Enhancement - OBM, Office 365 - Support Backup & Restore of Version History for Non-Files List items (ref: T-24104)
Enhancement - Support backup and restore site column - “External Data” of a site in Office 365 (ref: T-24112)
Enhancement - Support backup and restore site column - “Managed Metadata” of a site in Office 365 (ref: T-24114)
Enhancement - Support restore “List type PublishedFeed” of a site in Office 365 SharePoint Online (ref: T-24127)
Enhancement - Office 365 - Support listing Office 365 SSO (Single-Sign-On) accounts' OneDrive & Personal Site data for backup/restore (ref: T-24140)
Enhancement - Support restore file of same filename / list item of same GUID from 2 different users to the alternate Office 365 account (ref: T-24143)
Enhancement - Support to backup and restore document library (including OneDrive) items' Share Link (Office 365 backup) (ref: T-24145)
Enhancement - Office 365 - Support backup and restore of OneDrive and Sharepoint documents version history (ref: T-24148)
Enhancement - CBS, Office 365 - Support restore checked out/ checked in file to OneDrive and Document Library when require check out setting is enabled (ref: T-24397)
Enhancement - Handling for migrating DB index for multiple host backup set type (ref: T-24710)
Enhancement - Verify the checksum (sHexOfSHA256Hash) when OBM calling uploadFile for uploading block files (ref: T-25236)
Enhancement - CBS, Office 365 - Feature to modify Office 365 Username in the backup set (ref: T-23709)
Enhancement - Add “List View” of backup source page so that the deleted Office 365 backup source can be de-selected in CBS (ref: FBJ-446-95277, HET-417-55580, NWZ-638-45014, YSK-137-10586, T-23632)
Enhancement - Support Multi-Factor Authentication for Office 365 mailbox backup (ref: T-23445)
Bug fix - CBS, Office 365 - When listing large number of items in Office 365 backup set, web console fails to show items in backup source tree (ref: T-23367)
Bug fix - CBS, Office 365 - When create / edit backup set after untick shortcut & save WITHOUT viewing advanced source, corresponding items still selected (ref: T-23174)
Bug fix - Keep adding and launching schedule job of Office 365 backup set (Run on server) continuously (Job by job) (ref: JWX-977-99116, MXW-207-92823, T-23654)
Bug fix - CBS, Office 365 - Failed to perform run on server office 365 backup job with “[StackOverflowError] null” error in v8.2.1.8-v2 cbs (ref: T-23810)
Bug fix - CBS, Office 365 - Failed to restore data of office 365 account to alternate location and alternate office 365 account (ref: T-23812)
Bug fix - CBS, Cloud File - After clicking restore button of Run On Server Cloud File Backup Set, no response is returned (ref: T-23819)
Bug fix - CBS, Office 365 - When create backup set with Office 365 administrator account, unable to list other users and Site Collections (ref: T-25274)
Bug fix - CBS - Unable to perform Run on Server backup jobs if backup user's name contains unicode character (ref: T-25102)
Bug fix - Failed to upload cached index file with reason “Failed to mirror directory” when storage quota exceeded (ref: T-24746)
Bug fix - CBS, Office 365 - When select library after deselecting Lists and Libraries & Subsites nodes as source, no file backed up (ref: T-24777)
Bug fix - CBS, Cloud File - When create Aliyun backup set, icon is missing in top node of source tree (ref: T-24814)
Bug fix - CBS, Cloud File - When edit Google Drive cloud file backup set after token expired, blank page is returned (ref: T-24815)
Bug fix - CBS - When edit Cloud File and Office 365 backup set, radio button indicating run-on-server or run-on-client is missing (ref: T-24829)
Bug fix - CBS, Cloud File - When create OneDrive for Business cloud file backup set, source tree is empty (ref: T-24803)
Bug fix - CBS, Cloud File - When create cloud file backup set, drop-down list for switching to table view is shown (ref: T-24804)
Bug fix - CBS - After Upgraded, Run On Server Cloud File and Office 365 Backup Set keep running Data Integrity Check in every backup job (ref: T-24915)
Bug fix - OBM, Office 365 - When restore from Chinese version Outlook to English version Outlook, new folder is created for Inbox (ref: T-24395)
Bug fix - The Office365 backup job is stuck on the process of “Downloading server file list (Office 365)… Completed” (ref: T-24125)
Bug fix - CBS O365 SharePoint Backup cannot backup emoji and get error … Cannot open file “xxx.eml”. 500 Internal Server Error (ref: KCT-270-62506, T-24407)
Bug fix - Office 365 backup error “[CloudFileSystem.createFile] Parent directory 'Office 365/Users/xxx@yyy.com' does not exist” (ref: BYQ-468-42829, T-24409)
Bug fix - OBM, CBS, Office 365 - If account used to create backup set without application impersonal permission, error is returned when backup other user (ref: T-24129)
Bug fix - Run on Server Office 365 Backup stucks when backup source contains multiple Office 365 users (ref: T-24131)
Bug fix - OBM, Office 365 - Restore site collection/personal site to a site with “denyAddAndCustomizePages = true” settings hit access denied warnings (ref: T-24132)
Bug fix - Office 365 - When restore Public Folder mail to original location, New mail is restored and not overwriting the existing mail (ref: T-24134)
Bug fix - Office 365 - When restore a list to alternate office 365 account, the name of the list restored in that office 365 account is wrong (ref: T-24136)
Bug fix - Office 365 - If delete one file from sharepoint during backup, other files in same directory are NOT backed up and errors are returned (ref: T-24138)
