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Ahsay Upgrade Advisory (#29007) - Amazon Certificate Authority Change

We like to remind all partners who are using Amazon S3 storage for either predefined destination on AhsayCBS v7 & v8 and or as standard destination on AhsayOBM/AhsayACB v7 & v8. That due to a change in certificate authority by Amazon Inc. on or before March 23rd 2021, any AhsayCBS server and or AhsayOBM/AhsayACB clients not running v8.5.0.63 or above may experience interruption in backup or restore to Amazon S3 storage accounts.

Therefore all affected partners are strongly recommended to upgrade to all AhsayCBS backup servers and AhsayOBM\AhsayACB clients to v8.5.0.63 or above as soon as possible, to avoid any interruption in backup services.

What are the affected AhsayCBS versions?

  • AhsayCBS v7.3.0.0 to v7.17.129
  • AhsayCBS v8.1.0.24 to

What are the affected AhsayOBM\AhsayACB versions?

  • AhsayOBM\AhsayACB v7.3.0.0 to v7.17.129
  • AhsayOBM\AhsayACB v8.1.0.24 to

What action do I need to take to fix this problem?

Partners are strongly advised to immediately:

  1. Upgrade all affected servers to AhsayCBS v8.5.0.63 or above.
  2. Upgrade all affected clients to AhsayOBM v8.5.0.63 or above.

If your current version is not AhsayCBS v8.5.0.63 or above, then upgrade your AhsayCBS to the latest version first. Please refer to these KB articles for upgrade instructions:

What if my maintenance has already expired? How do I upgrade?

Stop! Do not upgrade until you contact a member our Sales team for assistance with your maintenance renewal.

What if I require assistance with my AhsayCBS server upgrade?

Our professional service team is ready to provide immediate assistance to partners with AhsayCBS v8 upgrades.

Please contact a member our Sales team to obtain a quotation for the AhsayCBS upgrade service.

public/announcement/ahsay_upgrade_advisory_29007.1612937401.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/10 14:10 by yuk.cheng

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