Key Feature- Support backup/restore of Microsoft Office 365 SharePoint (ref: GWX-922-19817, NNZ-264-56368, ISJ-625-78211, IVJ-128-28644, EDW-939-28206, YQM-168-90214, AVD-867-18400, JQO-492-28512, OUI-239-78945, YXU-760-46633, EDW-939-28206, EEY-322-46667, BLS-245-92990, T-8708)
Enhancement - Support MS Exchange Server 2019 (Server Level) (ref: T-22325)
Enhancement - Support MS Exchange Server 2019 (Mail Level) (ref: T-22665)
Enhancement - Support Hyper-V 2019 (ref: T-22750)
Enhancement - Support VMware vCenter 6.7 (ref: QKL-701-98874, KJC-822-28797, T-21362)
Enhancement - Support VMware ESXi 6.7 (non-RunDirect) (ref: QKL-701-98874, KJC-822-28797, T-21361)
Enhancement - Support VMware Workstation 15 Pro / Player(ref: T-22873)
Enhancement - Support VMware Fusion 11 Pro / Fusion 11 (ref: T-22874)
Enhancement - Allow admin backup all users' OneDrive data with one backup set (ref: NFR-203-34301, T-21777)
Enhancement - Support backup VM with unselected “Mapped Raw LUN” disk (ref: DRJ-704-98708, T-22501)
Enhancement - Search Filter for Office 365 Exchange mail restore (ref: NZN-278-57875, T-21249)
Enhancement - Better handling for the temp directory of CBT log file for Hyper-V backup set (ref: NZN-278-57875, T-21581)
Enhancement - Support of Run-Direct restore multiple Hyper-V and VMware VMs to alternate location at the same time (ref: T-19618)
Enhancement - Support Office 365 backup set restore from organization to organization (i.e. another access info) (ref: ZQG-354-77072, T-16560)
Enhancement - Improve on the loading speed for the backup source page of Office365 backup set (ref: T-21963)
Bug Fix - Fail to backup mails with large size (~90
MB or larger) for Exchange 2016 Mail backup set and Office365 backup set (ref: GAX-974-48672, GHI-635-94784, T-22593,T-22677)
Bug Fix - Fail to backup file from google drive (ref: EZQ-443-72866, T-22615)
Bug fix - After restoring folders with Unicode on OneDrive / OneDrive for Business Cloud File, the restored folder names become garbled text (ref: T-22701)
Bug fix - Show “[CloudException.ConnectFailedExpt] [SFtpManager.login] Failed to access SFTP” when OBM is not able to ESXi Server via SSH to perform restore job for VMware Backup Set (ref: BAN-233-65578, T-22266)
Bug fix - Hyper-V cluster backup gets “Integrity check has been interrupted” warnings (ref: SHD-951-16528, SIB-736-32971, T-22684)
Bug fix - When “MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND” is encountered, it is log as info message instead of warning message as in v7.17 (ref: RRH-401-60647, HUF-916-15404, EDV-238-34450, TPA-381-98076, KDG-243-42286, T-22548)
Bug fix - MSSQL Backup wrongly flagging database doesn't exist in source/not being selected in source as “does not exist” and skip backing them up (ref: RWA-840-25855, T-22473)
Bug fix - Exchange Mail level backup encounters “E-mail Account Not Available” / “ERROR=MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER” warning (ref: QJL-204-51955, T-22607)
Bug fix - Exchange Mail level backup encounters error when backing up folder name with “\” (ref: PON-866-68066, GJC-516-17662, T-22609)
Bug fix - Fail to merge and remove the check point once the backup process is completed (Hyper-V Backup set) (ref: XZV-159-67204, T-22739)
Bug fix - “[RuntimeException] [OneDrive4BizManager.getAppName] Invalid sClientId ….” error is shwon when having scheduled backup to OneDriveForBusiness (ref: MXN-272-67900, T-22809)
Bug fix - MSSQL Backup wrongly flagging database doesn't exist and not selected in source as “does not exist” and skip backing them up (ref: KSK-702-16578, T-22817)
Bug fix - “Failed to enable RCT” warning is kept logged in the subsequent backup after deleted VM snapshot in CBK Hyper-V 2016 backup set (ref T-19566)
Bug fix - Hyper-V 2008 R2 Cluster hit “Unable to generate delta using CBT….log files do not match the number of virtual machine's preferred owners.” (ref: T-20627)
Bug fix - “Failed to verify CRC for BackupSet…” error is logged when running DIC of Hyper-V 2008 R2 Cluster Backup Set(ref: T-21676)
Bug fix - Exchange DAG backup crash and remained in “In Progress” status after applying unofficial hotfix (ref: T-22095)
Bug fix - Exchange Mail 2016 - Unable to restore mail with large size (~89
MB or larger) with [ServiceException] response code = 415 (ref: T-22782)
Bug fix - Exchange 2016 Mailbox backup got incorrect Retention size occasionally after backup (ref: FXV-731-95484, T-22729)
Bug fix - “[BlockDB.delete] Failed to remove element from bptree … not found for CalculateMoveFileValue” is shown in Office365 backup (ref: EEC-840-96519, T-22682)
Enhancement - Support Outlook 2019 (ref: T-22383)
Bug fix - Backup failure when filename contain emoji on Mac OSX (ref: JQD-795-98471, T-22793)
Bug fix - Backup stuck when VSS shadows were not totally deleted before the backup started (ref: MKC-105-47301, T-21792)
Bug fix - File backup gets [CloudBasic.backupFile] Unexpected concurrent use of SharedBlockOutputStream detected …. errors (ref: JLZ-838-42312, T-22307)
Bug fix - When there is error occurred in a manual backup, the “Running” IPC file is not removed, causing backup jobs cannot started afterwards. (ref: T-22515)
Bug fix - “[IOException] The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices .. (Error code=1058)” is shown when performing file backup (ref: OYR-462-82900, T-22674)
Bug fix - Backups after migration has “File size incorrect” error and re-uploading them (ref: AWI-799-88950, T-22936)
Bug fix - File backup fails with “Failed to log start backup” unless reboot CBS server before starting backup(ref: EBO-484-20243, T-22984)
Enhancement - Support of QNAP TS-451 (ref: OME-772-44711, EDC-382-82921, T-22544)
Enhancement - Support OF Synology NAS DS119j (ref: OKX-100-21192, T-22556)
Enhancement - Check Python installed (with required version) during installation of Synology OBM (ref: T-22730)
Enhancement - Changed to bundle OpenJDK JVM for QNAP OBM (ref: T-21889)
Bug fix - File backup fails on Synology DS418j with “ObsManager: Invalid Padding length: XX …” errors (ref: JME-171-30243, T-22287)
Bug fix - QNAP NAS (non-Intel) backup stopped with warning “JVM Royalty module is not enabled. No file can be backed up” (ref: COT-826-40128, T-22733)
Bug fix - OBM backup always get “Unable to generate Delta File” errors on Synology DS418 (ref: DGM-150-33903, T-22781)
Bug fix - Synology OBM client ignores group policy setting for hiding encryption recovery tab (ref: EJG-160-95853, T-22841)
Bug fix - After creating a backup set with no encryption on Synology OBM, cannot perform backup and UI will be broken (ref: T-22649)
Bug fix - When performing backup on some QNAP NAS machines, backup stopped with error “JVM Royalty module is not enabled” (ref: T-22564)