Bug fix - OneDrive for Business Cloud File backup “xxx does not exist”&“Failed to getInputStream of file xxx Failed to obtain FileAttribute, sPath” error (ref: T-24118)
Bug fix - CBS, OBM, Office 365 - Unable to expand Site Collections node when there are over >5000 sites (ref: T-24120)
Bug fix - OBM Exchange MailLevel Backup error = Target is not a file, sParent=Indbakke, sName… (ref: T-24106)
Bug fix - Office 365 SharePoint “Run on Server” Restore flagged warning status “Cannot convert a primitive value to the expected type 'Edm.DateTime'…” (ref: T-24116)
Enhancement - Support Amazon S3 Regions - Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) (ref: T-24122)
Enhancement - Support Backblaze B2 as cloud source (ref: T-24193)
Enhancement - Support wasabi cloud storage for destination and Cloud File backup source (ref: T-24705)
Enhancement - Remove Amazon Cloud Drive from new destination (ref: T-24940)
Enhancement - Support Amazon S3 Storage Class - INTELLIGENT_TIERING and ONEZONE_IA (ref: T-23814)
Enhancement - Support Aliyun Bucket Region - London 英国(伦敦)(oss-eu-west-1) (CBS) (ref: T-23054)
Enhancement - CBS - Backup Set data in Predefined destination not clean up by routine job upon changing destination for Run on Server backup set (ref: T-22973)
Enhancement - Support of Amazon S3 Region - EU (Stockholm) region (CBS) (ref: T-23051)
Enhancement - Support Amazon S3 Regions - Asia Pacific (Osaka-Local) (ref: T-23316)
Enhancement - Support Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage (ref: MKC-369-90385, T-15975)
Enhancement - Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage as Replication storage in CBS (ref: RFO-895-40915, T-16257)
Enhancement - Support Amazon S3 Regions - China (Ningxia) on OBC & CBS (ref: T-21831, T-21812)
Bug fix - CBS - When add predefined destinations, list table for destination pool is shown even when single storage destination radio button is selected (ref: T-24879)
Bug fix - OBM Backup to Standard Destination “OneDrive for Business” returned with error “The request has been throttled” (ref: T-24515)
Enhancement - Support CBS on FreeBSD 11.3 (ref: T-24647)
Enhancement - Performance tuning for EditUser page (ref: WDN-832-74924, T-23741)
Enhancement - Performance tuning for [Statistics] page in EditUser (ref: WDN-832-74924, T-23882)
Bug fix - CBS - When CBS upgraded from v7.17.2.2 to v8.2, socket.txBufSize and socket.rxBufSize are missing in server.xml (ref: T-23912)
Bug fix - CBS, UBS - Unable to access link folder with error “The selected file is no longer available. The page is reloaded” on CBS > File Explorer (ref: T-23870)
Bug fix - CBS - After called AddSysUser.do to add a sub-admin, “System Settings - Basic” page becomes inaccessible and redirected to login page (ref: T-23745)
Bug fix - Align the Unix script for CBS and OBC (ref: T-23575)
Bug fix - CBS - After upgraded CBS, multiple SystemAuthOK with empty message logs are found in Administration Activities log (ref: T-24954)
Bug fix - CBS - Temp folders and files in obs\system\temp folder are uncleared when failed to export user (ref: T-24166)
Bug fix - CBS - Extra “properties-common.tar.gz” file is packed in C:\Program Files\AhsayCBS\download\component folder (ref: T-24178)
Bug fix - CBS web console signs out while changing the selection of drop down lists in Chrome version 75 and
IE version 11 (ref: CAQ-811-42758, EJA-285-74295, EXH-542-21517, KKS-141-42582, MJO-405-39604, VEO-877-31917, WBW-504-84552, T-24228)
Bug fix - CBS web console signs out while deleting item in list table in Chrome version 75 (ref: OSZ-604-89870, T-24277)
Bug fix - CBS - Default certificate type is “undefined” and Extra “server.xml.bak.%timestamp%” is generated when start fresh installed CBS v8.2.1.0 (ref: T-23924)
Enhancement - Show message when selected a list template which is NOT supported to restore (e.g. MicroFeed) in tree restorer of CBS UI (ref: T-23696)
Enhancement - Tomcat poor transfer rate due to server.xml values: socket.rxBufSize=xxxxx and socket.txBufSize=xxxxx (ref: WJV-882-69842, T-23825)
Enhancement - CBS, Office 365 - Enhance server-side performance when expanding nodes in Advanced Backup Source Tree to align with OBC (ref: BMS-678-40150, T-23687)
Bug fix - CBS - When clicking “Move/Import/Export User” button on Manage User Page, alert is prompted (ref: CCX-328-96883, T-23605)
Bug fix - CBS, OBM - When backup user login after 3 incorrect attempts, backup user is still able to login with Enabled status (ref: T-23744)
Bug fix - Statement “Backup/Restore jobs that are currently running or finished within 1 hour” not align with the behavior of “CBS > Live Activities” page (ref: T-14986)
Bug fix - Alias in Unicode unable to be displayed in csv file generated with Export Users' Usage Statistics (ref: T-23985)
Bug fix - “[ProgressInfoList.remove] Cannot find the element..” is found in CBS Activities logs whenever there is a backup or restore job (ref: T-25212)
Bug fix - CBS - Remove “Progressive Data Integrity Check” page in CBS web console, disable PDIC for clients in all versions (ref: T-25163)
Bug fix - CBS web console occasionally encounter “Too many redirects” and “Failed to load resource: net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE” (ref: AAS-756-92310, KJA-449-89256, T-24623)
Bug fix - Error when create new backup set from OBC when preempted deselected source is set in CBS (ref: ORP-536-90701, T-24770)
Bug fix - CBS - Columns of tables in Activities Log and rebrand Custom Properties are not displayed properly (ref: T-24808)