBM client application is keep to return the message as Encryption key is incorrect (ref: OIA-708-83464, T-23695)

Application specific backup - Hyper-V

  • Enhancement - Enhance to create minimal size delta file by using CBT for the Hyper-V VM (ref: T-23595)
  • Bug fix - OBM, Hyper-V - After removing the original VM from the Hyper-V Manager, restore completed with error [GetVirtualHardDiskSettingData] (ref: T-23836)
  • Bug fix - OBM, Hyper-V - When backup .vhdx files with Non-English characters (e.g Korean), backup error Reason = “Disk … does not exist” is logged (ref: T-23817)
  • Bug fix - OBM, Hyper-V - When restore VM with .iso attached, restore error “Reason = “Failed to import a virtual machine from a file….” is hit (ref: T-23820)
  • Bug fix - OBM, Hyper-V - When “Host Component” is selected and restore to original location, ”[NullPointerException] null“ error is logged (ref: T-23821)
  • Bug fix - OBM, Hyper-V - When run direct restore job failed with error, the next restore job will hit “Another job is still running. Restore stopped.” (ref: T-23822)
  • Bug fix - OBM, Hyper-V - Unable to create Hyper-V backup set with “Access is denied” error pop up (ref: T-24224)
  • Bug fix - OBM, Hyper-V Cluster, MSExchange DAG - Backup job hits “Virtual machine / Database does not exist” warning after upgraded from v8.1 to v8.2.4.0 (ref: T-25070)

Application specific backup - MS Exchange Mail

  • Bug fix - OBM Exchange MailLevel Backup error = Target is not a file, sParent=Indbakke, sName… (ref: XEI-817-36874, T-24107)
  • Bug fix - Fail to run Exchange Mail Level Backup with warning “E-mail Account Not Available” (ref: XNU-699-59723, T-23407)
  • Bug fix - Fail to run Exchange Mail Level backup with “Insufficient permissions to the mailbox ERROR=MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER” error (ref: SXG-424-12444, T-22342)

Application specific backup - MS Exchange Server

  • Bug fix - Unable to perform Exchange Log backup in Mounted Volume with “\\?\Volume{4b488f8b-0000-0000-0000-100000000000}\ is not directory” error (ref: ZML-344-90349, T-23503)
  • Bug fix - In Exchange DAG mail level backup sets, mails are backed up in multiple DAG nodes even database is activated in 1 node only (ref: WIZ-571-53117, T-23889)
  • Bug fix - OBM, Exchange DAG, HyperV Cluster - Show empty restore tree for v6 Exchange Server DAG and Hyper-V Cluster backup sets after stage 1 is completed (ref: T-25160)

Application specific backup - MS SQL Server

  • Enhancement - Find if there is another value (e.g. LSN - Last sequence number) as indicator to check if full backup required for MSSQL (ref: T-22867)

Application specific backup - Office365

  • Enhancement - Support Multi-Factor Authentication for Office 365 mailbox backup (ref: KXG-650-60164, QWP-215-85771, T-23446)
  • Enhancement - OBM, Office 365 - Support restore checked out/ checked in file to OneDrive and Document Library when require check out setting is enabled (ref: T-24396)
  • Enhancement - Support to create a site collection for Office 365 SharePoint Online (ref: T-24531)
  • Bug fix - Office 365 backup error ”[CloudFileSystem.createFile] Parent directory 'Office 365/Users/' does not exist“ (ref: BYQ-468-42829, T-24408)
  • Bug fix - OBC O365 SharePoint Backup cannot backup emoji and get error … Cannot open file “xxx.eml”. 500 Internal Server Error (ref: KCT-270-62506, T-24406)
  • Bug fix - OBM, Office 365 - When restore from Chinese version Outlook to English version Outlook, new folder is created for Inbox (ref: T-24394)
  • Bug fix - OBM, Office 365 - When restoring OneDrive data to Windows local computer, Missing Raw Files error for .ldi file shows in restore logs (ref: T-24103)

