Article ID: 2323
Reviewed: 12/04/2017
Product Version:
Ahsay Software: v6.29.0.0, Pre-
This document lists the available operating systems, platforms, and applications specifically tested to be compatible with Ahsay software.
NOTE: As v6 is already end of lifecycle as of 31 December 2018, this list is no longer maintained from 31 December 2018 onwards.
Operating Systems compatible with AhsayOBS / AhsayRPS / AhsayRDR / AhsayPRD / AhsayOBM / AhsayACB (Supported Operation System List):
Note: For Operating Systems which have already been de-supported by there respective vendors, Ahsay will provide best effort support.
Applications and Database compatible with AhsayOBM (Supported Applications and Database List):
Note: For applications which have already been de-supported by there respective vendors, Ahsay will provide best effort support.
Operating Systems or Applications and Database planned for support in future version (Planned Support List):
Supported, Version, Platforms, OS, Operating, System, Client, Support