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[V8] FAQ: How to run a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) for legacy backup set created in version 6?

Article ID: 8022
Reviewed: 2019-01-31

Product Version:
AhsayCBS: 8.1 to 8.x
OS: All platforms


After upgrading the backup server from version 6 to 8.1 or above, how do I run a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) for legacy backup set that was created in version 6?

To perform a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) for a backup set, you can use the API with the "CheckCrc" option enabled:

Note: This article assumes that the reader has basic knowledge on JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).

Parameters of

Key Type Description
SysUser String Username of AhsayCBS system account with Admin or API Role (mandatory field)
SysPwd String Password of AhsayCBS system account with Admin or API Role (mandatory field)
LoginName String Username of the corresponding backup account (mandatory field)
Owner String Owner of the corresponding backup account
BackupSetID String Backup set ID of the corresponding backup set to be rebuild
CheckCRC Boolean Enable or disable Cyclic Redundancy Check
Example API call:



Administrator can uses application such as the RESTClient (this is a 3rd party tool used as an example, you can use any other application as desired) to test on the above API call:

  1. Start the RESTClient by executing the downloaded jar file.

  2. Select POST as the HTTP method.

  3. Select the Body tab, then click the drop down menu just under it and choose String body.

  4. For the URL field, enter the following:


    Where cbs_hostname is the hostname or IP address of your AhsayCBS server.

  5. For the String body, enter the following:


    Where 'system' and 'system' is the login credentials of an AhsayCBS admin account with Admin or API role, 'username' is the login name of the corresponding backup account, '1449711651766' is the ID of the backup set to be rebuild, with CRC enabled.

  6. Click on the 'Go' button beside the URL.

The will return status as 'OK' if the CRD job is started successfully. Now, to check on the progress of a CRC job, login to AhsayCBS console, select Backup / Restore Logs:

Select Activities Log, when the rebuild job is started the following log entry can be found:

Timestamp Login Name Owner Type Message

... ... ... ...
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss username RoutineJobInfo Rebuild-username Starting single user rebuild
When the rebuild job is completed, the following log entry can be found:

Timestamp Login Name Owner Type Message

... ... ... ...
username RoutineJobInfo Rebuild-username [SingleBackupSetRebuild] Finished single backup set
rebuild. User='username' Owner='' Backup Set='BackupSet(backupset_id)'
DataSize(compressed)=size DataSize=size DataFileNo=number
RetentionSize(compressed)=size RetentionSize=size RetentionFileNo=
Note: Note that a Cyclic Redundancy Check can only be started when there is no backup job running (of the corresponding backup set).

The time taken to complete the CRC job depends on number of factors such as the number of files / folders in the backup set(s), the number of backup sets, the hardware specifications of your AhsayCBS server such as the disk I/O and CPU performance, and if there are other resource intensive jobs running.


single, user, rebuild, index, rebuilding, crc, cyclic, redundancy, check, rebuilt, backupset, set, perform