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v8.1.0.50 Release Notes (11-Feb-2019)

You are recommended to upgrade to this version if the enhancements or the bug fixes listed below are beneficial to you. Otherwise, you may stay with your current version. All users are recommended to first test running this release on a testing server before actually upgrading the production servers.

Limitation / Known Issue of This Version

Deployment / Upgrade

  • Due to a bug in AhsayOBM/ACB v7.7.0.0, auto update from v7.7.0.0 to v8.1.0.50 is NOT supported. Auto update from AhsayOBM/ACB v6.27.0.0 and other v7.x/v8.x versions are supported.
  • Due to a bug in AhsayOBM/ACB v7.5.0.0 (Linux), auto upgrade from v7.5.0.0/v7.7.0.0 to v8.1.0.50 is NOT supported.
  • For AhsayOBS v6 upgraded to AhsayCBS v8, if there are multiple enforcement backup set settings in the same policy group, only the first enforcement backup set settings is migrated.
  • Upgrading for AhsayOBS v6 with junction points/symbolic links used in System Home to AhsayCBS v8 is not supported.
  • For upgrading customized AhsayCBS from v7.7.2.0 or below, users are required to re-brand the latest cbs.css and upload to AhsayCBS after starting up the AhsayCBS. Otherwise, AhsayCBS will not be able to save the customized predefined destination on the customization page. Please download the latest cbs.css from this link.
  • For multi-domain SSL certificates added to CBS before v7.17.0.30, users are required to re-add the SSL certificates to CBS v7.17.0.30 or above, before the certificates can be used on sub-admins accounts.

Backup / Restore

  • For MSSQL/MS Exchange (Server)/Lotus Domino/Oracle backup sets upgraded from v6 to v7/v8, a database backup (with in-file delta, if in-file delta is enabled) will be performed in the first backup job after the upgrade.
  • AhsayOBM is not able to backup SQL database with special character for MS SQL Backup Set in ODBC mode.


  • AhsayCBS User Web console does not support login from RDR.


  • AhsayCBS v8.1.0.50 contains v7 hotfixes up to v7.17.0.104 inclusive. If you are upgrading from v7.17.0.105 or above, please download and apply related v8 hotfixes available on Partner Portal.
  • Besides the availability of re-branding option, the license key must have valid maintenance in order to build any v8 branded AhsayCBS/OBM/ACB installer.
  • As best effort support is provided for Windows Xp and Windows 2003 in v8, the behaviour of Auto Update feature is updated to allow upgrading OBM installed on Windows XP and Windows 2003 to upgrade to v8. This change will affect CBS v7.15.0.8 or above. For more information about supporting platform, please refer to our Software Compatibility List.
  • As the management of user storage quota's has changed since AhsyCBS v7.15.6.38, it is not recommended to downgrade to a lower version, as this will reset the user storage quotas for all users on AhsayCBS which can potentially affect your backups.

This release contains the major features listed below:



  • Bug fix - API unable to update run on server Office365 backup set settings when destination list is NOT provided (ref: T-23060)
  • Bug fix - Office365 Mail module(s) quota exceeded error returned when updating backup quota for user with v2 API (ref: OWR-257-45440, T-22706)
  • Bug fix - JSON API output incorrect BackupJobStatus for Backup not yet finished job (ref: XRP-355-46954, T-22705)

Application specific backup

  • Bug fix - In User Console when edit & save the settings for Office365 backup set with Encryption enabled, login credentials error occur (ref: T-23103)

Backup Destination

  • Bug fix - Fail to add “OpenStack” as predefined destination because the user account is not allow to access the main page to detect IdentityAPI version (ref: PEQ-104-23637, T-21814)


  • N/A - No updates have been made in this category


  • Bug fix - Subadmin uses SAN as hostname will get “Hostname does not match with the common name of certificate binded to the connector” error (ref: QEJ-882-45259, T-22690)

External applications / systems

  • N/A - No updates have been made in this category

File backup

  • Bug fix - Error “Cannot parse file, xxxxx\moveFile.bdb” is shown in backup because moveFile.bdb is corrupted due to unstable connection/no diskspace (ref: NNG-914-37316, T-22932)
  • Bug fix - Unable to delete backup data (Space Freeing Up) with API created and updated backup set data after performing DIC (ref: KJD-642-97747, T-23056)

