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[V7] ISSUE: Cannot view the backup / restore report from the AhsayCBS console right after a job is completed

Article ID: 5102
Reviewed: 2016-01-08

Product Version:
AhsayCBS: to 7.x
OS: All platforms

ATTENTION 1st January, 2022: v7 officially End-of-Life [details]

Problem Description

Cannot view the backup / restore report from the AhsayCBS console right after a job is completed.

In the AhsayCBS console at [Backup / Restore] > [Users, Groups & Policies] > [username] > [Report], there is no icon displayed for downloading the PDF report:


The backup / restore report may not be available immediately right after the backup / restore job is completed.

Starting from AhsayCBS version, backup and restore reports are generated by a system routine job of AhsayCBS, that is performed quarter hourly. The job is performed at 0, 15, 30 and 45th minutes of every hour.


Simply wait for the report to be generated by the system routine job, the maximum waiting time should be less than 15 minutes.


cannot, download, pdf, link, report

public/5102_issue/cannot_view_the_backup_restore_report_from_the_ahsaycbs_console_right_after_a_job_is_completed.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/15 18:22 by anna.olalia

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