Application specific backup - Others

  • Bug fix - Unable to perform Windows System Backup when Temporary Directory is set to a password protected network drive (ref: YLC-579-13529, T-23517)
  • Bug fix - OBM v7.17.0.50 Oracle 11g database backup on Windows 2012 R2 completes with error “Unknown backup SPFile exception” (ref: QEW-278-25146, T-24086)

Application specific backup - VMware

  • Enhancement - Support VMware ESXi (RunDirect to different file system of datastore) (ref: KJC-822-28797, T-22177)
  • Bug fix - OBM, VMWare - Fail to run direct restore VMWare ESXi backup set with Error=[BackupSet.getBackupSeparator] Unclassified backup set type (ref: T-24911)

Auto Update Agent

  • Bug fix - OBM - Fail to AUA from v6.29 to v8.2.2.0 with Error=org/sqlite/SQLiteException (ref: T-24801)
  • Bug fix - OBM - Fail to AUA from v6.29 to v8.3 in Linux OBM with Error=org/apache/http/params/HttpParams in aua.log (ref: T-25181)
  • Bug fix - OBM Crashing after AUA from to Error = “Cannot Find Class” (ref: WFN-584-67047, T-23587)

Backup Destination

  • Enhancement - Support Backblaze B2 cloud storage (ref: AEA-600-60938, JTW-830-35386, MME-211-10211, ZIA-412-17637, T-15329)
  • Enhancement - Support Amazon S3 Regions - Asia Pacific (Osaka-Local) (ref: T-23315)
  • Enhancement - Support of Amazon S3 Region - EU (Stockholm) region (OBC) (ref: T-23053)
  • Enhancement - Support Aliyun Bucket Region - London 英国(伦敦)(oss-eu-west-1) (OBC) (ref: T-23055)
  • Enhancement - Set the checksum (sHexOfSHA256Hash) when calling getOutputStream to OBS Destination (ref: T-25233)
  • Enhancement - Remove Amazon Cloud Drive from new destination (OBM NAS) (ref: T-25052)
  • Enhancement - Remove Amazon Cloud Drive from new destination (ref: T-24962)
  • Enhancement - Support wasabi cloud storage for destination and Cloud File backup source (ref: T-24706)
  • Bug fix - OBM Backup to Standard Destination “OneDrive for Business” returned with error “The request has been throttled” (ref: SNX-936-30733, T-24514)
  • Bug fix - OBM file backup to Google Cloud Storage “Failed to access destination “Google Cloud Storage USA”. Reason=“” (ref: IUR-104-75839, T-24423)


  • Enhancement - Add show / hide “Save password” option by “custom.xml” (ref: KLI-185-16882, MRM-860-55762, NFS-750-95830, T-21732)
  • Bug fix - OBM Free Trial user creation GUI cannot switch to another language (ref: LYU-599-57336, T-24091)
  • Bug fix - Some OBC Spanish Translation (ref: MOG-197-37025, T-24092)

File backup

  • Enhancement - Create a new backup job end status “BS_STOP_BY_MODULE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED” for the module quota exceeded (ref: T-24457)
  • Enhancement - CBS, OBM - Enhance information in the delete message when running retention policy / space freeing up and remove files out of retention (ref: T-25192)
  • Bug fix - OBM - When performing backup / applying filter on hard drive, “Backup source/Filter top directory…does not exist” warning is displayed (ref: T-25042)
  • Bug fix - When restore 2nd backup job performed in v6 OBM, ”[CloudFileSystem.getInputStream] Failed to obtain InputStream for path” error is logged (ref: T-24778)
  • Bug fix - OBM file backup crashes and generates large size .mdmp files in the bin folder causing the system drive C: become out of space (ref: NRU-747-54701, T-24763)
  • Bug fix - CBS, OBM - When running retention policy, unnecessary job block folders with no bak files are not removed (ref: T-24845)
  • Bug fix - OBM Mac backup Error=“ Cannot get extented attribute of path…Unknown Error(ErrorCode:1) at com.ahsay.ani.util.MacUtil… (ref: WHD-487-86585, T-24484)
  • Bug fix - Add a warning message if user tried to exit in DIC test mode result page (ref: ULC-850-96444, T-24262)
  • Bug fix - Backup job is completed successfully even the local predefined destination do not exist (ref: AQY-461-60457, T-22111)
  • Bug fix - Backups fail and caused index issues, some files not restorable since upgrading to v8.1.0.50 on OSX 10.13.4 (ref: OUZ-521-60946, PDN-224-10230, T-23588)
  • Bug fix - Mac OS X OBM File backup Throwable=[Bptree.KeyRangeIterator.hasNext] Error=[ABlock.parse] Cannot parse file error cannot be fixed by DIC (ref: URC-602-87364, T-23556)

Group policy / Reseller panel

  • Enhancement - Request to have “New Backup Set Wizard - OpenDirect” & “New Backup Set Wizard - Granular Restore” options in CBS Group Policy [GUI Settings] (ref: T-24016)
  • Bug fix - CBS, ACP - Unable to build CBS installer with no files found for Tomcat error in build log (ref: T-24812)
  • Bug fix - Group policy preempted file backup set fails to backup from ${mac.x} sources (ref: MXN-437-34308, T-23291)

Operating Systems

  • Enhancement - Support OBM on FreeBSD 12 (ref: T-22889)
  • Enhancement - Support OBM on Ubuntu 19.04 (ref: T-23712)
  • Enhancement - Support OBM on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (ref: T-23917)
  • Bug fix - Scheduled backup cannot be run when windows username is in Korean (ref: AAC-305-71260, T-23957)
  • Bug fix - OBM v7.17.2.2 on CentOS 7.5 GUI (GNOME) Korean Language not displayed properly (ref: T-24748)
  • Bug fix - OBM - Unable to run backupset in FreeBSD 32bit, ”[SQLException] Error opening connection, database path: …“ occurred (ref: T-25147)

Reporting / Email report

  • Enhancement - Show the error message when log end backup / upload failed and retry log end backup request (ref: WFC-145-69808, T-22162)
  • Enhancement - Request not to show those obsolete retention policy log entries on the backup report (ref: ALO-141-51990, EXO-901-86833, IJI-295-21483, JUW-841-90334, KNH-301-11392, LZW-845-23463, NRK-425-89204, NVV-492-56763, TNR-925-84199, VIL-361-49573, WDS-128-57604, ZHO-875-43565, T-19145)
  • Bug fix - CBS does not flag backup jobs as failed for Office 365 backup set after password changes (ref: IOB-282-83739, QND-349-82235, T-23380)
  • Bug fix - OBM - When performing file backup, Error “Failed to synchronize log files to servernull” is logged in .obm\log\System (ref: T-25057)

