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[V8][V9] FAQ: AhsayOBM workaround to support Synology DSM 7

Article ID: 8132
Posted: 2023-03-20

Product Version:
AhsayCBS: 8.7, 9.1 - 9.5.2.x
OS: Synology DSM 7


For customers currently running minimum v8.7.0.0 (base), we have a workaround that allows your users running Synology DSM 7 to install AhsayOBM.

This workaround applies to base release (with or without newer hotfix). If your CBS is lower than this base version you will need to first upgrade (v8) or (v9). CBS installer download available from

NOTE: For branded CBS or branded Sub Admin sites, you must first complete Rebuild Client before proceeding.

Skill Level:

Task Time:

Pre-Requisites to prepare the workaround:


Workaround steps to be completed by CBS Admin:

    1. Download and save the OBM Synology SPK file from your CBS, to your local PC.

    2. Open file using 7z application by "Open archive" function

    3. Copy INFO file from the SPK file, to local disk

    4. Delete INFO file from SPK file using 7z application

    5. Using text editor, open INFO file,
      a. At the end of file, add the following line:


      b. Copy the text value of "package" and edit the line of "dsmuidir":
          find this linepackage="AhsayOBM"
          copy textAhsayOBM
          find this line dsmuidir="ui"
          edit todsmuidir="%package%:obm/wui"
            (where %package% is replaced with the text value from the 'package' line)
            Example: dsmuidir="AhsayOBM:obm/wui"

      c. Save file

    6. Drag updated INFO file, from local disk into the 7z window (SPK file)

    7. Download and unzip following files from


    8. Still in 7z window, open conf folder, then drag to add the privilege file from local disk into SPK file.

    9. Close the modified SPK file (Save changes if prompted)

    10. As the CBS Admin, you’ll need to distribute the modified SPK to your DSM 7 users.

      NOTE: Not recommend to overwrite either %CBSHOME%/download/ , or %CBSHOME%/system/cbs/Installers/{dir}/

      (Optional Steps)
      If you will redistribute the modified SPK and need a way for your users to manually download the modified SPK, you can consider the following:

      1) Save the modified SPK (example filename: obm9-dsm7.spk) into your CBS’s path: %CBSHOME%\webapps\ROOT\obm9-dsm7.spk
        Default WindowsC:\Program Files\AhsayCBS\webapps\ROOT\obm9-dsm7.spk
        Default Linux/usr/local/cbs/webapps/ROOT/obm9-dsm7.spk
        NOTE: When upgrading to future CBS base version, you need to remove this file from circulation as it would be deemed outdated. Generate a new SPK with the newer base version.
        NOTE: For CBS sites with several branded Sub Admin, you need to save as unique filenames.
      2) Inform your users to download it from

      3) After download, they can follow normal installation procedures.

DSM 7 User:

    1. Transfer the modified SPK to your machine that will access the DSM Console.

      Example, download from

    2. Install the application with the updated SPK, follow normal installation procedures.

      NOTE: Modified SPK cannot be used on older DSM. Will fail install.

    3. Run application and perform desired actions, such as backup and restore

Addendum - Insufficient Permissions

When performing Backup or Restore, Insufficient Permissions might be encountered. For share folders, grant read (for backup) and write (for restore) permission to application, read this Document

Example simulation video


OBM, Update, Workaround, DSM, Synology, DSM7, CBS9, 9, CBS87, 8.7, 30215