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You are New to AhsayCBS 9

Article ID: 1
Reviewed: 2022-11-28

Product Version:
Ahsay Software: 9.1 to 9.x
OS: All platforms

Where to begin?

Q: Where can I find your compatibility list?

A: Check out these links:

FAQ: Ahsay Hardware Requirement List (HRL) for version 9.1 or above

FAQ: Ahsay Hardware Compatibility List (HRL) for AhsayOBM on Synology NAS

FAQ: Ahsay Hardware Compatibility List (HRL) for AhsayOBM on QNAP NAS

FAQ: Ahsay Software Compatibility List (SCL) for version 9.1 or above

FAQ: Ahsay Software Compatibility List (SCL) for Granular and OpenDirect Restore on version 9.1 or above

Q: What's the latest release?

A: You can review the Release Notes

Q: Where's all your product documentation guides?

A: You can review them in Ahsay Partner Portal: v9 v8 v7

Q: I'm new to AhsayCBS

A: Great! You'll want to start reading the AhsayCBS Quick Start Guide , on how to install the product. Then, followup with the AhsayCBS Administrator's Guide. Afterwards, to work with the client-side application, refer to the AhsayOBM or AhsyaACB Quick Start Guide.

Q: What can AhsayCBS do?

A: Short answer, primarily the Backup Server host. The CBS can also replicate backup user's data to a CBS Replication Receiver or to a Predefined Destination. AhsayCBS can also join or host a Redirector, which allows a single URL your clients point to, but have multiple CBS Backup Servers within its umbrella.

A: In Ahsay's Client-Server architecture, AhsayCBS is the Backup Server host (but it can also act as a standalone Replication Receiver, or Redirection Host), AhsayCBS serves as the portal which you can create Backup User's accounts and profiles, setup Backup Destination storage (or configure Predefined Destinations in cloud storage). You'll need to install AhsayCBS onto your own Operating System Host… this can be Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, and either setup onsite at your office or Data Center, or on a VM in the Cloud (like Azure or AWS). Alternatively, if you rather not worry about setting up the infrastructure, Ahsay offers BIaaS; check out Backup Users will use AhsayOBM or AhsayACB client agents to connect their machine (device to backup), connect to the AhsayCBS host to run jobs. Alternatively, AhsayCBS offers Agentless (“Run on Server”) which does not require the installation of AhsayOBM/AhsayACB onto a device, backup jobs run from the AhsayCBS's host.

Q: I'm currently using AhsayOBSR v6

A: Thanks for being a long time partner. First, you'll want to refer to Ahsay's OBS to CBS Upgrade Guide. The license model has changed, verify you have enough CALs before you upgrade to CBS. Then refer to the preceding Answers.

A: On my AhsayOBS, it shows “Free Upgrade Until” , so this means I can upgrade to AhsayCBS without license issues, correct? It depends… AhsayOBS is our legacy product, replaced by AhsayCBS. AhsayCBS has new licensing terms, and with that the introduction of the “AhsayCBS Module”. You'll need this module applied to your License key, otherwise the Backup Server can not function after grace period expires. If you are a Meter License subscriber, then no worries, you already have this AhsayCBS Module applied, go ahead with planning your upgrade. However, if you are under our Perpetual License model, then contact Ahsay Sales for further review to your license before you upgrade.

Q: I'm currently using AhsayCBS v7 or v8

A: You are already familiar with the CBS product line, so you can refer to the V7-V8-V9 Features Comparison and the AhsayCBS v9 New Features DataSheet, then followup with the Release Notes, the AhsayCBS to CBS Upgrade Guide, and AhsayCBS Administrator's Guide. You can only upgrade to the latest Release if you have valid maintenance when that Release was posted.

Q: How do I install Hot Fixes?

A: Check out How to apply hotfix to AhsayCBS, and How to apply hotfix to AhsayOBM/AhsayACB

A: Remember that Hot Fixes require a minimum base version before it can be applied. Also, Hot Fix packages only contain binaries that have been updated, it does not contain the full directory, so when you install Hot Fixes you overwrite into the existing CBS/OBM/ACB installation path.

Q: What is Replication?

A: The CBS can Replicate backup user data stored on CBS (CBS Destination) to a CBS Recplication Receiver or to a Predefined Destination. This offers extra data redundancy of data stored on your primary CBS Backup Server. A single AhsayCBS Replication Receiver, when receiving data from a single AhsayCBS Backup Server, can offer the ability to convert your Receiver to become the Backup Server in the event of disaster to the original CBS Backup Server. Or, an AhsayCBS Replication Receiver can receive replicated data from multiple CBS Backup Servers. Note: To use replication, Replication modules are required per device ; the modules are assigned to the CBS Backup Server's License Key. For scaling, your Receiver's storage should be greater than the Backup Server(s) User Home storage total, this will allow Receiver to have multiple Retention for additional recovery points of the primary Backup Server data.

Q: What is Redirector?

A: AhsayCBS can also join or host a Redirector, which allows a single URL your client agents point to, but have multiple CBS Backup Servers within its umbrella. Redirector allows for scaling, when you grow and add additional Backup Servers, your clients don't need to reconfigure their agents to the new URL, all the changes are done on your side and on the back-end. You can even move users between CBS Backup Servers without needing to have the client reconfigure the agent to point to the new CBS URL, when using Redirector. Redirector requires module licensed per device. One limitation is the backup user will need to know the specific AhsayCBS host they live on, if they need to connect to the CBS User Web Console.

Q: What SSL Certificate Authorities are you compatible with?

A: FAQ: Trusted Certificate Authority (CA) Certificates List for version 9.x

Q: Doesn't AhsayCBS already come pre-installed with a SSL Certificate?

