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[V8] FAQ: How to perform a restore from backup data copied from CBS / mapped drive / removable drive backup storage?

Article ID: 8053
Reviewed: 2019-06-25

Product Version:
AhsayCBS / AhsayACB / AhsayOBM: 8.x
OS: Windows


This article outlines the steps to restore data for backup set with backup destination set to CBS / mapped drive / removable drive.

This is useful when the original client computer (that the data was originally backed up from) is destroyed or lost.


Refer to the following steps for details:

1. First, copy the backed up data from the backup destination to the client computer.

2. Next, configure the backup set to perform the restore.

3. Perform the restoration.

It is strongly recommended that all backup sets are configured to backup to multiple backup destinations, to provide user with data redundancy and backup / restore flexibility.


restore, decrypt, local, cloud, obs