====== First Tier Support Script ====== \\ ===== License Verification ===== \\ ==== Check if the provided license information is valid. ==== ---- ==== Answer) License information is valid ==== Take note of the following items from the [[https://lic.ahsay.com/als/support/list.do|Ahsay License Server]]: * Support ExpDate * ALMP Status * OBS Version * OS * CBS Confirm if the **Support ExpDate** is past the current date. Continue to the Next Step. ---- ==== Answer) License information is invalid ==== Reply to the ticket with the following pre-define, to request for the license info again before proceeding: __**Pre-define**__ \\ The license information provided in your previous email is invalid, could you please provide us with your Licensee Name / License Key for us to further assist you? Await for customer's response. ---- ==== Answer) No license (potential partner) ==== Question from potential partner is handled by the pre-sales team. Pass the ticket to sales by: - Change the Ticket Owner from yourself to Unassigned, and change the Department to Partners. - Flag the ticket to Yellow. - Add Ticket Note, describing that the customer is a potential partner with no purchased license. Await for the ticket to be passed back from sales (after a license is purchased).