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v8.3.4.42 Release Notes (03-Aug-2020)

You are recommended to upgrade to this version if the enhancements or the bug fixes listed below are beneficial to you. Otherwise, you may stay with your current version. All users are recommended to first test running this release on a testing server before actually upgrading the production servers.

Limitation / Known Issue of This Version

Deployment / Upgrade

  • For multi-domain SSL certificates added to CBS before v7.17.0.30, users are required to re-add the SSL certificates to CBS v7.17.0.30 or above, before the certificates can be used on sub-admins accounts.


  • Besides the availability of re-branding option, the license key must have valid maintenance in order to build any v8 branded AhsayCBS/OBM/ACB installer.

This release contains the major features listed below:




  • AddSysUser & UpdateSysUser - Support of hashed user password when adding or editing system users (ref: T-27235)
  • New APIs - ListRestoreJobs & ListRestoreJobStatus for listing restore job(s) of a specific user (ref: DBN-652-15819, DKL-724-63396, XPL-364-31995, T-23634)
  • Better error message for API response “Message”: “[Error] Parameter SysUser is null!” incorrect for syntax errors (ref: T-25923)

Backup Destination

  • Support of Amazon S3 Regions - Africa (Cape Town) & Europe (Milan) on CBS (ref: T-27301)
  • Support of Wasabi Region - EU Central 1 (Amsterdam) on CBS (ref: T-27305)
  • Support of Aliyun Region - 华南 2 (oss-cn-heyuan) on CBS (ref: T-27303)
  • Support of Google Cloud Storage regional location on CBS to specific location instead of using multi-regional type (ref: T-24161)

Application specific backup - Cloud File

  • Accept folder name with “\” on Cloud file backup (ref: T-27312)

Application specific backup - Office365

  • Performance Enhancement - Support the use of Microsoft's ChangeKey API (Graph) to enhance listing for Incremental Backup Jobs (ref: T-27176)
  • Provide schedule options to run “Data Synchronization Check” (ref: T-27242)

File Backup

  • Support Periodic Schedule Backup for all Backupset types (CBS) (ref: T-25881)

Group feature / Reseller panel

  • Able to restrict sub-admin to access Free Trial Registration (ref: NHZ-435-43969, T-20414)

Operating systems

  • Support of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (ref: T-27299)


  • Allow change of number of Replication concurrent Backupsets up in CBS UI (ref: T-26718)


  • Update Apache Commons BeanUtils to 1.9.4 (ref: T-25334)

System maintenance

  • Password complexity requirements for Admin/Sub-Admin accounts (ref: T-23733)
  • Performance Enhancement - Create a Separate Process to run the backup job for Run on Server backup (ref: USJ-279-11538, T-26857)
  • Performance Enhancement - Speed up the start-up time of CBS Services which contain 600+ users (ref: CNW-631-89274, T-25463)
  • Performance Enhancement - Speed up the start-up time of CBS Services when the same server is set as both AhsayRDR Host and client (ref: T-26200)
  • Support TLSv1.2 Protocol for SMTP Server

User Experiences

  • Speed up the User Listing in Users, Groups & Policies (ref: T-25902)
  • Modification on UI for replication configuration in [Sending Data] (ref: T-23988)
  • Modification on UI for replication configuration in [Accepting Data] (ref: T-23989)
  • Improve presentation of username filter in AhsayCBS > Monitoring > [Administration Logs] > [Audit Trails] (ref: T-23739)

AhsayOBM / AhsayACB

Application specific backup - MSSQL

  • Support of MSSQL 2019

Application specific backup - MS Exchange Mail

  • Add an option to show all users in MS Mail-level 2013 or above EWS mode backup (ref: RYP-670-55761, T-26717)

Application specific backup - VMware

  • Better handling of Error & Debug message for VMware Backupset (ref: T-21030)
  • Support of vCenter Server / ESXi 7.0 (Release date: 2/4/2020) (ref: T-27054)

Backup Destination

  • Allow to update password for OpenStack / FTP / SFTP destination (ref: T-20617)
  • Support of Amazon S3 Regions - Africa (Cape Town) & Europe (Milan) on OBC (ref: T-27302)
  • Support of Wasabi Region - EU Central 1 (Amsterdam) on OBC (ref: T-27306)
  • Support of Aliyun Region - 华南 2 (oss-cn-heyuan) on OBC (ref: T-27304)

