===== [V7] ISSUE: ‘curl: not found File does not exist’ error when installing AhsayOBM v7 on Linux or FreeBSD using CLI =====
^ Article ID ^ Reviewed ^ AhsayOBM/AhsayACB ^ Operating System ^
| 5230 | 2017-01-23 | to 7.x | Linux/Unix |
1st January, 2022: v7 officially End-of-Life [details]
===== Problem Description: =====
When performing an AhsayOBM installation on Linux or FreeBSD on CLI using the script installer following error is shown:
# sh obm-nix-443-
Log Time: Fri Jan 20 19:38:56 HKT 2017
Downloading package app-common.tar.gz...
obm-nix-443- curl: not found
File does not exist
Failed to download component files.
Error in downloading files, installer will terminate
===== Cause: =====
The ‘curl’ software package is not installed on the Linux/FreeBSD machine. As the AhsayOBM v7 installation script on Linux/FreeBSD requires the ‘curl’ package to download the software components from the AhsayCBS server.
**Note:** Other dependencies include 'tar' package and 'rpm' package (for AhsayOBM rpm installation)
===== Resolution: =====
Install the ‘curl’ package on the Linux/FreeBSD machine and run the AhsayOBM installation script again.
===== Keywords:=====
Linux, Unix, FreeBSD, CLI, AhsayOBM, curl, tar, rpm, install, CLI, script, not found, terminate