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ISSUE: License Error - Internal Error 1012

Article ID: 8119
Reviewed: 28/07/2021

Product Version:
AhsayCBS: 8.3 or above
OS: All platforms

Problem Description

The following error message is displayed in the AhsayCBS dashboard:

The same error will also be displayed when applying the license on the AhsayCBS web console at System Settings > License:


The error message will be displayed if any of the following condition is true:

  • The same license key had been applied on more than one servers, for example

    • License applied on multiple AhsayCBS servers during the migration process or on another server for testing purposes.
    • License applied on AhsayCBS for replication (e.g. replication receiver).

  • The MAC address, local / remote IP address, or HTTP / HTTPS port of the AhsayCBS have changed for more than 5 times, for example

    • Server with dynamic IP (e.g. DynDNS).
    • Server network load balancing.

  • The license key was converted to a Pooled License via the License Management Portal.


To resolve this issue, refer to the following instruction:

  • The license was applied on more than one servers
    If the license was applied on a second server, shutdown the AhsayCBS service on the second server. Ensure that only one AhsayCBS is using a single license key at the same time.

    Contact Ahsay support representative to relax the license on your behalf. Press the Update button on the license page of the server that the license is intended for (e.g. on the AhsayCBS web console, System Settings > License).

    If the license was applied on another AhsayCBS server for replication (e.g. replication receiver), please contact Ahsay sales representative to purchase another license for your replication receiver (each AhsayCBS server requires its own separate license).

  • The MAC address, local / remote IP address, or http / https port of the AhsayOBS server had changed Update the new server information to Ahsay's license server ( ) by pressing the Update button on the software license page of the AhsayOBS web console. The license key has been converted into a Pooled License via the Ahsay License Management Portal A Pooled License cannot be applied directly on an AhsayOBS server (the conversion from Poolable to Pooled is irreversible). Therefore, to resolve the issue, you will need to create a Pool Key for your AhsayOBS's usage: FAQ: How to create a Pool Key from a License Pool? (3115) AhsayOBS installation on CentOS 7 or above Utilities such as ifconfig have been marked as deprecated for CentOS 7, and the 'net-tools' package is no longer part of the @core group so will not be installed by default. To resolve the issue, enter the following command in terminal to install the net-tools package on the affected client computer: >yum install net-tools Persisting issue, where the same error message is displayed shortly afterward Persistent 1012 license errors can occur if your AhsayOBS server is operating in an network environment where network traffic is routed to the internet via multiple external IP addresses. For example, network load balancing is implemented using, e.g. a dual WAN router, Round Robin routing, or network card with multiple external IP. For these cases, we would suggest setting up a static route for the server's connection to, so that the remote IP address on the server will remain the same every time a connection to is established. For cases where Dynamic IP (e.g. DynDNS) is used, please use a fixed IP / domain name instead. Important Note: User can 'self-relax' your AhsayOBS license for 5 times before having to contact Ahsay Technical Support staff for assistance. To relax your license, simply press the Update button at the bottom of the license page [Manage System] > [Software License] on the AhsayOBS management console. If the error persist after pressing the Update button, it suggests that you have already exceeded the 'self-relax' quota, please contact Ahsay Technical Support staff for assistance.


1012, 1011, internal, error, license, failure

public/8119_issue/internal_error_1012.1627462856.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/28 17:00 by edward.chan

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