====== AhsayCBS v8.5.2 New Features ====== \\ ===== Mobile Backup Relocation ===== AhsayOBM/AhsayACB v8.5.2.0 and above now relocate the Mobile Backup feature from **Profile** to the **Settings** module. {{public:documents_and_guides:feasibility:mbr1.png?900}} \\ These are the screens before and after the relocation of Mobile Backup from Profile to Settings module. **Pre-v8.5.2.0**\\ **Example:** AhsayOBM for Windows – Mobile Backup on Profile module\\ {{public:documents_and_guides:feasibility:mbr2.png?500}} **v8.5.2.0 or above**\\ **Example:** AhsayOBM for Windows – Mobile Backup on Settings module\\ {{public:documents_and_guides:feasibility:mbr3.png?500}} **Example:** AhsayOBM/AhsayACB v8.5.2.0 or above on macOS\\ {{public:documents_and_guides:feasibility:mbr4.png?500}}