This article only applies to Ahsay software version 7
Article ID:
Product Version:
AhsayOBM: to 7.x
OS: Windows
ATTENTION 1st January, 2022: v7 officially End-of-Life [details]
When performing a MS SQL database backup, the following warning message is received in the backup report:
No. | Type | Timestamp | Log |
* | ... | ... | ... |
* | warn | YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss | Skip backing up "SQL_instance (SQL_version)\db_name" (Database does not exist) |
* | ... | ... | ... |
The message suggests that the corresponding database does not exist on the SQL server anymore.
To resolve the issue, deselect the corresponding database from the Source setting of affected backup set.
If the SQL instance instead of individual database was selected as backup source, create a Deselected Source path on the AhsayCBS web console instead.
If you want to delete the backup data of the correpsonding database from the backup destination.
Format of the deselected source path (the SQL instance name and database name must be URL encoded):
For example, for warning:
Skip backing up "W2k12R2-MSSQL2K\MSDB (SQL SERVER 12.0.5000)\DeletedDB" (Database does not exist)
The path is:
Where the hyphen (-) and backslash (\) character in the instance name were replaced by %2d and %5c respectively.
skip, skipping, skipped, db, deleted, removed, temp, mssql