Table of Contents

2 Preparing for Backup and Restore

2.1 Hardware Requirement

To achieve the optimal performance when running AhsayOBM on your machine, refer to the following article for the list of hardware requirements.

FAQ: Ahsay Hardware Requirement List (HRL) for version 8.1 or above

2.2 Software Requirement

Refer to the following article for the list of compatible operating systems and application version.

FAQ: Ahsay Software Compatibility List (SCL) for version 8.1 or above

2.3 Antivirus Exclusion Requirement

To optimize performance of AhsayOBM on Windows, and to avoid conflict with your antivirus software, refer to the following KB article for the list of processes and directory paths that should be added to all antivirus software white-list / exclusion list.

FAQ: Suggestion on antivirus exclusions to improve performance of Ahsay software on Windows

2.4 Upgrade VMware Tools Requirement

To avoid unexpected java crash, if the Windows machine is a guest VM hosted on a VMware Host, then it is highly recommended that the VMware Tools version installed on the guest VM is 10.3.5 or higher.

Below is the warning message that will be displayed if the version of the VMware Tools is earlier than 10.3.5.

For more information about the upgrade of VMware Tools, refer to the following article.

ISSUE: AhsayOBM / ACB crash when performing backup or restore on a VMware virtual machine with VMware Tools pre-10.0.5 installed

2.5 Internet / Network Connection

In order to allow access to the cloud storage, an internet connection must be available on the computer where the AhsayOBM is installed.

2.6 Valid AhsayOBM User Account

A valid AhsayOBM user account is required before you can log in to the AhsayOBM client.

2.7 Ahsay License Requirement

The Cloud File Backup module is included in the basic AhsayOBM license. There is no limit on the number of Cloud File backup sets in an AhsayOBM user account.

For more details, please contact your backup service provider.

2.8 Add-on Module Requirements

  • In-File Delta
    The in-File Delta add-on module must be added on the AhsayOBM user account if you would like to use this feature.


This add-on module must be enabled on the AhsayOBM user account. Please contact your backup service provider for details.

For AhsayOBM user account

2.9 Backup Quota Requirement

Make sure that your AhsayOBM user account has sufficient quota assigned to accommodate the storage for the cloud file backup set(s) and retention policy.

2.10 Cloud Sources

The AhsayOBM Run on Client (Agent-based) Backup Solution supports the following cloud sources to back up as provided by your backup service provider:

2.11 Login Credentials to Cloud Storage

To allow access to the cloud storage (backup source) in performing a backup, make sure to have the correct login credentials to the cloud storage service.

2.12 Network Bandwidth

10 Mbps or above connection speed.

2.13 Best Practices and Recommendations

The following are some best practices and recommendations we strongly recommend you follow for optimized backup and restore performance:

  • Backup Destination
    To provide maximum data protection and flexible restore options for agent-based backup, it is recommended to configure:
    • At least one offsite or cloud destination
    • At least one local destination for fast recovery
  • Temporary Directory Folder Location
    Temporary directory folder is used by the AhsayOBM for storing backup set index files and any incremental or differential backup files generated during a backup job. To ensure optimal backup/restoration performance, it is recommended that the temporary directory folder is set to a local drive.
  • Performance Recommendations
    • Schedule backup jobs when system activity is low to achieve the best possible performance.
    • Perform test restores periodically to ensure your backup is set up and backed up properly. Performing recovery test can also help identify potential issues or gaps in your recovery plan. It is important that you do not try to make the test easier, as the objective of a successful test is not to demonstrate that everything is flawless, but to discover faults in your recovery plan. There might be flaws identified in the plan throughout the test and it is important to identify those flaws.
  • Bucket Management for Enterprise Cloud Storage Providers
    If you have chosen to back up files from an enterprise cloud storage (e.g. Amazon S3, Wasabi, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Storage, etc.), you will have to select a bucket name during the creation of cloud file backup set. Each bucket has a single compartment and an access key is associated with a single bucket. Therefore, each backup set can back up one bucket.
    For account with multiple buckets, the backup should be organized into one bucket per backup set. For best practice, make sure to assign one bucket name per backup set so you can ensure that you are selecting the correct file(s) to back up.

2.14 Limitations

For backup source selection:

1. It is currently not possible to select the entire contents of the Cloud drive. Existing top level folders and/or files must be selected individually. If you need to back up the contents of the entire Cloud drive, then all top level folders and/or files must be selected.

2. If there are any top level folders and/or files added to the Cloud drive after the backup set is created, they will not be added in the backup source automatically. The backup set will have to be manually updated to include the new top level folders and/or files before they can be backed up.


If the “Latest version” and “New updates” folders were created after the creation of the backup set, and the contents of these folders must be backed up, then you must manually select these folders to be included in the backup.

3. If there are any top level folders and/or files which have been deleted from the Cloud drive since the last backup job, they will not be removed from the backup source automatically. The backup set will have to be manually updated to unselect the deleted top level folders and/or files. Otherwise, the backup job will be completed with warnings.


The following files were backed up but subsequently deleted from the top level backup source of the Cloud drive: was_admin.png, vm_workstation_01.png, vSAN-hosts.png. The next backup job will encounter the following warnings until these deleted files are unselected from the backup source.

The deleted files are highlighted in red on the backup source to indicate that they no longer exist on the Cloud storage account

Backup log

[2021/05/07 17:38:00] [warn] [1619158570719] Backup source “was_admin.png” does not exist !
[2021/05/07 17:38:00] [cbs] [1619158570719] warn,“Backup source \”was_admin.png\“ does not exist !”,0,0,0,,,
[2021/05/07 17:38:00] [warn] [1619158570719] Backup source “vm_workstation_01.png” does not exist !
[2021/05/07 17:38:00] [cbs] [1619158570719] warn,“Backup source \”vm_workstation_01.png\“ does not exist !”,0,0,0,,,
[2021/05/07 17:38:00] [warn] [1619158570719] Backup source “vSAN-hosts.png” does not exist !
[2021/05/07 17:38:00] [cbs] [1619158570719] warn,“Backup source \”vSAN-hosts.png\“ does not exist !”,0,0,0,,,