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public:resources:release_notes_v8340 [2020/07/06 15:15]
— (current)
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-====== v8.3.4.0 Release Notes (TBC) ====== 
-**You are recommended to upgrade to this version if the enhancements or the bug fixes listed below are beneficial to you. Otherwise, you may stay with your current version. All users are recommended to first test running this release on a testing server before actually upgrading the production servers.** ​ 
-This release contains the major features listed below: 
-===== Enhancement ===== 
-<WRAP indent> 
-==== AhsayCBS ==== 
-<WRAP indent> 
-=== Operating systems === 
-=== System maintenance === 
-==== AhsayOBM / AhsayACB ==== 
-<WRAP indent> 
-=== General / Miscellaneous === 
-=== Application specific backup - MS Exchange Mail === 
-=== Application specific backup - VMware === 
-=== Deployment === 
-=== Operating Systems === 
-==== AhsayUBS ==== 
-===== Bug Fix ===== 
-<WRAP indent> 
-=== General / Miscellaneous === 
-=== Restore / Decrypt === 
-=== API === 
-=== Application specific backup - Hyper-V === 
-=== Application specific backup - MS Exchange Mail === 
-=== Application specific backup - MS Exchange Server === 
-=== Application specific backup - MS SQL Server === 
-=== Application specific backup - Office365 === 
-=== Application specific backup - Others === 
-=== Application specific backup - VMware === 
-=== Auto upgrade agent === 
-=== Backup Destination === 
-=== Customization === 
-=== File backup === 
-=== Group feature / Reseller panel === 
-=== Index === 
-=== License / Billing module === 
-=== Replication === 
-=== Reporting / Email report === 
-=== Security === 
-=== Server Crash === 
-=== Synology / QNAP OBM === 
-=== System maintenance === 
-=== User experiences === 
public/resources/release_notes_v8340.1594019754.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/06 15:15 by ronnie.chan

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