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[V8] Enhancement: CBS Branding Image Validation

Article ID: 8138
Reviewed: 2022-08-02

Product Version:
AhsayCBS: to 8.x
OS: All


Starting CBS v8.3.4.42, enhancement to CBS Admin and Sub-Admin's Branding experience where images will be validated to ensure correct dimensions and file extension at time of upload and before Rebuild is performed.

This is to ensure positive Branding experience and preventative measure to avoid unnecessary time spent to discover failed branded agents, time to diagnose issue, and time spent to perform another Rebuild process.

Note: Validation of file extension only, regardless if image itself is of correct graphic type but wrong file extension.

Example: a graphic of PNG type is saved with filename “picture.BMP”. This will fail CBS validation, because the file extension is wrong (even though the graphic is correctly PNG).

Sample errors:

If incorrect dimension

File uploaded dimension was 100x100 px,
when required is 32x32 px
If incorrect filename extension

Filename uploaded was "logo.bmp",
when should be "logo.png"
If correct filename extension, but incorrect graphic type

The BMP graphic is saved with filename "logo.png",
is truly a BMP graphic not the required PNG graphic type


CBS, Branding, Image Validation, Image, Validation, 28460

public/8138_cbs_branding_image_validation.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/02 15:51 by kirk.lim

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