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[V7] FAQ: How to run a single backup set rebuild for legacy backup set created in version 6 via the AhsayCBS console?

This article only applies to Ahsay software version 7

Article ID: 5054
Reviewed: 2015-12-10

Product Version:
AhsayOBS: to 7.x
OS: All platforms

ATTENTION 1st January, 2022: v7 officially End-of-Life [details]


After upgrading the backup server from version 6 to or above, how do I run a single backup set rebuild for legacy backup set that was created in version 6, via the AhsayCBS console if the client application is not upgraded?

To run a single backup set rebuild, login to the AhsayCBS console, select [Users, Groups & Policies]:

  1. Select the corresponding backup account, then [Backup Set].

  2. Select the corresponding backup set, then click [Destination].

  3. Under Standard Destination, beside the CBS Destination Storage, click on the Rebuild button.

To run a user rebuild for a single or multiple users, select [Users, Groups & Policies]:

  1. Under [Backup User], select the check box beside the backup account(s) that you would like to perform a backup set rebuild for.

  2. Click on the [Rebuild Storage Statistic] button (right most circular button under [Manage Backup User]):

Note: Note that a backup set rebuild can only be started when there is no backup job running (of the corresponding backup set), and vice versa.

The time taken to complete a rebuild depends on number of factors such as the number of files / folders in the backup set(s), the number of backup sets, the hardware specifications of your AhsayCBS server such as the disk I/O and CPU performance, and if there are other resource intensive jobs running.

To check the progress of a backup set rebuild you can go to AhsayCBS console, select [Backup / Restore Logs]:

Select [Activities Log], when the rebuild job is started the following log entry can be found:

Timestamp Login Name Owner Type Message

... ... ... ...
username RoutineJobInfo Rebuild-username Starting single user rebuild

When the rebuild job is completed, the following log entry can be found:

Timestamp Login Name Owner Type Message

... ... ... ...
username RoutineJobInfo Rebuild-username [SingleBackupSetRebuild] Finished single backup set
rebuild. User='username' Owner='' Backup Set='BackupSet(backupset_id)'
DataSize(compressed)=size DataSize=size DataFileNo=number RetentionSize(compressed)=size RetentionSize=size RetentionFileNo= number


single, user, rebuild, index, rebuilding, bdb, backupset, set, perform