====== v9.1.4.0 Release Notes (06-May-2022) ====== **1. We have recently confirmed a critical issue that affecting legacy customer with v7 or v8 Backup Sets, who upgrade to Ahsay v9. Refer to [[public:announcement:ahsay_upgrade_advisory_33940|Upgrade Advisory #33940]] for more information. \\ ** ==== Limitation / Known Issue of This Version ==== === Deployment / Upgrade === *For multi-domain SSL certificates added to CBS before v7.17.0.30, users are required to re-add the SSL certificates to CBS v7.17.0.30 or above, before the certificates can be used on sub-admins accounts. ==== Note ==== *1. Besides the availability of re-branding option, the license key must have valid maintenance in order to build any v9 branded AhsayCBS/OBM/ACB installer. *2. Starting in v9.1.4.0, Office 365 modules will be renamed to Microsoft 365. This release contains the major features listed below: ===== Enhancement ===== === CloudFile Backup === * OBC, CBS - Support root folder selection for Cloud File backup set (ref: T-15232) === Application specific Backup - Hyper-V === * OBM - Support of Hyper-V Server 2022 (ref: T-33872) === General / Miscellaneous === * OBC - Add Reminder for Backup when last backup is over tolerance period (ref: T-33385) === Index === * OBC, CBS - Enhanced Index File handling Logic - Index Files archive & generation + Checksum verification (ref: T-34094) ===== Bug Fix ===== === File Backup === * OBM - File Backup keeps crashing (ref: T-33787, T-33815) * OBM - File Backup "Failed to initiate multipart upload for file" error when uploading index files to Storage destination (ref: T-33794, T-34279) * OBM - File Backup encountered error Failed to access destination "xx". Reason="[S3CompatibleManager.getAllBuckets] Failed to list all buckets (ref: T-33930) * OBM - File Backup gets error="java.io.IOException: [DeltaFileGenerator.emitUnit] [DeltaUnitQueue.offer] timeout happen when operate delta unit" (ref: T-33551) * OBM - File Backup encounters "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1024" error when backing up EFS encrypted files (ref: T-33947) * OBM - File Backup gets ConcurrentModificationException error (ref: T-34238) * OBM - File Backup gets error=org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_FULL] Insertion failed because database is full (database or disk is full) when index file reaches ~100MB (ref: T-34073) === Backup Destination === * ACB - Backup to Predefined Destination can still run when quota exceeded (ref: T-33902) * OBM - Backup gets error "Failed to check integrity of destination "-xxxxxxxxxxxxx". Error: "[h] No destination found for destination ID -1"" (ref: T-33729) * OBC - Backup reported the destination is running out of space which is incorrect (ref: T-33658) * OBC - Failed to create backup set with SFTP destination (ref: T-34074) * CBS - When adding predefined destination (FTP) in CBS, error returned "Failed to initialize FTPClient. Error='{1}'" (ref: T-33912) === Application specific Backup - Microsoft365 === * CBS - No snapshot shown on the Restore GUI when restoring the SharePoint backup (ref: T-33789) * CBS - Microsoft365 Backup gets error "[CloudException.LoginFailedExpt] Failed to login to cloud service with the credentials provided." (ref: T-33502) * CBS - SharePoint restore has restored files corrupted (ref: T-34004) * CBS - Microsoft365 Restore getting empty restore interface (ref: T-33956) * CBS - Selected Backup source cannot show on UI properly (ref: T-34124) * CBS - Microsoft365 Backup gets error="java.io.IOException: [SharedBlockOutputStream.write] File cannot use SharedBlockOutputStream" (ref: T-34220) * CBS - DIC gets error="Failed to check integrity of destination... Err=[SQLITE_CORRUPT] The database disk image is malformed (database disk image is malformed)" (ref: T-34290) * CBS - Microsoft365 Backup consumed high memory usage, getting OutOfMemory error or killed by kernel (ref: T-34323) * CBS, OBC - Microsoft365 Backup keeps re-uploading data and warn Fail to open '%backupsetID%/blocks/%date%\index.db.xx.yy.zz.cgz'. Error='Not in GZIP format' (ref: T-33949, T-33854) * CBS, OBC - Outlook & SharePoint Backup wrongly recognise all files updated (ref: T-33823) === Application specific backup - MS Exchange Mail === * OBM - Exchange Mail-Level Backup gets error="Error=com.ahsay.afc.cloud.e: [EwsManager.init.CloudCache.listDirectFromCloud] Unexpected Throwable" (ref: T-33476) * OBM - Exchange Mail-Level Backup gets error="java.io.IOException: There is other process using the file .. since the file size has been reduced. RawReadSize=x RawFileSize=y (ref: T-34084) * OBM - Exchange DAG Mail-Level Backup gets error="java.io.IOException: There is other process using the file .. since the file size has been reduced (ref: T-34122) * OBM - Exchange Mail-Level scheduled Backup gets error="[CloudBacko.ErrorStream] [MSExMessageExpt] Initialize MAPI instance fail" (ref: T-33927) === Application specific backup - MS Exchange Server === * OBM - Exchange Server DAG Backup runs much longer time