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[V7] FAQ: How to recover my users.xml file from a previous backup on AhsayCBS?

Article ID: 5187
Reviewed: 2016-09-13

Product Version:
AhsayCBS: to 7.7.2.x
OS: All platforms

ATTENTION 1st January, 2022: v7 officially End-of-Life [details]


How can I recover a previous version of my users.xml file from a backup:


A copy of the user profile "users.xml" is compressed and backed up at the ${CBS_INSTALL}/conf/Backup folder automatically by AhsayCBS at 12:00 AM daily.

To recover your users.xml, extract the users.xml from a previous backup and copy it to the ${CBS_INSTALL}/conf folder.

  1. Stop the AhsayCBS service.

  2. Browse to the AhsayCBS configuration backup folder at


    Extract the users.xml file from the backup file "users.xml.YYYY-MM-DD.gz"

  3. Rename




  4. Copy the users.xml file back to the AhsayCBS configuration folder at


  5. Restart the AhsayCBS service afterward.


Users, profile, recover, users, xml