CBS - Large temporary file generated in %CBS_Install_Home%\system\obs\temp (ref: T-36499)
CBS - Web Console > Monitoring > Dashboard > To Dos keeps on loading (ref: T-37198)
CBS - CBS destination in Linux is lost when importing backup set settings from XML (ref: T-37524)
CBS - Console Page redirects to 'User Profile > Backup Clients Settings' when clicking “Go” button on Statistics Usage page (ref: T-37169)
OBM - Correct prompt message for Hyper-V module “No space in between the words “run” and “Microsoft”” (ref: T-37397)
OBC - Backup takes a very long time (~1-2 days) on deleting temporary files (ref: T-36288)
OBC - Gets error “org/sqlite/SQLiteException” error when launching application after CBS upgrade to Hotfix v9.5.4.63 (ref: T-37205)
OBC - Client language changes after selecting a backup set by typing on keyboard in Space Free Up Utility (ref: T-36258)
CBS, OBC - Recycle bin pop-up will appear again even after recycle bin has already been disabled (ref: T-36812)
CBS, OBM - Cannot change the deduplication block size value (ref: T-37478)
CBS - Backup gets error “Error=Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object. 400 Bad Request” for file history versions (ref: T-37120)
CBS - Backup not all selected users are backed up per license usage (ref: T-36384)
CBS - Backup gets error “Failed to resolve backup source shortcut paths. Error=[ExchangeOnlineManager.getGroupSiteUrl]” (ref: T-36397)
CBS - Backup gets index error on subindex files (ref: T-36614)
CBS - Backup gets error “Failed to retain backup file to retention” (ref: T-36711)
CBS - Data Integrity Check failed with error “[StackOverflowError] null (ref: T-36747)
CBS - Incorrect Backup Statistics (ref: T-36763)
CBS - Local Restore could not proceed with the file download (ref: T-36765)
CBS - Backup gets ”[OnShallUpload_Watcher] Failed to handle same file, sPath=… Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation. 403 Forbidden“ (ref: T-36803)
CBS - Backup stuck at transferring backupInfo.db (ref: T-36833)
CBS - Group Sites Backup gets “Skip backup… as target site collection is not found” and no files are backed up. (ref: T-36892)
CBS - Backup gets error “ListItem is available but descriptor stream is null.” and “Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation. 403 Forbidden” (ref: T-36991)
CBS - Restore gets error “No restorer can associate” (ref: T-37121)
CBS - Restore gets error “No backup jobs are found” (ref: T-37127)
CBS - Backup gets warning “Error=Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object. 400 Bad Request” (ref: T-37231)
CBS - Restore getting empty folders and takes a long time to load restore screen (ref: T-37246)
CBS - Restore performance issue in small data sets (ref: T-35155)
CBS - Backup gets error ”[z] Failed to migrate index. Reason = Not in GZIP format“ (ref: T-36529)
CBS - Restore gets error “cannot be cast to” (ref: T-37495)
OBM - Restore gets error “Reason = ”[ListRestoreTask.doRestore] Fail to deserialize List meta”“ (ref: T-37312)
OBM - Backup gets error “Fail to work on tblListItem, Reason=[SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such table: sqlite_sequence)” (ref: T-37140)
OBM - Restore report shows completed successful but no files restored (ref: T-37166)
OBM - Backup gets error “Fail to process %Site% … Reason=org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_TOOBIG] String or BLOB exceeds size limit (ref: T-37210)
OBM - Restore gets warning “Fail to create Document” during restore of Sharepoint to alternate site (ref: T-36407)
OBM - Backup gets error “Failed to get backupCmd 'Office 365/Public Folders'” (erf: T-37322)
OBM - Backup gets error “Err=org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_CANTOPEN] Unable to open the database file (unable to open database file)” (ref: T-36264)
OBM - Sharepoint Restore list is empty after upgrading from v8 (ref: T-36659)
OBM - Backup gets error ”[OnShallUpload_Watcher] Failed to handle selected source, sPath=Office 365/Chats. Reason=null” (ref: T-36762)
OBM - Backup gets error “[OnShallUpload_Watcher] Failed to handle same file, sPath=… Reason='404 page not found” (ref: T-36764)
CBS, OBC - Backup gets error “[OnShallUpload_Watcher] Failed to handle same file…Failed to find start part” (ref: T-37038)
CBS, OBC - OneDrive Restore gets error “[StackOverflowError] null” (ref: T-37176)
CBS, OBC - Backup set asking for app password in v9.5.2.0 (ref: T-36348)