====== AhsayCBS v8.5.2 New Features ====== \\ ===== AhsayCBS Download Page ===== With the release of AhsayCBS v8.5.2.0 and above, the layout of the installer download page has been improved for better clarity with the supported installer type listed. For example: macOS AhsayOBM/AhsayACB installers will now show “DMG online installer” and “TAR GZ offline installer” instead of only showing “Download (Online)” and “Download (Offline)” which can be seen in AhsayCBS pre-v8.5.2.0. ==== AhsayCBS Download Page New Layout ==== **NOTE:** The AhsayCBS and AhsayUBS tabs are only displayed after logging into the AhsayCBS web console using an admin or read only admin account type. By default, when clients access the download page only the AhsayOBM, AhsayACB, Mobile, and Restore tabs are visible. === AhsayOBM === {{public:documents_and_guides:obmdl.png?650}} === AhsayACB === {{public:documents_and_guides:acbdl.png?650}} === Mobile === {{public:documents_and_guides:mobiledl.png?650}} === Restore === {{public:documents_and_guides:restoredl.png?650}} === AhsayCBS === {{public:documents_and_guides:cbsdl.png?650}} === AhsayUBS === {{public:documents_and_guides:ubsdl.png?650}} ==== AhsayCBS Download Page Customization ==== New style-id for the different tabs and platforms with corresponding tab count enable the users to hide the tabs, platform, or installer links without any trouble. The download page can be customized to hide/show, * the following tabs: AhsayOBM, AhsayACB, Mobile, Restore, AhsayCBS, AhsayUBS. * the operating system in each tab, for example only show AhsayOBM/AhsayACB installers for Windows. **LIMITATION:** The customization for hide/show of individual installer download links is currently not supported. The download page customization can be done by editing the cbs.css file with a text editor which is located **$APPLICATION_HOME\webapps\cbs\include** folder. The default path for AhsayCBS running on: * Windows is **C:\Program Files\AhsayCBS\webapps\cbs\include** * Linux/FreeBSD is **/usr/local/cbs/webapps/cbs/include** * AhsayUBS is **/ubs/mnt/esfmfw/obsr/system/obsr/webapps/cbs/include** **List of tabs, tab-counts, platforms, and style-ids of the download links for mapping ** {{public:documents_and_guides:dlcustomization.png}} **Example:** Setting for hiding the "Mobile" download tab. **[name=ShowDownloadIndexBean] div > ul > li:nth-of-type(3) { display:none; }** {{public:documents_and_guides:dlcustmobile.png?600}} **Example:** Setting for hiding the AhsayOBM macOS tile. **#download-obm-mac {display:none;}** {{public:documents_and_guides:dlcustobmmac.png?600}} **Example:** Setting for hiding the AhsayOBM DMG online installer and TAR GZ offline installer links for macOS but the leaving the macOS tile visible. **#download-obm-mac .download-link-div {display:none;}** {{public:documents_and_guides:dlcustobmdmg.png?600}} {{public:documents_and_guides:dlcustomizationtable.png}} \\ === How to hide the download tab === **Example:** Hiding the “Mobile” download tab on AhsayCBS v8.5.2.0 and above on Windows. - Go to **$APPLICATION_HOME\webapps\cbs\include** folder.\\ Example: **C:\Program Files\AhsayCBS\webapps\cbs\include**\\ {{public:documents_and_guides:hidedltab.png?600}} - Open the **cbs.css** and add this line: **[name=ShowDownloadIndexBean] div > ul > li:nth-of-type(3) { display:none; }** then save.\\ {{public:documents_and_guides:hidedlcbscss.png?550}} - Restart the AhsayCBS service.\\ {{public:documents_and_guides:cbsservice.png?600}} - Clear your browsers cache. - This is the before and after of hiding the Mobile tab.\\ **BEFORE**\\ {{public:documents_and_guides:mobilebefore.png?600}}\\ **AFTER**\\ {{public:documents_and_guides:mobileafter.png?600}} \\ === How to hide the download platform and installer links === **Example:** Hiding the AhsayOBM macOS tile on AhsayCBS v8.5.2.0 and above on Windows. - Go to **$APPLICATION_HOME\webapps\cbs\include** folder.\\ Example: **C:\Program Files\AhsayCBS\webapps\cbs\include**\\ {{public:documents_and_guides:hidedltab.png?600}} - Open the **cbs.css** and add this line: **#download-obm-mac {display:none;}** then save.\\ {{public:documents_and_guides:hidedlcbscss2.png}} - Restart the AhsayCBS service.\\ {{public:documents_and_guides:cbsservice.png?600}} - Clear your browsers cache. - This is the before and after of hiding the Mobile tab.\\ **BEFORE**\\ {{public:documents_and_guides:macbefore.png?600}}\\ **AFTER**\\ {{public:documents_and_guides:macafter.png?600}} \\ === How to hide the download installer links === **Example:** Hiding the AhsayOBM DMG online installer and TAR GZ offline installer links for macOS but leaving the macOS tile visible on AhsayCBS v8.5.2.0 and above on Windows. - Go to **$APPLICATION_HOME\webapps\cbs\include** folder.\\ Example: **C:\Program Files\AhsayCBS\webapps\cbs\include**\\ {{public:documents_and_guides:hidedltab.png?600}} - Open the **cbs.css** and add this line: **#download-obm-mac .download-link-div {display:none;} ** then save.\\ {{public:documents_and_guides:hidedlcbscss3.png}} - Restart the AhsayCBS service.\\ {{public:documents_and_guides:cbsservice.png?600}} - Clear your browsers cache. - This is the before and after of hiding the Mobile tab.\\ **BEFORE**\\ {{public:documents_and_guides:macdlbefore.png?600}}\\ **AFTER**\\ {{public:documents_and_guides:macdlafter.png?600}}