====== v8.5.2.106 Release Notes (09-Aug-2021) ====== **1. We have recently confirmed a critical issue that affecting Windows File Backup on v8.5.2.33 - v8.5.2.88. Refer to our latest Upgrade Advisory: [[http://wiki.ahsay.com/doku.php?id=public:announcement:ahsay_upgrade_advisory_31552]] for more information. \\ ** **2. You are recommended to upgrade to this version if the enhancements or the bug fixes listed below are beneficial to you. Otherwise, you may stay with your current version. All users are recommended to first test running this release on a testing server before actually upgrading the production servers.** ==== Limitation / Known Issue of This Version ==== === Deployment / Upgrade === *For multi-domain SSL certificates added to CBS before v7.17.0.30, users are required to re-add the SSL certificates to CBS v7.17.0.30 or above, before the certificates can be used on sub-admins accounts. ==== Note ==== *1. Besides the availability of re-branding option, the license key must have valid maintenance in order to build any v8 branded AhsayCBS/OBM/ACB installer. *2. If you've customized cbs.css in the previous version, please manually redo the CSS customization upon upgraded to this latest version. This release contains the major features listed below: ===== Enhancement ===== ==== AhsayCBS ==== === Security === * Upgrade Bundled Tomcat to v8.5.69 (ref: T-31455) ==== AhsayOBM / AhsayACB / AhsayMobile ==== === File Backup === * Support File Backup with Shortcut Path even if the Windows Authentication Credential is changed (ref: T-30787) * Better handling when backing up Broken Symbolic Link (ref: DHY-356-20972, KCC-895-78564, T-31106) * Enhanced <=32MB Block File upload logic for AWS S3 Compatible Storage (ref:T-31578) ===== Bug Fix ===== === Application Specific backup - Cloud File === * OBM - CloudFile Backup gets error "Failed to login to S3Compatible ... caused by javax.net.ssl.SSLException" upon creating CTYun backupset (ref: T-30992) === Application specific backup - MS Exchange (Mail-Level) === * OBM - Exchange Mail-Level DAG Backup encounters "No buffer space available (maximum connections reached)" (ref: XQJ-567-50283, T-31338) * OBM - Exchange Mail-Level Backup gets error "ParseError at [row,col]:[13379,54] Message: Underlying input stream returned zero bytes" error (ref: XQJ-567-50283, T-31500) * OBM - Exchange Mail-Level Backup gets error "exception: javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException: ParseError at [row,col]:[1,1]\nMessage: Prematuend of file (ref: DQX-601-36017, T-31366) === Application specific backup - Office365 === * CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup gets error "[CloudFileSystem.createFile] Parent directory %File_Path% does not exist (ref: PGO-837-92811, T-31316) * CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup slow and get error "Fail to process...Reason=com.independentsoft.share.as:ParseError at [row,col]:[xx,yy] Message: Connection reset" (ref: TNQ-909-48924, XUR-806-20086, T-31493) * CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup gets error "Fail to process '... Reason=com.independentsoft.share.as: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object." (ref: VVX-418-67002, T-31457) * CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup gets error "ExportItems has error on the writing thread. Message='Connection reset' After 5 retries". (ref: IQL-440-79715, T-31365) * CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup job stuck for hours after log entry "All selected pending task done - $Path" (ref: CUS-872-42392, KWS-826-90410, UQL-736-98569, WBI-167-69451, YLM-303-27842, T-31426) * CBS, OBC - Cannot backup from a user's Exchange Online, shows "does not exist" warning (ref: OGU-261-76393, T-31588) * CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup gets error "Fail to process '... Reason=com.independentsoft.share.as: ParseError at [row,col]:[145,8400] Message: Character reference "&#" (ref: DAM-998-75366, KOB-518-83399, ONZ-956-55823, QTL-696-16254, SSQ-522-73585, VDJ-718-10630, VZG-390-59608, T-31291) * CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup gets error "[SQLITE_CANTOPEN] Unable to open the database file (unable to open database file)" (ref: LTW-739-13683, T-31178) * CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup gets error "Cannot write the value 'null' in raw format." (ref: VUS-448-49576, T-31182) * CBS, OBC - Office365 Backup Set creation gets stuck at testing stage (ref: EMJ-175-57975, T-31150) * CBS, OBC - Outlook backup with Exchange Online Plan 1 fail due to SharePoint inaccessible (ref: BSH-262-31827, PBU-748-11438, T-30912) === File backup === * ACB - File Backup on macOS gets error "[BackupFileCmd.uploadBackupFiles][java.lang.NullPointerException] Error=[NullPointerException] null" (ref: HLY-210-49485, XHS-975-12583, XKF-644-33867, YEO-492-96453, T-31545) * OBM - File Backup to AWS S3 Compatible storage gets error "[S3CompatibleService.methodExecuteConsumeEntity] Retry after 60 seconds" (ref: T-31619) * OBM - When Linux OBM completed listing file and file removed before OBM attempts to backup the file, warn "path ... does not exist" logged (ref: T-26451) * OBC - Backup from network drive with ~240k files & directories requires ~1-2 days to scan the source (ref: NVB-849-64217, T-31153) * OBC - File backup gets error "Failed to list "\\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1255..." error (ref: BCP-184-66719, FYW-237-63792, KBG-623-44888, RLE-863-59513, UCA-756-15014, UMB-877-70764, YFQ-715-32072, T-31502) * OBC - Application crash when listing folders/files with Path Length > 260 characters (ref: JJJ-144-96660, WDD-739-16879, T-31637) === Restore / Decrypt === * OBM - File restore has some files/folders missing though restore job reported success (ref: VJC-879-82108, T-31629) * OBM - Data Decrypt gets error "[ABlock.parse] Cannot parse file, ...CloudSetTree.bdb ... has been closed already" (ref: WSI-302-40498, ZRN-590-30318, T-31261) * OBM - Application not responsive from mounted virtual disk during Hyper-V Granular Restore (ref: IUD-947-71359, T-31252) * OBM - Restore Dialogue is empty from mounted disk during Hyper-V Granular Restore (ref: MYH-375-37158, T-31322) * OBM - Exchange Mail-Level Restore gets error "[SecurityException] [createDir] (3) The system cannot find the path specified" (ref: OFO-107-80264, T-31598) === Operating Systems === * ACB - Customized ACB gets warning "Please grant full disk access to "$BRANDED_ACB_NAME" to avoid unexpected backup fail." even granted full disk access (ref: YDA-194-85884, T-31413) === System maintenance === * CBS - User data being lost after using the "Move user home to" feature to move user to new user home (ref: ESK-962-56180, T-31286) === Translation === * OBC - Correct the word 'obsolete' in Space Freeing Up for Danish translation (ref: UQG-788-95956, T-31241) Product Abbrieviation: * AhsayACB - ACB \\ * AhsayOBM - OBM \\ * AhsayCBS - CBS \\ * AhsayACB & AhsayOBM - OBC \\ * (AhsayMobile) Mobile Backup Server - MBS