====== Appendix B: Restore Activities Log ====== The information below demonstrates how you can verify the restoration activities log between the AhsayOBM and the Microsoft Exchange Server. To verify the restoration activities log, open both the Restore Report in AhsayOBM and the Event Viewer in the Microsoft Exchange Server. ===== Opening Restore Report in AhsayOBM ===== 1. Open AhsayOBM, then click the **Report** icon on the main interface page. 2. Click the Restore option on the left, then click the restore report you want to verify on the right. Click the **View Log** button to show all the restoration activities log.\\ {{public:documents_and_guides:v8:obm:microsoft-exchange-database:appendixb1.png}}\\ {{public:documents_and_guides:v8:obm:microsoft-exchange-database:appendixb2.png}} ===== Opening Event Viewer in Microsoft Exchange Server ===== 1. Right-click the Start menu button on the bottom left corner in the Exchange Server, then click on Event Viewer.\\ {{public:documents_and_guides:v8:obm:microsoft-exchange-database:appendixb3.png}} 2. When the Event Viewer is opened, click **Windows Log** on the left to expand the menu tree, then select **Application**. All Application activities logs are shown on the right now.\\ {{public:documents_and_guides:v8:obm:microsoft-exchange-database:appendixb4.png}} ===== Cross-checking activities log on AhsayOBM Restore Report and Exchange Server Event Viewer ===== Each restoration action item initiated by AhsayOBM represented by individual activity log in the Restore Report in AhsayOBM, and the corresponding action taking place in the Exchange Server is shown in the Event Viewer as well. There are 5 major parts that takes place during the database restoration progress as shown below. {{public:documents_and_guides:v8:obm:microsoft-exchange-database:appendixb5.png}}