Table of Contents


Last modified: 2019/08/22 (Note: Content written for AhsayCBS v7+v8, and still generally apply to latest product release)

AhsayOBR is a restore application that provides a quick and secure solution for restoring your backup data anytime and anywhere. This software is designed specifically as a one-time restorer and is not served for performing backup and configuring any backup user settings. The software supports restoring data that is backed up with AhsayACB or AhsayOBM.

System Architecture

Below is the system architecture diagram illustrating the major elements involved in the process when you are using the AhsayOBR to restore data.

Original location – the backed-up data will be restored on the computer running the AhsayOBR under the same directory path as on the machine storing the backup source. For example, if the backup source files are stored under C:/User/Downloads folder, the data will be restored to C:/User/Downloads as well on the computer running the AhsayOBR.

Why use AhsayOBR to restore backup data

Restore Anywhere

There may be times when you wish to restore your backed-up data but have no access to the computer with the Client Backup Agent (e.g. AhsayOBM) installed. AhsayOBR is exactly designed to cater to your needs under such circumstances.

You can now download and launch the OBR anytime and anywhere you like as long as you have a computer with a web browser installed and Internet connection.

Fast Download and Launch

Unlike a Client Backup Agent (e.g. AhsayOBM) which is significantly larger in file size and takes longer time to install on your computer, AhsayOBR is a compact solution that can be downloaded and launched in a short period of time in just a few clicks.

Besides, the AhsayOBR is designed as a one-time restorer that will be removed from your computer completely after it is closed. All the restore log files or settings will also be removed from the computer altogether. So you would not need to spend the time on uninstalling the software after you finished the restore.

Leave no Footprint

When you are trying to restore your backed-up data remotely, the computer you use for restore may not have the same level of security settings as the one you normally use for backup and restore onsite. Therefore, it may not be completely secure to install a Client Backup Agent (e.g. AhsayOBM) to restore data because the backup agent will store information such as the backup user’s personal info, backup set settings, backup/restore logs, etc. Using a Client Backup Agent for restore under such circumstances may pose potential threat to your personal and confidential information.

That is why the AhsayOBR is designed as a single-purpose restorer with high level of security protection. The restorer takes you right to the restore start point after login, where you can start performing a restore right away. It will also be removed completely after the restore is done, so you don’t have to worry about leaving important information behind in the restore logs which could be viewed by a third party.


Hardware Requirements

You can launch the AhsayOBR on a physical machine or on a virtual machine. The hardware requirements for launching AhsayOBR is the same as installing AhsayOBM.

Refer to the link below for details of the minimum and recommended requirements for launching the software: Ahsay Hardware Requirement List (HRL)

Refer to the following article for the list of compatible operating system for OpenDirect and Granular Restore: Ahsay Software Compatibility List (SCL) for Granular and OpenDirect Restore

Software Requirements

Refer to Ahsay Software Compatibility List (SCL)

Make sure to install OpenJDK Version 1.8. The installed Java Development Kit version must at least be 8.

Antivirus Exclusion Requirement

To optimize performance of AhsayOBR on Windows, and to avoid conflict with your antivirus software, refer to the following KB article the list of processes and directory paths that should be added to all antivirus software white-list / exclusion list: Suggestion on antivirus exclusions to improve performance of Ahsay software on Windows

Download AhsayOBR

  1. In a web browser, click the blue icon on the top right corner to open the download page for the AhsayOBR installation package file from your backup service provider’s website.

  2. In the Restore tab of the download page, you can choose the AhsayOBR installer by operating system.

  3. In the Windows section, click on the Download (Online) or Download (Offline) button to download the AhsayOBR installation package.

  4. Launch the file you have downloaded and you can use it to restore the data, just like that in AhsayOBM provided that you have the encryption keys in hands if your backup sets were encrypted.


Below are the AhsayOBR guides for different operating systems:
