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Ahsay Backup Software

Backup Set Types

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VMware Backup Set

AhsayOBM allows you to back up individual Guest virtual machines (VMs) on your VMware hosts with our VMware Backup Set. VMware Guest VM backup module of AhsayOBM provides you with a set of tools to perform hot backup of your running VMs in VMware environment.

When you need to restore a VM, besides restoring the whole VM image, you can also utilize the built-in Run Direct feature to spin-up the VM in minutes without the need to restore the whole VM first. Moreover, our Granular Restore feature allows you to mount the virtual disks in a backed up VM and restore individual files within the VM without the need to spin-up the VM first.

System Architecture

Below is the system architecture diagram illustrating the major elements involved in the backup process among the VMware server, AhsayOBM and AhsayCBS. In this user guide, we will focus on the software installation, as well as the end-to-end backup and restore process using the AhsayOBM as a client backup software.




public/vmware.1565936926.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/16 14:28 by ronnie.chan

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