CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup gets error ”[CloudFileSystem.createFile] Parent directory %File_Path% does not exist (ref: PGO-837-92811, T-31316)
CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup slow and get error “Fail to process… at [row,col]:[xx,yy] Message: Connection reset” (ref: TNQ-909-48924, XUR-806-20086, T-31493)
CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup gets error “Fail to process '… Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.” (ref: VVX-418-67002, T-31457)
CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup gets error “ExportItems has error on the writing thread. Message='Connection reset' After 5 retries”. (ref: IQL-440-79715, T-31365)
CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup job stuck for hours after log entry “All selected pending task done - $Path” (ref: CUS-872-42392, KWS-826-90410, UQL-736-98569, WBI-167-69451, YLM-303-27842, T-31426)
CBS, OBC - Cannot backup from a user's Exchange Online, shows “does not exist” warning (ref: OGU-261-76393, T-31588)
CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup gets error “Fail to process '… ParseError at [row,col]:[145,8400] Message: Character reference ”&#“ (ref: DAM-998-75366, KOB-518-83399, ONZ-956-55823, QTL-696-16254, SSQ-522-73585, VDJ-718-10630, VZG-390-59608, T-31291)
CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup gets error ”[SQLITE_CANTOPEN] Unable to open the database file (unable to open database file)“ (ref: LTW-739-13683, T-31178)
CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup gets error “Cannot write the value 'null' in raw format.” (ref: VUS-448-49576, T-31182)
CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup Set creation gets stuck at testing stage (ref: EMJ-175-57975, T-31150)
CBS, OBC - Outlook backup with Exchange Online Plan 1 fail due to SharePoint inaccessible (ref: BSH-262-31827, PBU-748-11438, T-30912)
ACB - File Backup on macOS gets error ”[BackupFileCmd.uploadBackupFiles][java.lang.NullPointerException] Error=[NullPointerException] null“ (ref: HLY-210-49485, XHS-975-12583, XKF-644-33867, YEO-492-96453, T-31545)
OBM - File Backup to AWS S3 Compatible storage gets error ”[S3CompatibleService.methodExecuteConsumeEntity] Retry after 60 seconds“ (ref: T-31619)
OBM - When Linux OBM completed listing file and file removed before OBM attempts to backup the file, warn “path … does not exist” logged (ref: T-26451)
OBC - Backup from network drive with ~240k files & directories requires ~1-2 days to scan the source (ref: NVB-849-64217, T-31153)
OBC - File backup gets error “Failed to list “\\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1255…” error (ref: BCP-184-66719, FYW-237-63792, KBG-623-44888, RLE-863-59513, UCA-756-15014, UMB-877-70764, YFQ-715-32072, T-31502)
OBC - Application crash when listing folders/files with Path Length > 260 characters (ref: JJJ-144-96660, WDD-739-16879, T-31637)