A: Yes, but FAQ: When are the default Ahsay dummy / self-sign certificate acceptable for business?

Q: Do I need to provide my own storage?

A: Out of the box, after creating Backup User Account, the user can use the AhsayCBS host's storage (Destination = “AhsayCBS”). User's backup jobs will write to the user's User Home directory on the AhsayCBS host server.

A: Additional storage destination types can be found on Ahsay SCL

A: New in 2022, if you want to startup an AhsayCBS instance but do not want to manage storage, then you might be interested in Ahsay Managed Backup-as-a-Service (AMBaaS). Refer to this link for additional details.

Q: What's a "User Home"?

A: It serves two-fold. One, where user's: reports, logs, and encrypted Encryption Key (if enabled) are stored. Second, it can also serve as the Destination storage if their backup points to “AhsayCBS” destination.

A: By default, upon installation of AhsayCBS, an initial User Home directory is created in the AhsayCBS installation path (ie C:\Program Files\AhsayCBS\user). From the CBS UI, you can remove the default User Home path, and/or add other paths (different drive, network share). However, you must have at least one User Home path defined per CBS Backup Server, as all users will need a User Home directory. A User Home path cannot point to Cloud Destination.

Q: Can you host the AhsayCBS for me?

A: Yes, if you rather not worry about setting up the infrastructure, Ahsay offers BIaaS; check out

A: New in 2022, if you want to startup an AhsayCBS instance but do not want to manage storage, then you might be interested in Ahsay Managed Backup-as-a-Service (AMBaaS). Refer to this link for additional details.

Q: What is difference between BIaaS and AMBaaS?

A: In the BIaaS model, we host and setup a dedicated AhsayCBS instance for your own use, you are given CBS “Admin” access, and you bring (attach) your own Cloud Storage (or optional, we bundle in storage as a one-stop shop). It's like if you were to stand-up the infrastructure yourself, but in this case, Ahsay does all that back-end for you including CBS upgrades. All you need to manage is the front-end, via the AhsayCBS management web console to create users, policies, check job status, etc. You can even use Ahsay API , create segregated SubAdmin , and full branding experience. Licensing (CAL) fees is extra.

A: In the AMBaaS model, we host both the Backup Server and the storage. Billing is integrated and you are paying only for storage usage, all licenses are included with your plan. You are a SubAdmin on a shared AhsayCBS host to create and manage your: users, policies, job status, logs. However, in this model, you cannot use Ahsay API, cannot create different segregated SubAdmin, and we only offer co-branding experience.

Q: Can AhsayCBS be installed in the Cloud?

A: Yes! You can install AhsayCBS on any cloud platform that offers OS running Windows or Linux. You first create a new OS instance, then install our product as if you were installing it onto a physical host or a virtual machine.

Q: The reporting features in AhsayCBS are nice, but I want more details or specific layout. What can I do?

A: You can write your own! We have APIs available. Refer to the AhsayCBS API Guide

Q: Can I bulk create users and standardize Backup Sets creation. What can I do?

A: You can write your own! We have APIs available. Refer to the AhsayCBS API Guide

Q: Can I resell your solution, and setup different reseller accounts?

A: Yes! You can create a Sub-Admin (one for each Reseller). Each Sub-Admin will 'own' the users they create, where these users are visible to them only (+ the Super-Admin (you)). Another Sub-Admin cannot see another's set of users, they're all silo. Each Sub-Admin can manage their users, define unique policies, etc. You, as the Super-Admin (“system”) can oversee all the Resellers and their users, as well as set system-wide policies which all users/resellers must default. As well, you can set a threshold per Sub-Admin to how many CAL (Client Agent Licenses) modules are allocated to them.

A: Sub-Admin can also be defined with a unique FQDN (ie that sets them apart from a different reseller. Each Sub-Admin can also have unique branding (logos, graphics, product names, color scheme, etc). Either you (Super-Admin) or the individual Sub-Admin can customize on their own, or you can even block access to the customization if you want them to only use your provided branding. Our product is quite flexible that can cater to different use-case scenarios.

Q: Do you have a SubAdmin-specific documentation guide I can give to my reseller (Sub-Admin)?

A: It is in the works and coming in near future, but for now you'll have to settle for what is available in the AhsayCBS Administrator's Guide

Q: How can I rebrand the product with my own logo and product names?

A: To brand CBS, OBM, ACB, UBS; then check out Rebrand and Customize Ahsay Backup Software by Yourself . Just remember that you need to have a licensed CBS Product Key and the Rebrand Option in order to Build the installers, an Evaluation license does not authorize this feature.

A: Additionally, If you prefer Ahsay to create the required graphics and Branding Profile, we offer Service. Check out Total Rebranding Service or Build My Branded AhsayCBS Installer Service on the Ahsay website.

A: If you want to rebrand Ahsay Mobile app, you'll need to contact Ahsay Sales for further details.

Q: Do you have a Branding Guide specific for Resellers (Sub-Admin)?

A: It is in the works and coming in near future, but for now you'll have to settle for what is available in the AhsayCBS Administrator's Guide

Q: Is 2FA supported?

A: Yes! Ahsay Mobile App (Android & IOS) provides 2FA support. Alternatives are using third-party TOTP (Time-based One-Time Password) Authenticator apps that provide time-based one-time password.

Q: What are your licensing models?

A: Please contact Ahsay Sales with your questions

Q: Do you offer Partner or Reseller exclusives?

A: Yes, you can check out Ahsay Partner Portal ( Based on your purchase history, your view may vary. You can also contact Ahsay Sales for promotions, pricing, or other details.

Q: Do you offer Professional Services that I can engage in, for installation or upgrade help?

A: Yes, sure do! Check out link , for a comprehensive list of Service offers.

We also have videos, check them out!