Synology / QNAP OBM

  • Enhancement - Support of QNAP NAS TS-251+ (ref: AQI-509-66105, CGD-819-83238, T-23948)
  • Enhancement - Upload correct computerInfo of NAS (Synology and QTS) when logging start backup to server (ref: T-24456)
  • Enhancement - Support of QNAP NAS TS-253A (ref: PVT-769-90382, T-24417)
  • Enhancement - Build OpenJDK JRE 1.8 for QNAP with CPU armv7 32bit (hard-float) model (ref: TBB-234-87893, T-23447)
  • Enhancement - Support of QNAP TS-1079 PRO (ref: YWM-117-55087, T-22918)
  • Enhancement - Add show / hide “Save password” option by “custom.xml” (NAS) (ref: T-23802)
  • Bug fix - Synology backup error [d] [c.S3AWS4Manager.bucketExists] Give up retry, retried 29 time(s). Error: Broken pipe (ref: LFR-879-26410, T-23760)
  • Bug fix - OBM Scheduler on QNAP NAS is disabled but the scheduled backup job still runs (ref: WKI-861-65978, T-23761)
  • Bug fix - Cannot install OBM on QNAP TS-231P (32bit ARM CPU) by returning “Error 6: Unexpected Error” (ref: NMO-171-19765, PHX-294-77009, T-23554)
  • Bug fix - Cannot install OBM on DS114 (DSM 6.2.1) with error “The JVM provided is invalid, please verify.” (ref: FSR-132-49898, T-23602)
  • Bug fix - OBM could not create backupset on QNAP NAS and showed a blank blue box (ref: GAS-921-74202, ZFR-501-61901, T-24567)
  • Bug fix - OBM, Synology - When backup folder source on Synology DS715, OBM WuiService stopped (ref: T-24943)
  • Bug fix - OBM, NAS - When save changes of browser type related destination (e.g. Google Drive) in NAS, unable to save with loading screen or error message (ref: T-25188)

System maintenance

  • Enhancement - Remove outdated index files to save disk space (ref: ITC-524-59602, YBL-652-52553, YNU-649-79505, T-21024)
  • Enhancement - Mark an indication to the destinations for the backup files (ref: T-22311)
  • Bug fix - OBM - After backup user changed password and not yet logged in GUI, scheduled v8.3 migration job failed with Incorrect Password warning (ref: T-25189)


  • Enhancement - Translation of 8.3 new properties (ref: T-24851)
  • Bug fix - OBC Spanish translation request (ref: IWP-518-66092, T-24529)
  • Bug fix - Dutch translation issue on terms “Last” (ref: GPX-370-69228, T-24150)
  • Bug fix - OBM missing french translation on some parts during backup set creation (ref: PNJ-911-98507, T-19579)
  • Bug fix - CBS / OBM German Translation is missing on some places and some spelling mistakes is found (ref: WRQ-730-72227, T-19621)

User experiences

  • Enhancement - Cleanup unnecessary job block folders if no actionable data remains in the blocks data folder (ref: COT-132-85200, GVV-913-67241, IKA-369-34782, JVH-645-79771, TOW-823-61625, YNU-649-79505, T-21145)
  • Enhancement - OBM Support 2-factor authentication login (ref: T-22803)
  • Enhancement - OBC Support multi-factor authentication login (OBC UI) (ref: MZM-160-37445, T-21295)
  • Enhancement - Supress log4j message when running OBC batch files (ref: NFO-705-40615, OZW-482-66400, PXZ-557-90014, VMM-247-33047, ZOD-690-36876, T-22988)
  • Enhancement - OBC Support multi-factor authentication login (NAS) (ref: T-23371)
  • Enhancement - OBC Support multi-factor authentication login (CLI) (ref: T-23379)
  • Enhancement - Add empty checking of host and password for VMware settings when creating backup set (ref: T-23730)
  • Enhancement - OBM v7.12.2.2 the systemtray notification message for backup job status is not aligned with message on the UI or backup report (ref: T-24505)
  • Enhancement - Enhance the usability of backup set listing page with sorting (ref: T-24453)
  • Bug fix - OBM v7.17.2.2 when the login credentials for Windows User Authentication are incorrect the error message is duplicated (ref: T-24496)
  • Bug fix - OBM - When click Previous button on the “Restore items from Users/Site Collections” page at Decrypt for Office 365 backupset, error was prompted (ref: T-25007)
  • Bug fix - OBM v7.17.2.2 Incorrect Korean Translation (ref: T-25008)
  • Bug fix - OBM v7.17.2.2 change the OBM/ACB login error messages to improve security (ref: T-25150)
  • Bug fix - Backup End Status in UI and SystemTray one do NOT match for Korean (ref: T-23729)
public/resources/release_notes_v83030.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/25 13:42 by clarence.lee

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