OBM - File Backup stuck when “Saving encrypted Backup file index to %Destination%. (ref: T-32667)
OBM - File Backup gets error=org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_FULL] Insertion failed because database is full (database or disk is full) when index file reaches ~100MB (ref: T-34073)
OBM - File Backup occasionally stops immediately after started, nothing logged in Backup log (ref: T-34263)
OBM - When using Favorites folder as source in CLI, gets error “Failed to Import XML File” (ref: T-32230)
OBM - File Backup gets stuck for Linux VMs on Proxmox platform (KVM based) (ref: T-32489)
OBM - File Backup gets error “Failed to check integrity of destination ”%Destination_ID%”“ (ref: T-33395)
OBM - File Backup keeps crashing (ref: T-33824)
OBM - File Backup completed successfully but no file was backed up (ref: T-33853)
OBC - File backup gets error “[ERROR] Invalid Volume ”%“: \ (volume shadow copy is assumed)” when Google Drive application is running (ref: T-32342)
OBC - Application crashes when running file Backup (Problematic frame: # C [KERNELBASE.dll+0x34f99]) (ref: T-32265)
OBC - File Backup gets error “Error=“java.io.IOException: [ReadFile] (87) The parameter is incorrect” (ref: T-32579)
OBC - Backup to OpenStack fails migration to new db index, retrieving directory as a file (ref: T-32805)
OBC - File backup gets error ”[MigrateV6Index.downloadV6Index] Failed to download v6 index” (ref: T-32494)
CBS - Encounter “Failed to access destination…” or “Failed to login to Office 365” when accessing Backupset (ref: T-33995)
CBS - Office365 Backup consumed high memory usage, getting OutOfMemory error or killed by kernel (ref: T-34323)
CBS - Office365 Backup Unable to verify integrity of data to \“{0}\”. Error: \“{1}\ (ref: T-33848)
CBS - Office365 Exchange Backup getting ApplicationImpersonation permission error (ref: T-33915)
CBS - Office365 Mail Backup got items backed up again (ref: T-33979)
CBS - Decrypt Office365 Backupset gets OutOfMemory error (ref: T-33678)
CBS - Data Integrity Check gets error “Failed to check integrity of destination… Err=[SQLITE_CORRUPT] The database disk image is malformed (database disk image is malformed)” (ref: T-34290)
CBS - Office365 Backup retention period is different from the effective retention period, data deleted by retention policy and cannot be restored (ref: T-32606)
CBS - Office365 Backup stops running after ~1-2 days (ref: T-32821)
CBS - Office365 Backup incorrect statistics (ref: T-32749)
CBS - Office365 Backup encountered error “Fail to process '%File_Path%' Reason=Invalid high surrogate character (0xDD00)” (ref: T-32854)
CBS - Office365 Backup gets error ”[CloudFileSystem.createFile] Parent directory '%Directory_Path%' does not exist“ (ref: T-32938)
CBS - Office365 Exchange Backup encountered network errors (ref: T-32914)
CBS - Office365 SharePoint Backup still running slow after upgrade and with error like ParseError at [row,col]:[1992,61] Message: Connection reset (ref: T-32495)
CBS - Office365 Backup gets error ”…[SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (cannot rollback - no transaction is active)“ (ref: T-32917)
OBM - Office365 Backup gets error “Failed to upload cached index file %Temp%\index\subindex\%Sub-Index_File_Name%\db back to destination (ref: T-32798)
CBS, OBM - Some SharePoint Documents version is missed after the restore (OBM) (ref: T-33925)
CBS, OBM - Restore to alternate location getting restore skipped (ref: T-33616)
CBS, OBC - Office365 Restore to alternate location getting restore skipped (Not support to create non-deletable list) (ref: T-33948)
CBS, OBC - The file/folder-list in Office365 Restore screen (from a snapshot) does not align with the way showing on the Advanced Backup Source (ref: T-34277)
CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup Job (Data Synchronization Check) doesn't pickup missing data from source after all data deleted by Data Integrity Check (ref: T-33402)
CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup gets error “java.io.IOException: [SharedBlockOutputStream.write] File cannot use SharedBlockOutputStream” (ref: T-33834, T-34220)
CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup failed with “Delete missing save data file” and Block files (.bak) cannot be uploaded and found in block validation (ref: T-34235)
CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup keeps re-uploading data and warn Fail to open '%backupsetID%/blocks/%date%\index.db.xx.yy.zz.cgz'. Error='Not in GZIP format' (ref: T-33949, T-33854)
CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup gets error “File: ”%Backupset_ID%/blocks/%Backup_job%/y/xxxxxx.bak”, NOT Found” (ref: T-33495)
CBS, OBC - Using an AzureAD App from a different organization to Backup users gets “Index: 0, Size: 0” error (ref: T-32361)
CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup gets error “[SharePointManager.listDirectFromCloud] Failed to create a new folder iterator.” (ref: T-32410)
CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup gets error “Failed to resolve Backup source shortcut paths…This application does not have the required permissions…” (ref: T-32532)
CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup gets error “Fail to process 'Office 365/Site Collection/%Site'” for Office365 personal site (ref: T-32609)
CBS, OBC - Office365 SharePoint “Data Syncronization Check” backup stuck after running for 1.5 hours (ref: T-32492)
CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup gets error “Failed to create a new folder iterator… The database has been closed” (ref: T-32560)
CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup gets error “java.lang.Exception: Failed to resolve Backup source shortcut paths” (ref: T-32664)
CBS, OBC - Office365 Restore encounters “Fail to get relative Url” error, files not restored (ref: T-32677)
CBS, OBC - Office365 SharePoint unsatisfactory Backup performance & disappeared from Live Activities while still running (ref: T-32483)
CBS, OBC - Memory error “Reason=com.independentsoft.share.bq: GC overhead limit exceeded” is hit when running an Office365 Backup (ref: T-33037)
CBS, OBC - Block files deleted when sub index is in use on Data Integrity Check (ref: T-33243)
CBS, OBC - Outdated index files remained in the current sub-index folder (ref: T-33045)