====== v8.5.2.62 Release Notes (05-Jul-2021) ====== **1. We have recently confirmed a critical issue that affecting v8.5.2.33. Refer to our latest Upgrade Advisory: [[http://wiki.ahsay.com/doku.php?id=public:announcement:ahsay_upgrade_advisory_30957]] for more information. \\ ** **2. You are recommended to upgrade to this version if the enhancements or the bug fixes listed below are beneficial to you. Otherwise, you may stay with your current version. All users are recommended to first test running this release on a testing server before actually upgrading the production servers.** ==== Limitation / Known Issue of This Version ==== === Deployment / Upgrade === *For multi-domain SSL certificates added to CBS before v7.17.0.30, users are required to re-add the SSL certificates to CBS v7.17.0.30 or above, before the certificates can be used on sub-admins accounts. ==== Note ==== *1. Besides the availability of re-branding option, the license key must have valid maintenance in order to build any v8 branded AhsayCBS/OBM/ACB installer. *2. If you've customized cbs.css in the previous version, please manually redo the CSS customization upon upgraded to this latest version. This release contains the major features listed below: ===== Enhancement ===== ==== AhsayCBS ==== === API === * New API "AddPolicyGroup.do" to create Policy Group (ref: GTT-396-28828, RBY-243-78768, SJN-124-10153, T-17161) * New API “AddPolicyGroupToUserGroup.do” to assign Policy Group to User Group (ref: GTT-396-28828, RBY-243-78768, SJN-124-10153, T-17161) * New API "AddPredefinedDestination.do" to create Predefined Destination (ref: SJN-124-10153, TGR-615-63221, T-17162) * API Update "ListBackupSets.do" support to list all backupsets detail with single request (ref: T-30951) * API Update "UpdateSysUser.do" support to update System User Status (ref: T-30635) === Customization === * Option to hide the "Free Trial Login" in Customization (ref: BEV-441-27838, WBU-952-12119, T-30848) * Option to hide "Save Password" Option in Customization (ref: T-21733) === Operating systems === * Support CBS on Ubuntu 21.04 (ref: T-30760) * Support CBS on FreeBSD 13 (ref: T-30762) === Reporting / Email Report === * When Backup & Restore PDF Report failed to deliver to receipient due to SMTP attachment size limitation, remove the attachment and deliver a Download Link in Email report (ref: QIZ-478-51245, T-30888) * Hide Cloud Storage information (Cloud Provider name, part of access key and bucket name) for Predefined Destination in Backup Quota exceeded reminder (ref: FFG-917-89662, PVN-412-16263, T-16953) ==== AhsayOBM / AhsayACB / AhsayMobile ==== === Operating Systems === * Support OBM on Ubuntu 21.04 (ref: T-30761) * Support OBM on FreeBSD 13 (ref: T-30763) ===== Bug Fix ===== === Application Specific backup - Cloud File === * OBC - File name in Hebrew, when listing in FTP Backup Source show garbled (ref: DNQ-763-34141, T-31026) === Application specific backup - MS Exchange Mail === * OBM - Exchange 2019 Mail level backup cannot start after installing CU8/9 & Hafnium patch (ref: IXH-259-29032, T-30707) === Application specific backup - Office365 === * CBS, OBC - Backup encountered error "File: %Backup_File_Path%\%.bak" NOT Found (ref: WNN-742-41273, T-31081) * CBS, OBC - Backup gets error "[CloudFileSystem.createFile] Parent directory 'Office 365/Users/xxx' does not exist" after changing email address (ref: VRY-889-36821, T-30811) * CBS, OBC - Backup gets error "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space + multiple "Connection pool shut down"" errors after upgraded to v8.5.2.33 (ref: CUS-872-42392, HPE-198-35665, PPG-879-38672, T-31013) * CBS, OBC - Routine Job error "Failed to update refresh token of Office 365 Backup Source" is hit 90 days after the last successful scheduled job (ref: T-30280) === File backup === * OBC - File Backup gets error "[SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (near "s": syntax error)" (ref: YXQ-191-65502, T-31109) * OBC - File Backup keeps reuploading files in Full on subsequent jobs (ref: YBD-582-65572, T-31181) * OBC - OBC gets error "The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file" after VSS is created (ref: T-28384) * OBC - File backup Gets error "File: %Backup_File_Path%\%.bak" NOT Found. (ref: KEM-721-11495, TSJ-255-85262, T-31063) * OBC - File backup will reupload all files as updated file on macOS (ref: DGE-240-29286, T-31010) * OBC - If VSS is enabled and the root drive is selected as backup source in Windows environment, no file backed up in backup jobs (ref: PRJ-576-41123, RVL-148-38721, T-30957, [[public:announcement:ahsay_upgrade_advisory_30957|Upgrade Advisory]]) * OBC - File backup encounter error SQLite "OutOfMemory" when opening index file during backup (ref: T-30891) === Restore / Decrypt === * OBM - File Backup restore gets error "[ChunkedInputStream.ReadChunkTask.run] Size of downloaded chunk is different from chunk size in index" (ref: HHG-529-22643, IKD-486-58470, T-30274) * OBM - VMWare vCenter 6.7 Restore gets error "Failed to obtain symlink target for bfSymLink='[BackupFile][Version=10130]" (ref: T-30323) === Group Feature / Reseller Panel === * CBS - With Policy Group disabled showing OpenDirect, OpenDirect still being shown when creating the backupset from the "Backup" button (ref: CYQ-221-12190, T-31060) === Synology / QNAP OBM === * OBM - When launching OBM on QNAP, gets error "WUI service is not running" (ref: ZTO-199-42085, T-30966) === Operating Systems === * OBM - File Backup on Linux stuck randomly when system restricted paths are selected in backup source (ref: FDG-964-56020, T-31148) * OBC - macOS schedule backup does not start automatically (ref: DMS-331-19434, DXQ-437-26511, GWA-919-54747, T-31016) === Replication === * CBS - Replication to Azure keep failing on the same files before getting it uploaded, massive amount of failure message logged (ref: FUA-672-31058, T-30459) === Reporting / Email report === * CBS - Backup runs in French shows "{0}" and "{1}" in the backup logs and backup reports (ref: SLP-544-50249, T-31095) === System maintenance === * CBS - Outdated System logs are not zipped and move to archive folder (ref: AKD-441-88356, T-31054) * CBS - Tomcat issue caused CBS Server get 100% CPU usage (ref: T-30963, [[public:announcement:ahsay_upgrade_advisory_30963|Upgrade Advisory]]) * CBS - CBS shortcut on Windows Desktop cannot startup CBS Web Console on browser (ref: ZYK-732-36409, T-31073) * CBS - RDR identifies server as a NAS and stopped server due to "RDR JVM Royalty module is not enabled. License Error." (ref: SQT-414-38425, T-31035) Product Abbrieviation: * AhsayACB - ACB \\ * AhsayOBM - OBM \\ * AhsayCBS - CBS \\ * AhsayACB & AhsayOBM - OBC \\ * (AhsayMobile) Mobile Backup Server - MBS