File Backup

  • Support Periodic Schedule Backup for all Backupset types in OBM/ACB (ref: T-25853)
  • Support selecting UNC path as the backup source without prior mapping with drive letter (ref: T-15131)


  • Reduce the frequency of login attempts from Scheduler service for deleted/suspended/locked backup users (ref: T-21992)
  • Update of .obm permission required in Linux (ref: TPV-501-83709, T-19278)

System maintenance

  • Performance tuning of listing jobs folders in Retention Policy (ref: T-26998)
  • Periodic Data Integrity Check (PDIC) support checking of the existent of Physical Block files in User Storage (ref: OSK-362-21528, PBW-476-91642, T-27212)

Synology / QNAP OBM

  • Support Daily, Monthly and Custom Backup Schedules (ref: FQH-342-11590, T-21753)

Operating Systems

  • Support of MacOS Catalina (10.15) (Release date: 7/10/2019) (ref: AXK-151-78493, BDJ-384-91664, HCT-326-42093, NUO-244-71713, T-25319)

Bug Fix


  • CBS - BackupJobMode in , response “M” but job is Scheduled (S) (ref: T-26598)
  • CBS - JSON API returns wrong values for “MaxUsers” and “EnableReplication” (ref: T-15394)
  • CBS - Value of parameter “ClientVersion”, “AllHostClientVersion” and “Version7Checked” are reset unexpectedly after calling v6 API “” (ref: T-20538)
  • CBS - Unable to call v2 AddSchedule, v2 UpdateSchedule, v2 GetBackupSet, v2 UpdateBackupSet, ListRestoreJobs, ListRestoreJobStatus (ref: T-27561)
  • CBS - Align AddUser to UpdateUserProfile API to prompt error for negative quota value (ref: T-22248)
  • CBS - Log user group changes for user when updated via API (ref: T-24703)
  • CBS - , able to input “AdminContacts” without bracket [ ], response is Status OK , but does not update changes (ref: T-25922)
  • CBS - API always returns {“Status”:“OK”} even when DestinationID or BackupJobID does not exist (ref: T-27258)
  • CBS - When call with incorrect “Password” , incorrect error message with extra string is returned (ref: T-27267)
  • CBS - Backupset created by AddBackupSet API missing default Temporary directory (ref: FTP-486-65465, T-25484)
  • CBS -, passing in fake username, will result in response Status OK (ref: T-26628)
  • CBS - Modify empty schedule ID and name in user profile during migration from OBSR v6 (ref: T-16143)

Backup Destination

  • CBS - Cannot refresh Openstack token when Run on Server Backupset running (ref: WPL-102-52637, T-26007)
  • CBS, OBM - Cloud File Backup - Folder names contains “\” in Wasabi could not be listed properly in Backup Source Tree & cause Backup job failure (ref: T-25105)
  • CBS, OBM - When expand folder with ';' in wasabi source tree, it does not expand properly & when backup it causes folder looping and stackoverflow (ref: T-25608)
  • OBM - Backup Error, “You have exceeded your storage quota limit.” happened randomly when sufficient Quota available. (ref: RTD-440-34743, XRO-997-84779, ZFX-628-32766, T-26902)
  • OBM - Backup to AWS S3 Compatible Storage setup on QNAP encounters “sLastModified is invalid” error (ref: COQ-221-97973, T-27128)
  • OBM - Backup Error, “Failed to upload cached index file …, ”[CloudException.InterruptedExpt] [CloudManager.mirrorDir] has been interrupted“” error (ref: AFL-269-73788, UDQ-146-97179, T-25407)

