===== [V7] ISSUE: No appenders could be found for logger (warning in debug log during a scheduled backup / when running AhsayOBM scripts on Linux platforms) ===== Article ID: 5207
Reviewed: 2016-10-14

Product Version:
AhsayOBM: to 7.x
OS: Linux ATTENTION 1st January, 2022: v7 officially End-of-Life [details] ===== Problem Description ===== When performing a scheduled backup, or running a AhsayOBM script on Linux CLI (command-line interface), the following warning messages are received in the debug.log or on the terminal:

Using APP_HOME : /usr/local/obm
Running Backup Set - 'Backupset Name' ...
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.http.impl.conn.PoolingClientConnectionManager).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for more info.

The above warnings are example when running the RunBackupSet.sh script.

The issue will also affect other AhsayOBM scripts such as RunDataIntegrityCheck.sh, RunBackupSet.sh, RunConfigurator.sh, Restore.sh ... etc. ===== Cause ===== This is a known issue with AhsayOBM installation on Linux operating system platforms. ===== Resolution ===== The warning messages can be safely ignored.

The corresponding operations (e.g. backup, restore, data integrity check, configurator setup) are not affected by the warning. ===== Keywords ===== warning, appenders, logger, RunDataIntegrityCheck.sh, RunBackupSet.sh, RunConfigurator.sh, Restore.sh, RunDataIntegrityCheck, RunBackupSet, RunConfigurator