General / Miscellaneous

  • Enhancement - Update CA cert for Comodo CA because it is renamed to Sectigo (ref: SRN-248-68924, DRS-453-42784, T-23105)
  • Bug fix - When viewing “License” tab of sub-admin [Backup User Settings] on Sub-admin console, unable to show the name of Office 365 add-on module (ref: T-23046)
  • Bug fix - User Statistic cannot be shown using FireFox 64.0.2. Error = “The start date should be on or before the end date” (ref: MSW-677-15305, T-23067)
  • Bug fix - The wordings in Policy Group (Default Values>IP Allowed for Restore) is not matched in effective policy page (ref: T-23070)
  • Bug fix - User with backupset ID=0 not handled correctly under Backup Data Migration (ref: VWP-783-45845, T-22887)

Group Policy / Reseller Panel

  • Bug fix - User login can see the Administrator tabs by changing the URL (ref: YMG-651-72366, T-23035)

High availability / Load balancing

  • N/A - No updates have been made in this category

License / Billing module

  • N/A - No updates have been made in this category

Operating systems

  • Enhancement - Support of Windows 2019 for CBS


  • N/A - No updates have been made in this category


  • N/A - No updates have been made in this category

Reporting / Email report

  • N/A - No updates have been made in this category

Restore / Decrypt

  • Bug fix - Run Direct restore of CBS destination failed with error “Session not found” once preparing VM data for over 15 minutes (ref: T-22929)

System maintenance

  • Enhancement - Support identifying the type of custom SSL certificates automatically and update server.xml accordingly


  • Bug fix - CBS Translation Issue Portuguese (Brazil) (ref: NIS-680-92207, T-22914, T-22907)


  • Bug fix - CBS could not start after upgrade due to using v6 format server.xml (ref: KOP-450-23239, T-23069)

User experiences

  • Bug fix - “v7” wordings persists in Backup Server version drop down on Replication Receiver & Replication to another CBS settings (ref: T-22370)
  • Bug fix - CBS on Windows won't open when shortcut icon is clicked (browse.bat) (ref: ICC-237-66744, T-23072)
  • Bug fix - typo on CBS Edit SSL Certificate page ( “Valid Util” instead of “Valid Until (ref: T-23079)

AhsayOBM / AhsayACB

  • N/A - No updates have been made in this category

Application specific backup

  • Bug fix - MS SQL gets [ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server]SQL Server Network Interfaces: Error Locating Server/Instance Specified [xFFFFFFFF] after upgrade (ref: PFT-347-16973, T-22982)
  • Bug fix - Error ”'Office 365 Exchange Online/xxx' exists already“ is shown in Office365 backup (ref: AFM-144-53213, T-22798)
  • Bug fix - Fail to create exchange mail level backup with error “Cannot get Server DN ERROR=MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND” (ref: RHR-253-65163, LDU-890-89362, T-21773)
  • Bug fix - Hyper-V backup looking for manually merged avhdx file after applying hotfix and causing backup fail (ref: HUV-678-57944, T-23024)

Auto upgrade agent

  • N/A - No updates have been made in this category

Backup Destination

  • Bug fix - Fail to add “OpenStack” as predefined destination because the user account is not allow to access the main page to detect IdentityAPI version (ref: PEQ-104-23637, T-21814)


  • N/A - No updates have been made in this category


  • N/A - No updates have been made in this category

File backup

  • N/A - No updates have been made in this category

General / Miscellaneous

  • Bug fix - User with backupset ID=0 not handled correctly under Backup Data Migration (ref: VWP-783-45845, T-22887)

Group Policy / Reseller Panel

  • N/A - No updates have been made in this category

License / Billing Module

  • N/A - No updates have been made in this category

NAS / Synology OBM / QNAP OBM

  • N/A - No updates have been made in this category

Operating systems

  • N/A - No updates have been made in this category

Reporting / Email report

  • N/A - No updates have been made in this category

Restore / Decrypt

  • Bug fix - Restoration failure. Error = Failed to obtain inputstream for '[BackupFile][Version=10100](ref: GDW-259-45653, T-23020)

Software Update

  • N/A - No updates have been made in this category

System maintenance

  • Bug fix - CBS taking long time to load Backup / Restore Log / Audit trail on subadmin CBS console(ref: WNK-292-65544, T-22999)


  • Bug fix - CBS Translation Issue Portuguese (Brazil) (ref: NIS-680-92207, T-22907)


  • N/A - No updates have been made in this category

User experiences

  • N/A - No updates have been made in this category
public/resources/release_notes_v81050.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/11 10:42 by clarence.lee

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