General / Miscellaneous

  • CBS - Web Console enable schedule with invalid Computer Name and owner “-” will prompt message “The Backupset … is owned by “null”” in OBC (ref: T-20242)
  • CBS - When create Backupset, no “duplicated CBS destination error” returned when trying to add Standard & Predefined CBS destination together (ref: T-23003)
  • CBS - CBS Web Console UI breaks on Microsoft Edge (ref: T-21203)
  • CBS - CBS Web Console will be stuck in loading status when Stay button is clicked on Cancel warning prompt when using Microsoft Edge (ref: T-21245)
  • CBS - Unable to set User Home, System Home and Replication Folder to path containing “Space character” in CBS web console (ref: T-17295)
  • CBS - All “Default Values” sliders reset to DISABLED if CBS admin click [OK] button in a fast pace (ref: T-11742)
  • CBS - Allow the creation of new admin users even if “Re-type Password” field is empty (ref: T-14184)
  • CBS - Missing several choices of filter type under [Administration Logs > Audit Trails] (ref: T-20471)
  • CBS - After login to a CBS which without valid license, page is not redirected to “” page. (ref: T-25399)
  • CBS - Fix typo “Unlimit”, change to “Unlimited” on CBS Console > [Backup User] > [User Profile] > [Backup Client Settings] > Quota (ref: T-25919)
  • CBS - Cannot select France country code (+33) in Multi-Factor Authentication (Twilio on CBS Server) (ref: OCY-330-53109, T-26498)
  • CBS - ProfileServiceError “[ProfileService.doGetProfile] [RuntimeException] Key already exists” during user login (ref: T-24627)
  • CBS - Duplicated Backupset found in users.xml (ref: LIL-478-79652, T-25234)
  • CBS - Chrome (Browser) cannot access to Subadmin Profile in CBS > Administrative Access occasionally (ref: UGF-213-57954, T-25619)
  • OBM - Fix Typo “\\servername.doamin\path”, change to “\\servername.domain\path” on OBM Add Network Address interface (Special build ref: IWI-421-51614, T-27645)
  • OBM - Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) caused by CBTFilter.sys (ref: KSI-718-20225, T-26856)
  • OBM - Restore.bat > SYNC_OPTION does not work properly when restore Windows COMMON FOLDER backup source to original folder (ref: T-16772)
  • OBM - Backup/restore job will continue to run even if destination is full (ref: T-21599)


  • CBS - Modifying CBS “Host Name” kicksoff Rebuild Client, but attempts to build for all Admin accounts (ref: CTU-982-62622, T-25473)

Restore / Decrypt

  • CBS - Fail to restore O365 SharePoint with “Reason = “Save Conflict” (ref: ZRP-722-58230, T-26937)
  • CBS - Restore OneDrive Cloud File Backup to CBS gets stuck when processing delta merge of a specific file (ref: RFE-480-11959, T-27096)
  • OBM - Hyper-V Granular Restore Error = ”[RunDirectUtils.addSegmentToSource] Failed to find backup file“ (ref: BZE-506-48480, T-26840)
  • OBM - Restore Error, “Delta file is corrupt (Download size (“xx”) is not equal to original size (“yy”)) on Office 365 restore job (ref: CFS-378-40449, T-26576)
  • OBM - Exchange Server Restore Error, No .edb file available on Restore GUI (ref: ZFI-709-41629, T-26378)
  • OBM - Exchange Mail Level restore fails due to “Target is not a file” error caused by missing bak file (ref: DQW-978-21775, T-27063)
  • OBM - Restore from MSSQL 2019 does not show database for some backup jobs (ref: WKD-173-67774, T-27653)
  • OBM - Handle network issue that downloaded file size NOT match with that in index, OBM will keep retry downloading the block file until user interrupt (ref: T-25882)0

Application specific backup - Hyper-V

  • OBM - Hyper-V backup got snapshot retained after backup (ref: OUY-735-87525, T-27139)
  • OBM - Hyper-V Server 2019 Failed to backup virtual machine “xxxx”., Reason = “Disk “C:\Windows\system32\vmguest.iso” does not exist.” (ref: IKA-887-76636, T-26999)
  • OBM - Hyper-V 2016 Failover Cluster backup encounters ”…bak NOT Found” error (ref: RHP-513-38351, T-26053)

