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ISSUE: All backup jobs have suddenly stopped running and cannot to login to AhsayOBM/AhsayACB clients

Article ID: 8070
Reviewed: 08/04/2020

Product Version:
AhsayCBS: or above
OS: All Platform

Problem Description

The AhsayCBS service is running normally and can login to the AhsayCBS web management console as normal. However, the following issues are encountered:

  1. All scheduled and continous backup jobs have suddenly stopped running causing large number of missed backup notifications.

  2. When login to AhsayOBM/AhsayACB clients using https getting "Can't connect to Backup Server!" error.

  3. The debug.log file on the AhsayOBM/AhsayACB client machine shows the following errors.

[2020/04/03 22:00:00][info] [File backup (1281434823456)] [2020-04-03-22-00-00] Wake Up ...
[2020/04/03 22:00:00][info] [File backup (1281434823456)] [2020-04-03-22-00-00] This backup job will run to its completion.
[2020/04/03 22:00:00][info] [File backup (1281434823456)] [2020-04-03-22-00-00] Start running backup
[2020/04/03 22:00:00][info] [CloudBacko.OutputStream] [RelaxedX509TrustManagerJVM14.checkServerTrusted] Exception=NotAfter: Wed Apr 01 01:59:59 CEST 2020.
[2020/04/03 22:00:00][error] [CloudBacko.ErrorStream] [IOException] cannot connect to the backup server!, caused by [ClientHandlerException] [RelaxedX509TrustManagerJVM14.checkServerTrusted] Exception=NotAfter: Wed Apr 01 01:59:59 CEST 2020. Certificate[0]='[


This issue is due to the expiry of the web SSL certificate on the AhsayCBS server.

Access the AhsayCBS web console on a web browser and check the expiry date of the SSL certificate.



SSL cert, expiry, missed backup, unable to login, dummy, https

public/8070_issue_all_backup_jobs_have_stopped_running_cannot_login_to_ahsayobm.1586324883.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/08 13:48 by yuk.cheng

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