and took much space on v9 (ref: T-33676) * OBM - Exchange Server Log Backup encountered "No *.edb found in backup data ..." and upload the full file of Database (ref: T-34106) * OBM - Exchange Server Backup gets "No *.chk found for database" error (ref: T-34211) * OBM - Exchange Server Backup reupload full file of Database after a successful backup (ref: T-34261, T-34308) * OBM - Exchange Server DAG Backup gets "Database does not exist " error (ref: T-34297) === Application specific backup - MSSQL === * OBM - Fail to restore MSSQL backup with "erro,"Backup file is corrupt (Full File "%Path%" not exist) (ref: T-33820) * OBM - Restore getting data corrupted error (ref: T-34115, T34128, T34208) === Applicaction specific backup - MySQL === * OBM - MySQL raw file Restore failed with error [PostRestoreMySQLTask.run] Path=%Path%\xxx.sql Error= null (ref: T-34003) === Application specific Backup - Hyper-V === * OBM - Hyper-V Backup to local destination getting java.io.IOException Error= The system cannot find the file specified (ref: T-33801) * OBM - Hyper-V Backup gets error "java.io.IOException: [isRCTEnabled][OpenVirtualDisk] path= "xxx\yy\zz.AVHDX", Error The system cannot find the file specified" (ref: T-33642) * OBM - Hyper-V Backup encountered java.io.IOException: Error The system cannot find the file specified (ref: T-33850) * OBM - Hyper-V Restored VM cannot boot due to restored disks corrupted (ref: T-33538) * OBM - Hyper-V Backup encountered error "java.io.IOException: Failed to insert File Block" (ref: T-33973) * OBM - Hyper-V Failover Cluster Backup gets RCT unsupported warning (ref: T-33974, T-34048, T-34080) * OBM - Hyper-V Backup encountered error "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.ahsay.afc.microsoft.MSVMManager.startShadowCopy" (ref: T-33990) * OBM - Hyper-V Backup encountered error "java.io.IOException: Failed to insert File Block" (ref: T-34237) * OBM - When creating Hyper-V Backupsets, No guest VM shown on Backup Source Selection UI (ref: T-34325) === Application specific Backup - VMWare === * OBM - VMWare Backup error Failed to list from root/host folder (ref: T-33813) * OBM - VMware Backup stuck when counting the deduplication size of backup data. (ref: T-33931) * OBM - VMWare Backup gets error "java.io.IOException: VDDK delta is broken" (ref: T-33875) * OBM - VMWare Backup gets error "Abort due to constraint violation (FOREIGN KEY constraint failed)" (ref: T-34153) * OBM - VMWare Backup gets error ""Backup Failed. Virtual Machine="Datacenter/VMware vCenter Server Appliance" Reason=Exception caught trying to invoke method." (ref: T-34098) * OBM - VMWare Restore gets error "Throwable=[U] Fail to connect VM disk by VDDK library. Error=Unknown error" (ref: T-34116) === Index === * OBM - Data Integrity Check stuck at saving results (ref: T-34029) * OBM - Retention Area does not clear (ref: T-34061) * OBC - Index Files in Temporary Directory does not rotate (ref: T-34288, T-34306) === General / Miscellaneous === * CBS - New Predefined Destination overwritten an existing Predefined Destination (Destination ID being taken by the new destination) (ref: T-33686) * CBS - Restore from Auto Save not bundle branding after CBS upgraded from v8.5, to 9.1 (ref: T-33625) * CBS - Removed Storage Destination still shown on Backup User Profile Page (ref: T-34024) * CBS - CBS Statistic misaligned with actual Data Usage (ref: T-34163) * OBM - Backup encountered error v6 data migration for destination "CBS" of backup set "%Backup_Set% is not completed when running Space Freeing up (ref: T-33653) * OBM - Could not deselect the files from Backup Source, gets warning "[MiniUtil_CloudFile_Backup.listRelatedNext] Warning: skipping duplicate found ..." (ref: T-34022) === Restore / Decrypt === * OBM - Restore failed with error Data corruption is detected for 'xx\yy\zz.bak'. Reason = Un-expected data block range (ref: T-33895) * OBM - System State Restore encountered error "No volume containing a backup was found (ref: T-33874) * OBM - Restore gets "The specified path was not found" error when restoring from "ALL Files" option (ref: T-34039, T-34099, T-34058) * OBM - Restore gets error "Data corruption is detected for... Reason = Un-expected data block range (ref: T-34247, T-34305) === Replication === * CBS - Replication does not replication files under "CBS\conf" (ref: T-34056) === System Maintenance === * CBS - CBS consumed high system resources usage and not responding to Update Backup Set operation timely (ref: T-33991) * CBS - CBS failed to upload Auto Save - Unknown Error [NullPointerException] null (ref: T-34303) * OBM - OBM gets "bad gateway error" when saving backupsets configuration (ref: T-34016) * OBM - Application crashes on WinUtil64.dll when backing up large size job (ref: T-34190) * CBS, OBC - Refined Deduplication Logics for Appended Files (ref: T-34035, T-34264) Product Abbrieviation: * AhsayACB - ACB \\ * AhsayOBM - OBM \\ * AhsayCBS - CBS \\ * AhsayACB & AhsayOBM - OBC \\ * (AhsayMobile) Mobile Backup Server - MBS