Application specific backup - MS Exchange Mail

  • OBM - Mail-level backup gets Failed in listing sub-folders/items from path … [ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException] 8192 errors (ref: DMB-729-85765, FJO-354-46796, JYJ-595-49595, LGJ-327-63739, LTF-562-61356, SBU-383-23545, VIS-909-25826, T-26609)
  • OBM - Exchange EWS backup get massive [EwsService.getItems] Retry after 60 seconds messages and the jobs are stuck (ref: SCZ-925-59487, T-26824)
  • OBM - “NullPointerException” Error when performing Incremental Backup with Source Changes (ref: T-27556)

Application specific backup - MSSQL

  • OBM - Backup Error, “Required file %File_Path% for database is missing (ref: AOI-517-40929, FIS-980-74056, T-26120)

Application specific backup - Office365

  • CBS - O365 Run on Server Backupset, Insufficient disk space available for temporary directory …. Required free space at least: 100MB (ref: CLW-450-90439, T-26616)
  • CBS - O365 login failed due to “incorrect” credential error while MFA & Security Defaults disabled & correct credential provided (ref: GDR-667-48249, T-27086)
  • CBS - O365 sharepoint backup gets stuck for many hours for “refresh digest” (ref: NMJ-274-27762, T-27183)
  • CBS - O365 backup OneNote file in OneDrive cannot be backed up with error ” SharePointManager is NULL“ (ref: JBP-994-18556, T-27365)
  • CBS - When perform Run on Server jobs, some jobs failed randomly due to Java crash (ref: T-27400)
  • CBS, OBM - O365 client backup has missing site in source list, CBS shows incorrect O365 credentials prompt when trying to modify Backupset settings (ref: SXB-356-83784, T-26214)
  • CBS, OBM - O365 China cannot list emails/files from source with sufficient permission granted (ref: QSK-139-92765, T-26484)
  • CBS, OBM - After backup SharePoint site with delta TWICE, restore error “Fail to restore “Office 365/Site ” is hit (ref: T-26640)
  • CBS, OBM - “NullPointerException” Error when performing Incremental Backup with Source Changes (ref: T-27556)
  • CBS, OBM - When Office 365 backup job is performed to Local and S3, hit error StringIndexOutOfBoundsException & crashes on S3 (ref: T-26904)
  • CBS, OBM - When Site Collection URL contains special character, it cannot be listed on Source Tree (ref: T-26154)

Application specific backup - VMWare

  • OBM - When perform VMware backup to 2 destinations, OBM crashed when backup the same segment for 2nd time (ref: T-26463)

Application specific backup - Others

  • OBM - Oracle Database Server Host Should be Filled in Automatically with “” and Should be Read-only (ref: JMH-372-61054, T-20506)

File backup

  • OBM - Backup Error, File=”%FilePath%\Ufffd\Ufffdש ק\Ufffd\Ufffdש\Ufffd \Ufffdצ צUfffd…File New[10120=Version][BackupFile ([as already exists (ref: BMN-848-19082, PAM-220-31196, T-26065)
  • OBM - Backup recognises files/folders with accent marks in filename as “does not exist” on Linux platform (ref: LJT-468-63699, T-27199)
  • OBM - Backup Error, [CloudFileSystem.createFile] Parent directory %path_with_special_characters_with_accent% does not exist errors (ref: WRD-329-21590, T-27100)
  • OBM - Backup Error, Failed to list sPath=”%Blocks Folder', caused by [NullPointerException] null (ref: VVU-499-20709, T-27039)
  • OBM - Backup stuck at Delete File Directory for Fresh installed OBM in macOS (ref: T-27712)
  • OBM - Backup Files without File Permissions does not work (ref: T-14967)
  • OBM - File Backupset PDIC after migration failed due to “[NullPointerException] null” error (ref: BSP-742-23160, BTH-315-91451, OSR-692-73232, RNP-469-40820, T-26384)
  • OBM - File backup removed all data by DIC due to backup job failed and empty/faulty db index generated (ref: MVH-883-12051, T-27320)
  • OBM - “Found more than 1 full backup file” & “No full file found for in-file delta backup files” hit in backup jobs (ref: T-27336)

Auto Update

  • OBM - Backup Error, “Error=[UnsatisfiedLinkError]” after upgraded by AUA. (ref: BGL-671-33005, ICD-763-52744, T-26585)
  • OBM - After OBM has latest hotfix manually applied, AUA still triggered and AUA to the version (smaller or same as OBM hotfix) in index.xml (ref: T-26253)

