===== [V8] ISSUE: OBM crash during VMware backup ? ===== Article ID: 8135
Reviewed: 2021-12-24

Product Version:
AhsayOBM: 8.x ===== Description ===== OBM crash during VMware backup, often can be due to problematic snapshot that remained on the VM machine. OBM will crash if it attempts to access those problem snapshots.

The error OBM may display is "Problematic: frame" or your VMware web management client may have warning "Virtual Machine disks consolidation is needed"

===== Solution ===== Clean up all snapshots and consolidate the disk for the VM machine:

1) Refer to the following instruction:

2) On the page, choose your "Selected product version" corresponding to your environment

3) Follow the procedure outlined in the article.

4) Run the backup job again.

===== Keywords ===== OBM, vmware, crash, vmbackup, vmwarebackup, obmcrash