[V6] FAQ: How do I move backup account between different User Homes (on the same server or a different server)? (2709)

Post by admin » Tue Jun 10, 2014 10:24 am

Article ID: 2709
Reviewed: 10/06/2014

Product Version:
AhsayOBS: v6.29.0.0, Pre-
OS: All platforms

How do I move backup account between different User Homes (on the same server or a different server)?

To move a backup account to a new User Home on another AhsayOBS server, please follow the instructions below:

You want to move backup account 'UserA' from

    Server A (SOURCE server) - %AhsayOBS Home%\user


    Server B (DESTINATION server) - %New Home%\user

Refer to the following instruction:

  1. Log on to the AhsayOBS management console of the DESTINATION server (e.g. Server B)

  2. Under the [Manage System] page, enter the new User Home directory path (for migration to a new User Home only):

  3. Shutdown the SOURCE AhsayOBS service (e.g. Server A) by:

    • (Windows) [Control Panel] > [Administrative Tools] > [Services] > [Offsite Backup Server and Replication Server]
    • (Linux) Run [ service obsr stop] or [ ${Install-Home} / bin / shutdown.sh ]

  4. Create a new temporary folder under the SOURCE User Home (e.g. %AhsayOBS Home%\user\TO_BE_MIGRATE).

    Move the user account to the newly created temp folder (e.g. 'move' the user instead of 'copy' to reduce the server down time):

      %AhsayOBS Home%\user\UserA


      %AhsayOBS Home%\user\TO_BE_MIGRATE\UserA

  5. Startup the SOURCE AhsayOBS service (e.g. Server A) by:

    • (Windows) [Control Panel] > [Administrative Tools] > [Services] > [Offsite Backup Server and Replication Server]
    • (Linux) Run [ service obsr start ] or [ ${Install-Home} / bin / startup.sh ]

  6. Transfer the user account from the SOURCE to the DESTINATION AhsayOBS's User Home:

      %AhsayOBS Home%\user\TO_BE_MIGRATE\UserA


      %New Home%\TO_BE_MIGRATE\UserA

  7. Shutdown the DESTINATION AhsayOBS service (e.g. Server B) by:

    • (Windows) [Control Panel] > [Administrative Tools] > [Services] > [Offsite Backup Server and Replication Server]
    • (Linux) Run [ service obsr stop] or [ ${Install-Home} / bin / shutdown.sh ]

  8. Move the user account to the DESTINATION User Home in the proper location (e.g. move instead of copy to reduce the server down time):

      %New Home%\TO_BE_MIGRATE\UserA


      %New Home%\user\UserA

  9. Startup the DESTINATION AhsayOBS service (e.g. Server B) by:

    • (Windows) [Control Panel] > [Administrative Tools] > [Services] > [Offsite Backup Server and Replication Server]
    • (Linux) Run [ service obsr start ] or [ ${Install-Home} / bin / startup.sh ]

  10. Delete the temp folder from the SOURCE and DESTINATION User Home afterward.

For migration of backup account between different User Homes on the same AhsayOBS, you can perform the same procedures (you can skip Steps 4 - 7).

It is also recommended that you only migrate backup account across AhsayOBS servers on the same version release.

move, migrate, modify, accounts, backup, user, account, users

Original link https://forum.ahsay.com/viewtopic.php?f=162&t=10141&p=39292