Group feature / Reseller panel

  • CBS - Trial period fixed to 30 days (ref: RIZ-965-78206, RXY-619-25482, T-26548)
  • CBS - When create MSSQL Backupsets, Backupset schedule = OFF, while it is ON in Default User Policy (ref: OEE-999-23522, T-25721)
  • CBS - Incorrect online help page for “Free Trial Registration” when login with sub-admin account in CBS Sub Admin console (ref: T-21093)
  • CBS - Upon saving Sub-Admin accounts having excess license on System Settings> Basic > Administrative Access page, no warning message is prompted (ref: T-23846)


  • CBS - Connection to CBS is still tested when disabling a server in Redirector host (ref: XMF-118-64380, T-27297)
  • CBS - Fresh installed CBS has RDR configuration by default wrongly set to ENABLED (ref: T-19081)


  • CBS - When Replication enabled, OBM Backup Failed to run space freeing up of destination … http code: 500, java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed ReplicableManager.addMovedPath() (ref: MTJ-323-19072, NFA-355-81479, YWC-347-99702, T-25641)
  • CBS - ReplicateFile, repeats “Delete” and “Replicating” for Backupset logs, which already existed on Receiver (or PreDefined) (ref: T-26624)
  • CBS - v7 CBS failed to replicate any data backup with v6 OBM after user home is moved (ref: T-20340)

Reporting / Email report

  • CBS - No PDF backup reports generated and no Email reports received after CBS upgrade (ref: OQK-191-33529, T-27649)
  • CBS - “[ReportGenerator.generatePdfBackupReport] Client log is not found…” kept logged on CBS after Backupset is DELETED before PDF generation (ref: T-20185)
  • CBS - Support generating correct sub-admin protocol-port pairing in hyperlinks in Emails (ref: ZJW-609-35697, T-22940)
  • CBS - When missing backup in one of the scheduled hosts, backup report is “Missed Backup” instead of “Missed Schedule host” in Hyper-V & Exchange DAG Backup (ref: T-23116)
  • CBS backup reports not being sent quarter hourly and customers get many reports at once (ref: TZR-822-69984, WIP-316-52618, T-25286)
  • CBS, OBM - After backup job done, backup client log shows backup successful although backup PDF show Error and Activities log show quota exceed (ref: T-24738)
  • OBM - When Checking Logs of the test mode prompt during DIC is running, previous DIC job log is displayed (ref: T-27031)

Synology / QNAP OBM

  • OBM - OBM prompts Internal Server Error when opening on QNAP TS-251+ (ref: NNA-139-98766, RBK-762-66219, SIG-138-36523, T-26355)
  • OBM - When create Backupsets with fixed-time schedule enabled, failed to create Backupset (ref: T-27713)
  • OBM - LocationType is NOT shown when create standard GCS destination in NAS OBM (ref: T-27707)
  • OBM - Upon creating trial user in OBM login page, and upon clicking Show advanced option link, it is not responding (ref: T-25408)

System maintenance

  • CBS - Unable to view files of Symbolic Link Folder on CBS > File Explorer and SystemError (Too many levels of symbolic links) logged (ref: T-26141)
  • CBS - License check flip flop between Local IP addresses of multiple connectors causing license error (ref: NGU-838-28723, T-26771)
  • CBS - CBS server was extremely slow with high CPU usage (ref: EKF-908-20964, ENP-749-58667, JXS-164-71591, XBZ-194-17497, T-25709)
  • CBS - access.log is now in “xxx_access_.YYYY-MM-DD.log” instead of “xxx_access_YYYY-MM-DD.log” (ref: T-22995)
  • OBM - When using CLI mode to export file Backupset backupSet.xml, shortcut selection is not shown and failed to import the xml again (ref: T-23437)
  • OBM - After backup job with data migration is performed when restore wizard not closed in Linux OBM, perform DIC and restore job will hit error (ref: T-26944)


  • CBS - Security Patch, CVE-2020-1938 (ref: QLK-600-73720, T-26699)


  • When viewing copyright message, year indicated is incorrect (ref: T-27586)